What Is Amazing is Truly Amazing.

July 8th 2019

 We often as human beings take into our senses what we see, hear, smell, and touch on a continuous bases that is on a conscious or sub-conscious level. The shattering experiences we view daily, namely watching a baby creep and crawl, seeing a great artist paint a master piece,hearing a great opera or music concerto, touching someone of great beauty giving us a picture in our mind of calm and being happy and seeing people work and operate an ice cream parlor is defined as being amazing that gives color and personality to our own lives.

Each week on the WEINETWORK at 4 eastern time on Wednesday, my wife the amazing Helen and myself the amazing Rob launch a great star ship we call the USS Delicious Magic into deep space to not just seek out new life, and new civilizations but new breakthroughs, revolutionary approaches, that have just come out and new strategies that will achieve results for families and children with all  kinds of developmental disabilities. We interview professionals and family members in their chosen field of expertise while we give so much knowledge out their so those same families can make short/long term decisions for their childrens forseeable future needs

.Last month we had Ms, Mira and Marc Halpert speak about reading and the technology that goes with it to help children achieve great expectations and advancements toward their future goals. We spoken to two lovely ladies who employ people with disabilities Ms, Tommie St John of sweet Jourdans a coffee and ice cream bar in Paris Tenn. Then Madelyn Lovejoy of Vinny and Bays in Palm City Florida, Shanna Friedman Lerner a great special education teacher with a great degree of out of the box thinking to help families with disabilities. Then Laible ben moshe a talented musician who touches the hearts of people with disabilities that advances them to positive awareness, and this month we will bring you  more creativeness, more knowledge and more revolutionary breakthroughs never before seen or heard of. So if you think that is amazing then look out what’s truly amazing and watch each week at 4 eastern time our show amazing abilities on the WEINETWORK. Oh boy that is AMAZING. Rob & Helen.