“ME” Monday® 7-13-2020 Which came first?

How many times have you heard the question, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg”?
How many times have you come up with an answer? Some questions just don’t have simple solutions.
Have you ever wondered what causes a meek symptom you may feel in your gut?
Have you ever noticed indicators that appear when you are dealing with stressful situations?
If there was a connection to the pain we feel in our gut and the daily stressors we experience, how might it be different if we could do something about it?
So, which came first, the stress or the pain in the gut? How can we know?
Recently, I heard a webinar by Dr. Ron Grabowski, where he discusses the connection between stress and immunity. Keeping our immunity strong against viruses and disease is even more important than ever before. As I listened to him, it became much clearer why it is difficult to answer whether stress or the pain in our gut comes first. Dr. Grabowski talks about how the levels of stress and how long it lasts distresses many parts of the body affecting mental health and our immune system, especially our cortisol levels. When one thing is affected by a reaction in our body, a domino effect can occur affecting many areas. One of the things that can occur is nutrient deficiency. A key nutrient to our health that Dr. Grabowski mentions is Zinc, which significantly impacts our immune system. (*Since every person is different, it is imperative to speak with a licensed professional before making any nutrition or dietary changes.)
How do we know whether we are deficient in certain nutrients before we become stressed? Why could this be beneficial?
Can this absence of nutrients in our gut be a contributing factor that is creating a physical reaction that enables the stress?
Years ago, I had a problem with chronic fatigue. The more exhausted and frustrated I was, the more stressed I became. The more stressed I became; the more gut symptoms arose. What was wrong? For years, I suffered pain. Doctors would tell me, “you’re the healthiest patient I’ve seen today”. The tests they ran didn’t show anything, until the day I met the medical professional that
recommended looking at my micronutrient levels, as Dr. Grabowski discusses. I argued that I live a clean-eating lifestyle and all my tests indicated I’m fit but I took the test anyway. It revealed the deficiencies that had an impact on my energy levels which alleviated some of my frustration; however, it did not answer whether the stress caused it or the problem had started in my gut.
Though we may not know the answer to which came first, what can we do to keep our immune system strong? What can we do to intensify our flexibility to daily stressors?
What would your tension levels feel like if you did something special for yourself? What is important about this?
If you’re not sure, plan something special for yourself today, “ME” Monday®, and see how it feels! The “ME” Monday® Method is a great addition to any regimen to increase resilience to stress and a happy gut.
To learn more, contact [email protected]!
Be safe. Be healthy. Be self-responsible. Be POWERFUL!
Lynn Lessell CHC, CLC, FBS, TCM
The Identity Coach
Certified in Health & Life Transformation
Have questions? Let’s have a quick chat!
PH: 561-717-3090
Fax: 561-717-3094
Direct: 561-331-6006
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