MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. – The Miami Dolphins hosted their fifth-annual Dolphins Business Combine (DBC) presented by Zudy from April 6-8. The first-of-its-kind event from a professional sports franchise was created by Dolphins Owner Stephen Ross in 2017. The three-day session featured seminars and networking opportunities focused on real estate, entrepreneurship, business leadership, business operations and wealth management.
“Stephen Ross and our entire organization place a premium on building the best version of our players both on and off the field,” said Dolphins Director of Player Engagement Kaleb Thornhill. “The Dolphins Business Combine affords our players access to best-in-class development off the field. Our players gain new skills, increase their business acumen, and gain a network of elite individuals who want to see them succeed during and after their playing days are over. It’s invigorating to see all the success stories of past DBC participants along with having them come back to invest in our current players.”
The event began with a speech from Ross which set the tone for day one’s “Invest in Yourself” session. Day two’s theme was “Building Your Network” and the event concluded with day three’s “Exposure Leads to Expansion.” Participants noted the sessions were both informative and inspirational.
“The Dolphins Business Combine is something that is rare to find in the professional sports word,” said wide receiver Mack Hollins. “Too often as athletes, we are pigeonholed as just that. What the Dolphins Business Combine does is open the eyes of players to new ways to transfer their on-the-field competitiveness to off-the-field ventures we never even knew existed. To have an owner and front office willing to help players succeed in life after football is an exceptional gift.”
“I’m continuously blown away by the resources the Dolphins organization provides for its players off the field,” said running back Patrick Laird. “The Dolphins Business Combine may top that list. For Coach Flores and Mr. Ross to take time out of their schedules to join in shows it’s not just lip service. I have a feeling there are going to be a lot of former Dolphins doing some incredible things post-football.”
“With the Dolphins Business Combine being virtual this year it was just as effective as the in-person event,” said defensive back Eric Rowe. “It’s my second straight year and each year I learn something new from a variety of elite people and companies. The Dolphins Business Combine really helps me get out of my comfort zone, increase my knowledge, and establish life changing relationships. I’m thankful for the opportunity to be part of an organization that helps me become my best version both on and off the field.”