Akron, Ohio – July 20, 2019 – More than 400 boys and girls from across 
the country and as far as Japan participated in today’s 82nd FirstEnergy 
All-American Soap Box Derby for the chance to win $36,000 in college 

Racers between the ages of 7 and 20 spent months building their 
gravity-powered race cars and competing in local Soap Box Derby 
competitions to earn their trip to the World Championships at the 
world-famous Derby Downs track in Akron, Ohio.

Winners of the 82nd FirstEnergy All-American Soap Box Derby were 
announced this evening:

●    Stock Division: Racers (7-13) compete in cars built from kits, 
which assist the Derby novice by providing a step-by-step assembly of a 
basic style car
○    Local Winner: Cassidy Martin, 13, of Lyons, Ga.
○    Rally Winner: Cash Driggers, 11,of Tarrytown, Ga.

●    Super Stock Division: Racers (9-18) build and compete in a larger, 
heavier model car, also from a kit
○    Local Winner:  Saleta Nichols, 14, of Federalsburg, Md.
○    Rally Winner: Erin Donovan, 15, of Eagleville, Pa.

●    Masters Division: Racers (10-20) compete in sleeker, more 
sophisticated cars, built from kits
○    Local Winner: Kelsey Van Waart, 11, of Omaha, Neb.
○    Rally Winner:  Abigail Mills, 20, of West Lafayette, Ind.

The Soap Box Derby season runs year-round in more than 100 cities around the world, culminating in the annual World Championship, with Local and Rally racers in each division:

●    Local Racers: Winners automatically qualify for the championship 
●    Rally Racers: Winners accumulate points to earn the chance to 
compete for a national title

B-roll from the 82nd FirstEnergy All-American Soap Box Derby World 
Championship is available at:

●    Contestants working on their race cars and competing at Derby Downs
●    Highlights from the final of each championship race in Local and 
Rally divisions
●    Sound bites from each division winner in Local and Rally divisions
●    Sound bites from an All-American Soap Box Derby representative

For additional information visit