On this week’s edition of No Limits, Candy Ebling and I had a broadcast that covered 15 events that were personal and historical.
We led off the show with one that occurred on this date, 19 years ago.
It was a tragedy that rocked our nation.
In New York City, the Twin Towers came down as an airplane crashed into both. There was a fatal airplane crash in Shanksville, Pennsylvania and another incident involving the Pentagon in Washington DC.
I’m not going into the details of what transpired because there is plenty of information on the World Wide Web.
What I will get into is where I was when these events took place, plus the aftermath of this historical infamous event.
Prior to September 11, 2001, I was visiting family in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Fortunately, I flew back home to Arizona on September 9, 2001.
When the tragedy took place, I wasn’t aware of this because I was driving to my attorney Harry Cawood’s office, as I was in the early stages of filing for a divorce.
My attorney asked me if I had heard what happened and I looked at him lost. He said don’t you follow current news events?
I told him that I was driving to see you. At that time, he gave me an overview than we proceeded with our meeting.
But when it all sank in, the new reality sunk in that our nation would never be the same.
After leaving his office, I was working as a pizza delivery driver part time and I could see the stress on some of my customers faces.
It wasn’t a good day to face the public nor would it be for the foreseeable future.
I’ll never forget that the sports world would shut down for a period of time.
I did a weekly auto racing show but there were no races to cover.
I suggested to my co-hosts that I had a legendary Detroit Tigers Hall of Fame Broadcaster named Ernie Harwell that I wanted to bring on the show.
Ernie was a friend, mentor and family member and was more than happy to come on. He went on and explained to our fans that he’d been through this before and mentioned sports taking a pause.

My co-hosts were in awe just talking to Ernie realizing his incredible history in baseball.
When we look at September 11, 2001, it was ironic that I was living in a metro area where there baseball team, the Arizona Diamondbacks would face the New York Yankees.
In any other year, I would have rooted for the New York Yankees.
But not this one! I was a Diamondback! It was us against the world.
Another Arizona sports figure Pat Tillman would give up his football career with the Arizona Cardinals to enlist in the military because of the events that occurred on September 11. He would ultimately get killed in Afghanistan.
Because of this day in history, traveling would never be the same. Airports would be updated with security check points therefore, it became essential to arrive at least two hours early. The days of seeing loved ones and friends when you got off the airplane were gone.
The Department of Homeland Security was created.
Life would never be the same. But on this day, we honor and pay tribute to those 3,000 innocent individuals who lost there lives because of this hideous act of terror. A lot of those responsible were ultimately killed but it doesn’t make the loss of life come back.
In 2001, I wasn’t as glued to the internet as I am now. A cell phone was just for making calls. I was just learning how to text message. The pricing plans were steep in cost but necessary since our society became more mobile.
Will we remember where we were when important events took place? In many cases, yes.
But on this date, 19 years ago, I would find out about this unfortunate event from the most unlikely of sources, an attorney in the midst of a rough period of my life.
I encourage you to listen to our broadcast as it will definitely bring back some memories.
Meanwhile, for those that passed away on September 11, 2001, Rest In Peace and you’re going to be missed, but not forgotten!
Scott Morganroth can be reached at [email protected].