Increased capacity allowed for home outdoor events following new physical distancing guidelines.
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Under guidance from UF Health, the University of Florida is shifting physical distancing guidelines from 6 feet to 3 feet for outdoor sporting events, beginning this week.
Spectators are still required to wear masks or face coverings, except when actively eating or drinking.
Capacity at Gators baseball, softball, tennis and track events on the Gainesville campus will expand accordingly, increasing from an estimated 1,700 fans to approximately 3,000 for baseball, and from around 500 fans to approximately 850 for softball.
Updated capacity plans for non-ticketed outdoor Gators Athletic events, including tennis, lacrosse and track and field will be announced at a later date.
Baseball Ticket Information
A limited number of reserved seats will be available due to the reduction in distance requirement. Baseball ticket holders that purchased mini plans for the 2021 season, will have the option to purchase additional reserved seats for the next 10 games on a single-game basis, beginning Thursday, March 25.
Those games include Mercer, the Ole Miss series, Stetson, FAMU, FSU and the Missouri series.
All other season ticket holders can purchase reserved seats to those games beginning Monday, March 29<x-apple-data-detectors://18>, based on availability. General public sales will remain the day of the game for reserved seats, while general admission tickets will be sold for all remaining games to anyone beginning Tuesday, March 30.<x-apple-data-detectors://19>
Any additional reserved seat sales for the last seven games of the season will be available at a later date.
Softball Ticket Information
For those who are softball ticket holders that purchased mini plans for the 2021 season, additional reserved tickets will go on sale Wednesday for all remaining games.
General public sales will remain the day of the game for reserved seats, while general admission will be sold for all remaining games to anyone beginning Friday, March 26.<x-apple-data-detectors://21>