Pompano Beach to hold virtual commission meetings

Starting on January 11th and until further notice, to promote social distancing and avoid risk of additional community spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Pompano Beach City Commission Meetings will be conducted virtually until such time that it is determined to be safe to go back to in[1]person meetings.

City Commission Meetings will be held on the regularly scheduled days and times, but will be held virtually, utilizing video and audio platforms. Members of the community will have an opportunity to participate in the meetings. Interested parties can view the Commission

Meetings in the normal manner, on Comcast Ch. 78 live and via rebroadcast as well as through live streaming and archive on the City’s website at www.pompanobeachfl.gov . Members of the Community who wish to participate in the meeting and speak on an item must utilize the new remote public participation option. This option promotes social distancing, while still offering interested parties the opportunity to participate in matters coming before the City Commission.

Anyone who wishes to address the City Commission remotely (via telephone) on an Agenda Item must pre-register online by 9:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting. When there is an upcoming Commission Meeting, the link to register will appear on the Commission Page.