“ME” Monday® 7-6-2020 Sparkle

As the world zigs and zags with the recent change, we experience another celebration weekend.
What did this holiday weekend look like for you?
What makes YOU sparkle? What was something special you did this weekend to make yourself sparkle? What might be important about that?
This time of year, we typically wait for the evening to arrive so we can view the glory of the colorful lights that illuminate the skies. Last year some of us may have been at the ocean shores watching as exhibitions from each town lit up the coastline and planned our best barbecue meal for the season. This year, many of us may be no further than our back yards hoping to catch a
glimpse of some fireworks displays and still enjoying that celebratory feast.
How does it feel when we celebrate?
What does it feel like when you plan something special for yourself?
How often would you like to experience that? What would this mean for you?
This year, it’s a work weekend from home for me and that didn’t stop the plan for the feast. Using online shopping options, I have discovered during these crazy times, I carefully planned my menu, and got what I needed delivered to my door. What a time saver that was! I’m not sure what took
me so long to discover another opportunity to do something different for “ME”! I gave myself the gift of more time in my day, saved money on gas, and mileage on my car by ordering groceries online from four different stores! Having more time to get things done was relaxing and made me
“sparkle” a little bit extra!
So, what is something YOU can do to brighten your day and add a little “sparkle” to it? Why is this important? How would this make you feel?
Today July 6, 2020, is time to celebrate “ME” Monday®! We have a whole day to plan something for ourselves no matter how small that thing might be. There’s at least one day every week for you to set your plan to SPARKLE.
So, why not plan something for today and next Monday too! After all, “ME” Monday® is designated just for YOU! # ME-Monday
Be safe. Be healthy. Be self-responsible. Be POWERFUL!
Lynn Lessell CHC, CLC, FBS, TCM
The Identity Coach
Certified in Health & Life Transformation
Have questions? Let’s have a quick chat!
PH: 561-717-3090
Fax: 561-717-3094
Direct: 561-331-6006
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