What’s Happening – The latest news for you!

Virtual Ambassador Committee Meeting
The Ambassadors are the goodwill arm of the chamber and they play an essential role in member communication and retention. They interact with fellow members to make them feel welcome and comfortable at chamber events. The Ambassadors provide information, answer questions and serve as an additional communication link between the chamber and its members. The ambassadors also communicate member needs, questions and concerns to chamber staff if needed. Ambassadors participate in ribbon cuttings, monthly Chamber events, and assist the chamber with membership growth and retention.
Date: Tuesday, April 6, 2021
The committee meets the first Tuesday of EVEN months to conduct committee business. The first Tuesday of ODD months they host our Coffee & Contacts New Member Mixer to provide support and guidance to new members. 
Time: 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Location: Virtual Event; zoom link will be sent to the ambassadors each month
Cost: No charge, but you must be an official Ambassador to attend the meetings. If you are interested in the CSCCR Ambassadors program, please follow up with Becky Case
Email Becky HERE

Professional Women’s Alliance (PWA) Virtual Meeting Presented by Baptist HealthTopic: Jungle Gym Careers: Insights into a Fortune 500 Career JourneyWith Special Guest Speaker: Wendy Webb Wilker, MBA, MBB, PMP
Join us to discover the career insights of a Senior-Level Global Operational Excellence Executive.
About Professional Women’s Alliance: The Professional Women’s Alliance Luncheon meets bi-monthly to strengthen business relationships, hear topical speakers and develop leadership. PWA is all about inspiring, educating and empowering women in business. This event is held on the 1st Wednesday on the even months, this means you will have the opportunity to be a source of networking, education & inspiration to women in the Chamber 6 times a year! While we feature speakers and topics that are designed to appeal to professional women, we are an open and inclusive alliance and our events are open to members of any gender.
Date: Wednesday, April 7, 2021
Time: 11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
11:45 AM Networking begins
Program starting at 12:00 PM
Location: Virtual Zoom Meeting; please register to receive zoom link
Cost: Members: $10; Non-Members: $15
Register HERE
CSCCR Chamber Voices (Toastmasters Club) 
The CSCCR Chamber is sponsoring our own Toastmasters Club. If you are committed to improving your speaking skills, developing your leadership skills, and expanding your network we encourage you to take a look at CSCCR Chamber Voices. 
Date: Friday, April 16, 2021
Meets the first and third Friday of each Month
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Location: Virtual, email for zoom link
Email us HERE for More Information

Eaton Financial 25th Anniversary Ribbon CuttingCome and zoom with us to celebrate an amazing 25 years in business with Eaton Financial Group!
Date: Wednesday, April 14th, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM
Location: Virtual Zoom Meeting; please register to receive zoom link
Cost: Complimentary and open to the public
Register HERE

Chamber for Good Virtual Meeting Presented by Blue Stream and the City of Coconut CreekJoin us for a special “Best Kept Secrets Revealed” event! We received feedback from the region’s most successful business owners, and have compiled the best of the best for this incredibly informative and inspirational event! 
Buy Local, Donate Local, Give Local
Mission: Chamber for Good seeks to build bridges and encourage collaboration between for-profit and not-for-profit members of the Coral Springs Coconut Creek Regional Chamber of Commerce to enhance community services.This meeting series provides critical and relevant information to non-profit organizations in order to support their success, which supports our entire region. While the information offered is tailored to the non-profit community, the presentations will support most businesses in their dedication to excellence!
Date: Thursday, April 15th, 2021
Time: 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Location: Virtual Zoom Meeting; please register to receive zoom link
Cost: This event is exclusive & complimentary to members.
Register HERE

Member 2 Member Discount ProgramPromote your business! Offer other members of the chamber a discount for products or services you provide! 
Any type of discount can be offered, such as a percentage off the purchase price. for instance, a 10% discount off the price of a car rental, 15% off color copies or a freebie dessert with customer’s meal. be creative & consider your target market! 
What’s the benefit?
First and foremost, bringing in customers and promoting your business, without the cost of advertising. discounts will be advertised on the chamber website. the program encourages members to do business with other members.  Print or Download M2M Form
Check Out Our Current Member to Member Deals

2021 Community Magazine & Member Directory
It’s here!
The 2021 Coral Springs Coconut Creek Community Magazine is complete and ready for sharing, viewing and downloading! Open to fullscreen and enjoy! https://www.csccrchamber.com/2021-community-magazine/
Enjoy this business resource and please share it. Ad holders, thank you for advertising in our annual publication! 
We appreciate your support!
Upcoming Virtual Chamber Referral Groups (CRGs)Chamber Referral Groups (CRG’s) offer members another way to get to know each other, and to grow their businesses by exchanging direct client referrals and leads. Each CRG Group will be limited to one business member per category for their industry.Coconut Creek Group – Virtual CRG
Date: Wednesday, April 7, 2021
Time: 8:00 AM
Location: Virtual Zoom Meeting
Click HERE for more information on the link if you have not yet received it!Wednesday Morning Group – Virtual CRGDate: Wednesday, April 7, 2021
Time: 8:00 AM
Location: Virtual Zoom Meeting
Click HERE for more information on the link if you have not yet received it!
NEXTgen Referral Group- Virtual CRG
Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Location: Virtual Zoom Meeting
Click HERE for more information on the link if you have not yet received it!Noontime Networker
Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Location: Virtual Zoom Meeting
Click HERE for more information on the link if you have not yet received it!
The Masterminds Group – Virtual CRG
Date: Thursday, April 15, 2021
Time: 8:00 AM
Location: Virtual Zoom Meeting
Click HERE for more information on the link if you have not yet received it!
Local businesses are welcome to join the Springs Creek Community at Large, regardless of membership status.Visit Our WebsiteUnited Medco, and its family of companies based here in Coral Springs , is proud to be of service to our local small business community. Due to international demand, Lysol Brands has limited distribution partners and manufacturing allotments nationally.These Lysol Product are reserved and allocated specifically for small businesses.
United Medco, partnering with the CSCCR Chamber of Commerce & The City of Coral Springs, is proud to bring this value to the local small business community.
We are very proud that The City of Coral Springs is home to one of the largest national distributors to the B2B space.Do You Need PPE Supplies?
Does your business have access to or carry PPE supplies? We want to hear from you! We are currently collecting resources for our members. Please email [email protected] if you are a PPE supplier so we can highlight your business!
In Case You Missed it…

Biz Academy – Cyber Security is no Joke!
CareerSource Broward’s Summer Youth Program: This program allows employers to help mold a young person through mentorship and training at no cost. Contact Monique Wilson if you’re interested in getting involved.
Email Monique Wilson HERETAKE THE SURVEY
We need your expertise! Chamber for Good is seeking the best kept secrets you have encountered throughout your career/business.
Win the opportunity to share your secret (and gain free exposure for your business!) at our next Chamber for Good meeting on April 15th at 9:00 AM. Plus, we will give those who are selected a FREE EMAIL BLAST (valued at $99). 
What tricks and tools have you implemented in order to save your business time, money, or staff resources? What proven activity or practice would you share if you were interviewed on CNBC? The “best of” the best kept secrets will be selected for presentation in “Best Kept Secrets Revealed” and the person who revealed it will be invited to present it live during the virtual event.