Hello Everyone! This is the one and only Rick in Charlotte Ready to give you another dose of the truth! As you already know I am not shy and don’t care who I offend! I’m so tired of spoiled rich athletes who can’t honor there contracts! Of course I’m talking about our good friend Eziekel Elliot!
It amazes me how athletes like him and another spoiled entitled brat Melvin Gordon who are multi millionaires and say they are treated unfairly because they don’t want to honor their contracts? They should be ashamed of themselves.
You hear them cry poverty and complain they are only making a couple millions of dollars while fans who can barely make a living go to these expensive games. I remember during the baseball strike of 1994 when Terry Pendleton complained he was only making 5 million dollars or Latrell Sprewell who said he couldn’t afford to feed his family after he signed a 3 year 21 million dollar contract? Talk about being selfish and ignorant?
Despite all that the poster boy for spoiled entitled athletes is Antonio Brown. I’m sure the Steelers organization is getting a good laugh out of this. First it was his frost bitten feet and now he’s going to retire because he doesn’t like the new helmets? I see nothing but disaster and drama for the king of entitled players who cares more about himself instead of his own teammates. I see this clown getting traded in 2 years and hopefully no team will want him despite being an incredibly talented player. Raiders are a train wreck already and now they have Brown and huge question mark on Carr and Gruden in the fold. Get you’re popcorn ready folks! Until next time
Interested in Reading….. (Football Outsiders Almanac 2019)