Hollywood Commissioner Shuham opposes condo project at the beach

At the March 16, 2022 Hollywood Commission meeting, the Related proposal to build a 26-30 story condominium at the Hollywood Culture and Community Center site, 1301 S. Ocean Drive was approved by the Commission.
Shuham said “Commissioner Linda Hill Anderson and I voted against the project.
The reasons I opposed the project were many, including: its excessive height, in stark contrast to the City’s zoning restrictions (applicable to private property in the area), the speculative financial gains promoted by proponents of the project, and strong opposition by countless members of the community. Simply, it is the wrong project for the site, and I fear it will be the beginning of the end of low-rise Hollywood Beach as we know it. Once lost, this unique charm will be impossible to regain.”
Shuham is supporting a petition drive to prevent the construction of the condominium “A large and engaged group of City residents have undertaken an effort to get this project on a future Citywide referendum ballot as expressly allowed by the City Charter. It is a daunting task requiring nearly 15,0000 signatures. But, with the strong City-wide sentiment against the project, it just might happen,” she said.