2021 Football Season Tickets Available Now

The deadline to renew season tickets will be March 11, 2021.

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Football season ticket holders can now renew their seats in Ben Hill Griffin Stadium for the 2021 season, while new season tickets are also available. Complete details can be found at FloridaGators.com/tickets<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__floridagators.com_sports_2015_12_10_-5Ftickets-5F.aspx&d=DwIFAg&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=o5LKAX7slotfFMyE71jI7L22NYBIi1-KbRGNSXudTPo&m=IeDVNbPuhwyZcRmfX1JTezdMcEPJDPsKydQgwK78pDQ&s=NuSVAyBZy611CixwBC7x-7VW33-srHrDziS_iO1QUzw&e= >.

The quickest and most efficient way to order is online by visiting “My Account” under the Gators Ticket Office tab on FloridaGators.com<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__oss.ticketmaster.com_html_home.htmI-3Fl-3DEN-26team-3Dgators&d=DwIFAg&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=o5LKAX7slotfFMyE71jI7L22NYBIi1-KbRGNSXudTPo&m=IeDVNbPuhwyZcRmfX1JTezdMcEPJDPsKydQgwK78pDQ&s=OZM8loIpi_3XYatcOsX3sXZj-I3lJDRdK3SbHcEYr1g&e= >. Fans may also call the Gators Ticket Office at (352) 375-4683 Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or complete the ticket information form here<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__welcome.floridagators.com_FB21Interest-3FFB21source-3DFGPR&d=DwIFAg&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=o5LKAX7slotfFMyE71jI7L22NYBIi1-KbRGNSXudTPo&m=IeDVNbPuhwyZcRmfX1JTezdMcEPJDPsKydQgwK78pDQ&s=SccvuRpuubAjZrxjfhHTXU-k_qHORe0NgrirjCiZNYk&e= >.

The deadline to renew season tickets will be March 11, 2021.

Season ticket holders who chose to rollover their 2020 tickets to the upcoming season will be contacted directly by the ticket office.


Season ticket prices for the 2021 football season start at $380 per seat, in addition to a booster contribution.

Payment Plan

As in previous years, payment plans of up to eight months are available to Gator Football season ticket holders.

Season ticket holders can opt into a payment plan online or by speaking with a Gators Ticket Office Representative.

Fans who commit to a payment plan or pay in full by February 15th, 2021-with a minimum $100 Gator Booster contribution-receive Early Pay Bonus points. For additional details, contact the Gators Ticket Office.

Fans are also encouraged to explore payment plan options with their Account Representative.