Jaguars Media Availability (10-24-24)



(On what he attributes QB Trevor Lawrence’s recent success to) “Yeah, I think it’s just kind
of his preparation, the work he puts into it. Then it’s showing up on Sundays. It’s everybody
around him as well, being a little bit more consistent in our job, knowing what we’re doing,
making plays, understanding the opponent, all these little things that you would hope you
get better throughout the course of the season and have just kind of come to fruition a little
bit the last couple Sundays. But again, it’s something you’ve got to build on. Just because
you had success one Sunday, it doesn’t mean it’s going to carry over.”
(On if he made alterations to the scheme) “We didn’t change anything. We did not. It’s all
the same stuff. Yeah, all the same stuff, just we’ve executed well. They’re doing a good job
making plays when we need to.”
(On how he’s seen the offense gain comfort using the middle of the field as the season has
gone on) “I mean, each game is its own. So, depending on the coverages we’re playing, the
types of concepts that we’re going to get to and try to emphasize, and then what they’re
allowing throughout the course of the game because there’s plenty of times you call things
that you think the primary is going to attack a certain area of the field. They play a certain
coverage, the ball goes where it needs to go. That’s the hope. Or a play-action concept
comes to life. We’re able to build a pocket, climb through the pocket, and push the ball
down the field, whether that’d be inside the numbers, outside the numbers, whatever that
is. So, each game takes on its life of its own, and each series really does as well.”
(On if he wants to use WR Brian Thomas Jr. deep at least once per game) “Yeah. I mean, I
think that’s fair. There’s a lot of guys. A lot of our guys have skill sets that we want to try to
take advantage of throughout the course of the game. It’s always in the plan. It’s whether
you can get them called, get them executed at the time, get the right look. That always
comes to play. So, there’s plenty of times we’ll call opportunities to push the ball down the
field to Evan [TE Evan Engram], Christian [WR Christian Kirk], Gabe [WR Gabe Davis], Brian.
Either we’re carried into the plan, and we just never really get to it based on what’s going on

in the course of the game, the flow of the game, or we get it called, and they play a certain
look, and maybe we kill a run. You never even see that that play was called, or we get it
called, and it’s just different coverage, and the ball gets spit out in a certain area before that
developed. So, it’s always something that you want to be able to take advantage of. We
want to maximize Brian’s speed down the field as well as much as we can. If the defense
allows it and the right situation determines we can, then we’ll push the ball to him.”
(On how he is preparing Thomas Jr. to face Packers CB Jaire Alexander) “I mean, our guys
are always – we have a good group in terms of the character and just keeping a level head
on their shoulders. BT does not strike us as a guy that’s going to get riled up. I mean,
obviously, if somebody’s talking to him, and he makes a play, I’d assume he might say
something. That’s just the course of a game or a competition as it goes. But I’m not worried.
So far in his career, he’s not shown that we need to be somebody that’s worried about
somebody getting in his head, messing with him, things like that. He may never respond,
who knows. That’s just how it goes. We want our guys to play with emotion, but not let
emotion play with them. So that’s just the course of something we’ve talked about from
way back when. But I think we have a good group that has a level-head.”
(On what it means to have TE Evan Engram back in the offense) “I think that’s a big part, just
to have Evan around. Evan’s one of our juice guys. He just brings a lot of energy to people
around him, celebrates his teammates really well, hypes up Brenton [TE Brenton Strange]
and the guys as they make plays. So that was something that he was bringing on the
sidelines, but now he’s in the huddle in between drives, in between series. As the drive’s
going along, he’s one of those guys that tends to be a little bit more vocal in the huddle.
Then, he’s a great player. So being able to get him the ball at the first game out, he had 100
yards – whatever he had – he had a big game the first time he came out. His catch and run
abilities huge, his playmaking, just the comfort, the chemistry that he and Trevor have
together is big for us as well in some of our third-down execution.”
(On if the offensive line’s continuity is the reason for their improvement) “Yeah, that’s the
hope. I mean, it’s the NFL. The odds of you keeping the same starting five throughout the
course of a season are slim-to-none. I mean, that just doesn’t happen. So, you kind of work
through, that’s offseason, that’s training camp, that’s all of it, of having the next man up and
being ready to roll, because stuff like this happens. So, plugging Walker [OL Walker Little]
into the mix in the fifth, sixth play of the game, whatever that was, nobody really bats an
eye. I mean, our guys have worked together in the meeting room, worked together on the
field to where you’re hoping that continuity, that chemistry shows up throughout just like
we’re talking about Evan and Trevor having their chemistry. I mean, Cam [OL Cam

