What are you grateful for during these uncertain times?

“ME” MondayTM 4-13-2020 

What are you grateful for during these uncertain times? 

What are you grateful for today? 

During this past week, many of us have experienced a completely different family holiday dinner than we have ever had before. 

Compliments to everyone who spent quality time for the holidays with their loved ones virtually to be socially connected while remaining physically distanced. It was great to hear that so many people maintained their family traditions of celebrating together in spite of the situation. 

Things change in our lives every day. Traditions and routines stay consistent and sometimes something happens to cause us to adjust. If you do not believe it, reflect on how things have had to be adjusted over the course of your lifetime. One thing that does not change, ever, is that there is always something to be grateful for no matter what. 

As we adjust to the duration of physical distance, we do not have to lose our social connections. We are simply adapting our meet and greets by using the technology we may have taken for granted before. It is more important now than ever before to focus on the big and little things we CAN be grateful for. We may be focusing on losing a job, not being able to get together for business, or wishing we could be having fun at the park, the beach, or simply going to a movie with friends but does focusing on what’s negative make you feel good? 

So, let’s ask again, what ARE you grateful for today? Does that feel any better? 

I am grateful for my health, the roof over my head, and the food on my table. 

I am grateful for my kids and the love they share through audio and video calls. 

I am grateful to be seeing my friends and family virtually. 

I am grateful to be able to meet with other business professionals over video calls to continue working in this adjusted capacity so we can share thoughts and ideas while also supporting each other as a community. 

Just because we experience hard times doesn’t mean we should forget about what we can be appreciative of. 

Whether you are wealthy or poor, young or old, no matter where you live, whether you are working or unemployed, this virus affects us all somehow. 

“This virus can touch us emotionally way before it will touch us physically” (Trent Shelton, 2020). 

So, who do you want to be when this circumstance is behind us? 

When you look back on this time, what do you think you will be grateful for? 

It is up to us to be self-responsible and take care of ourselves first to be at our best and stay strong. There will be many people in our lives who may need our help and support when this pandemic is over. When we are first on our “to-do list”, we are emotionally and physically stronger to be there for others. 

So, let’s be grateful for the extra “ME” time we can have while we are staying at home. If you haven’t scheduled some time for yourself, it’s “ME” MondayTM. Today is the day to start planning something especially for you! 

Be safe. Be healthy. Be self-responsible. Be POWERFUL!

This is your now!

Lynn Lessell CHC, CLC, FBS, TCM

The Identity Coach

Certified in Health & Life Transformation  

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