My esteemed colleague, James Creelman “linked”  that strategy and risk are on the same side of a coin, and I agreed with him 100%. 

But isn’t that always the case in any strategy planning session?  It’s always included in the cost-benefit analysis, isn’t it?   “If we do this, these events may  happen, and we will make or lose this much money.”  I think that’s a natural function of making any plan.

People really get excited about the planning, but it’s just that…planning, hoping, and just plain old theory and guesswork. It’s like planning the wedding and praying Uncle Bill doesn’t get drunk again and falls into the cake.  Just like the exiting of Afghanistan.  Who could have predicted? Who would have imagined that……That’s strategy, accompanied with unimaged risk happening!

So what’s the real news about making strategy work? The answer is to look at the real coin of the realm.  How well, how prepared is the organization to convert strategic intent in to tactical action.

That’s called Alignment my friend! 

Before any strategy, before any plan can be evaluated for success, every CEO, every strategic team must know how aligned, how ready and equipped the organization is to take the plan to the battlefield.

Therefore, every ‘boss’ must consider the real equation: Strategy Success = Organizational Alignment. If you don’t know how well your execution capability is aligned to the strategy, you’re screwed.. Risk becomes a reality.

Alignment is an easy measure. Harvard based research gave us 6 dimensions to measure to assess before deciding on the plans to move your business from one rock to another.

Today’s business tip: Get aligned first, then plan!

Stanley Labovitz, J.D., CEO

SurveyTelligence, Inc.

2640 Lake Shore Drive, Suite 1716

West Palm Beach, FL. 33404


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Author: Back From The Brink

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