Robinson], Ezra [OL Ezra Cleveland], Mitch [OL Mitch Morse], Brandon [OL Brandon
Scherff], the communication to the guy next to you is critical to our success. I mean, half
the battle is just 11 guys being identified on the exact same page with every single look we
(On calling plays in response to developments on the field, as opposed to a rigid script)
“That’s just the way it goes. I mean, again, we’re not going to do that if we’re not being
efficient. I mean, it started with two 12-yard runs, a nine-yard run, a five-yard run, six. If it’s
all one, two, three, you’re probably not going to keep doing it. It just doesn’t make sense. It
doesn’t lend in your favor. Or you’re down two scores, you’re not going to do that. So that’s
why it’s great when you’re able to because our guys were feeling it, and Tank’s [RB Tank
Bigsby] feeling it. He kind of gets eased into the drive and starts seeing things even better. A
lot of it was repeat concepts, things we were running throughout the course of the game
that were just favorable looks for us. So, our guys fed off that and did a good job. But I think
in this league, you’ve got to be able to win any way possible. I think we won a couple of
weeks ago, throwing for 380 yards or whatever that was. Then we won this week with 16-
straight runs. What can you do to win that game that week? And it changes. The first
quarter, you’re going to play it differently than you do in the fourth quarter. So that’s just the
way the game goes. We’re going to continue to try to do what we think is working at the
time. We’re not just going to do something because we ran it 16 times one time, and that
was cool. So, let’s do it every game. That doesn’t make sense. So, our goal is just to win the
game. We’ll do whatever it takes to do that.”
(On trusting Thomas Jr. with 50-50 balls against skilled corners such as Patriots CB
Christian Gonzalez) “Yeah, I mean, rookie, 10th-year player, doesn’t matter. If our guy can
make plays down the field, we’ll give him opportunities. I agree with you. I don’t know what
Christian Gonzalez is being told in the meeting room in terms of, ‘You could have done this
differently.’ That was probably as good a coverage as you could get. His arm was between –
I think the ball was at one point pinned off his arm and BT’s body before he got his hand on
it. I mean, it was great coverage. It was a heck of an effort to finish the catch and come up
with the ball at the end of it. Yeah, that gives you confidence. The more that guys produce in
those situations, the more you want to put him in those situations. That’s certainly
something we think he can do.”
(On why the Jaguars have been able to have success in the immediate game after London)
“That’s a good point. I didn’t realize that. We have, haven’t we? I don’t know. I think a lot of
that stuff’s just like circumstance. I mean, we won the game. I don’t know if there was
something it had to do with coming back from London. I have no idea. I didn’t even realize

that. I don’t know. Just found a way to score more. Yeah, very deep (laughs). So, a lot of
thought went in that. Caught me off guard there. I have no idea.”
(On the challenges that Green Bay’s defense presents) “I haven’t played Green Bay a whole
lot recently, obviously. It’s a new D-coordinator, anyways. But it feels like just the defensive
line is just a whole new wave every single play. You watch the Houston game, and they just
got after him with relentless pressure, not even always bringing extra people, just fresh legs,
guys flying off the football, attacking. It just jumps off the tape. They were able to just kind
of overwhelm Houston, even if there weren’t free runners. Just a lot of high energy, a lot of
really good players, just a wave of pass-rushers rolling through, and everybody firing off the
ball. It was impressive/not fun to watch, as you’re getting ready for it. But at the same time,
you respect good football. They played good football, and they did a great job making life
hard for Houston. Not just third-down situations, but really all situations throughout the
course of that game. It’s a very high-energy group. They seem to have a lot of fun doing what
they’re doing. They seem to really know what they’re being asked to do within the scheme,
and they’re playing really good football right now.”
(On the Packers having many different defenders contributing to their quarterback
pressures) “I would say that’s fair to say. Yes, I mean, if it’s one defensive end that lines up
on one certain side, we’re going to provide as much help as we can through the course of
the game. If it’s four to potentially five rushers in any given situation, and they’re all flying off
the ball, and you try to provide somewhere else, and they’re winning their one-on-ones on
the back side of it, then that just makes life hard. So anytime you have an entire unit
producing the way they’re producing, I would say that’s probably a little bit tougher than
just one guy that is clear and obvious, that’s the pass rusher for them.”



