Home Sweet Home: Team Names


Hello South Florida!!!! Welcome to another edition and as people know I like to speak my mind and I’m not afraid to share my opinion. One thing that’s bugs me about sports is why are they called the New York Giants when they really play in New Jersey? Shouldn’t they be called the New Jersey Giants or the New Jersey Jets? 

Why are they called the Washington Redskins? Shouldn’t they be called the Maryland Redskins since they don’t play in the Nations capital? Here in my city of Charlotte, The Panthers should be the Charlotte Panthers instead of the Carolina Panthers. Why don’t they call the teams where they technically play? 

Tampa Bay plays in St Petersburg and we all know how that’s working out! The Colorado Rockies should be the Denver Rockies just like the Denver Broncos. Why are they called Green Bay Packers when Milwaukee is the largest city in the state of Wisconsin? I know that will ruffle some feathers. At least the Florida Marlins are now the Miami Marlins. 

Do you know any other places? I would like to hear your feedback and I am sure I am not the only one who feels this way or maybe I am. Here’s a trivia question for you? Why are they called the Los Angeles Lakers when they don’t have lots of lakes in Los Angeles? Why are they called the Utah Jazz when Utah is not known for music?