(On where he’s seen the most development out of DE Travon Walker’s leadership) “He’s
done a really good job. You can see he’s with his teammates and the coaching and he’s
coaching them up. He’s encouraging them and you’re seeing all the things that you want to
see out of a guy who is that position, and you’re doing the things that he’s doing, and you’re
very encouraged about where he’s going, continues. His play has been really well. He’s
doing a lot of really good things and then he adds that piece to it. He’s really picked it up
and we’re fired up about that.”
(On preparing Walker to take on more double teams) “He just adds to his plan. If there’s a
tight end to your side, you’ve got to rush it a little bit different or there’s a back to your side,
just be alert for a chip or a nudge from a tight end or a guard kicking out on you. All the good
rushers, every week, that’s what they go against. He’s just another guy that you’ve just got
to continue to find a way to win and work your plan. It doesn’t matter who’s around you.”
(On how Walker has handled being double teamed) “He’s done a good job. Since the
Indianapolis game, you’ve seen his plan when you watch it consecutively. One rush to the
next. He’s got a plan. He’s executing his plan. It doesn’t matter if he’s got a nudge or a chip
to his side. He’s going to rush it like this and so you’ve seen him really grow and take the
next step in terms of just the football IQ, in terms of the rushing part of it. You’ve seen his
game even raise another level because he’s got power, the finesse rushes, his hands. He’s
on the edge. He can go down the middle. He can do anything and you’re just seeing the
progression of him grow and his confidence, I think, is the biggest thing that has grown
throughout the season.”
(On getting S Andrew Wingard’s energy back to the defense) “It’s getting a player back that
you expect to contribute. We expected it at the beginning of camp and things happen and
the other guys have done a good job. Just getting our full defense back together again has
been good. You get Foye [LB Foye Oluokun] back. We’re excited. We’re fired up to have
those guys back in the mix of what we’re doing.”

(On if CB Tyson Campbell’s impact has a ripple effect across the secondary) “Sure. He’s a
really good football player that can do it all. Man coverage, zone coverage, the speed. You
watched the last game – the drive route, he came out of nowhere. That was great play by
him. He just adds to the things that you can, ‘Hey, you got that guy, you want to play cloud
or look like man, play zone,’those type of things and really adds to the package.”
(On if Campbell adds a level of confidence to the secondary) “Sure. I think it goes without
getting all these guys back. You’re just seeing the guys play and look, we’ve played a few
games together now. There’s also that part of the guys know where each other is going to be
out there. The continuity of the defensive back position, you see the communication getting
better and things like that. We just continue to want it to get better and build on it just one
more day today.”
(On how he’s seen Packers QB Jordan Love grow) “He’s a really good football player. He’s
handling the position, the offense. He’s in command of everything. He knows where to go
with the football. Matt’s [Packers Head Coach Matt LaFleur] done a great job with offense,
scheme and putting them in the position where he’s making throws that – he can make
every throw. That was the thing last year and this year. The guy can make every throw. The
offense is just built, obviously, the time that he’s been starting now from early in his career
to now. You’re seeing the progression of that. Then with his legs, he can get out of trouble.
You saw him in the Philly game, he escapes the pocket and he throws the deep ball. The
ability to move and throw on the run, it makes him an elite player at the position. It’s going
to be a good challenge for sure.”
(On the impact of putting S Darnell Savage at safety) “He’s played there before. It wasn’t
new for him. That was always the, when we had him here first, nickel, safety and we had
him in that dual role. I just wanted to try it last week and good communication, I thought,
back there. He did some really good things in terms of his disguise and things like that. He
flew around and made some plays. It was really good to see. We’ll just continue to grow
with that.”
(On the safety positioning when S Andrew Wingard returns) “Don’t know yet. We’ll go
through that. We’ll handle this game. Then when Dewey comes in, maybe we’ll have a
different package.”
(On what he’s seen from DE Joe Gaziano) “He’s a tough guy, tough player, really good run
defender, good edge-setter. He’s excellent in the run game. Then as a rusher, as a power,

rushes more with power and then can get on the edge and move. Our plan is to get him a
few more snaps this week and see how that goes. But Gaz, the history with that player, he’s
solid, you know exactly where he’s going to be. You know how hard he’s going to play and
that’s what you like about the guy.”
(On if he’s surprised by the success LB Ventrell Miller has been having) “No, because you
saw it in OTAs, you saw it in camp. He flew around. He’s done a really good job with the reps
that he’s had. He’s got command in his position and the things that he’s doing out there.
He’s in the right spot a lot. He’s doing some really good things. The thing that really excites
you is how physical he’s playing. He’s a physical guy, run-through contact. He doesn’t stop
his feet. He’ll accelerate through. There’s a couple of hits last game that were very
(On potentially seeing Miller and LB Foye Oluokun on the field together) “Sure. But that’s
the thing that we’ve been doing since OTAs. We’ve had that rotation in that position group
and you’ve kind of seen it work out in the game, so when Foye comes back, we’ll have a
rotation. Those guys will still continue to play. Ventrell has definitely earned snaps. So, he’ll
play in that rotation and how that all works out.”
(On what he’d seen from DT Jordan Jefferson the second time playing against him vs. the
first time) “Yeah, he did some really good things in the pass rush game. Getting off blocks –
maybe it didn’t show up in the stat sheet at the end, but you saw him get off blocks a little
bit better this game. He played with a little bit better pad level and just his confidence.
That’s the biggest thing from one game to the next game is confidence grew, ‘I belong. I
should be playing out here.’ So, he did a good job.”
(On if he thinks DT Maason Smith struggles with his confidence) “I don’t see that. Maason’s
a very confident guy. He’s a smart player. It’s not anything to do with that. He had a sack
against Chicago. We’re staying with him, and he’ll continue to get better for sure.”

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