“ME” Monday® 6-15-2020 Worry

What keeps you awake at night so you can’t sleep?
How do you feel when you get up the next morning?
Can you think of a time when you just didn’t feel well and couldn’t put your finger on the reason why?
What would you do if you could have the tools you need to understand how all that worry is affecting your energy and ability to sleep?
How often do you recognize the subtle signals your mind and body send you?
Do you only notice the major ones?
You may be thinking you have a healthy eating style and great exercise routine so you don’t get ANY signals. All is good.
You know, I used to say the same thing. My exercise routine was consistent and I ate foods that are healthy and clean. I even lost 70 lbs. The concern I had was stress. If I could only eliminate that I’d be okay until suddenly I wasn’t. That RED flag popped up out of nowhere. While driving home from work to relieve my parents from watching my kids, I suddenly felt excruciating pain and doubled over. It was frightening to drive when I could hardly sit up but I sensed I had to get home quickly. It was really bad! When I arrived home, my daddy had to take care of ME! This incident was the first of a few to come, when doctors would tell me “you’re the healthiest patient I’ve seen today”; it’s from stress.
What? How could I be healthy and be in so much pain? The pain, that major symptom, was the result of not noticing all the mild indicators I should’ve paid attention to. I was unknowingly creating havoc inside my body that could lead to permanent problems if I didn’t know how to recognize those MILD signs.
What if we could minimize the effects of worry on our body by building up our resilience to the daily anxieties instead of trying to eliminate them?
How might that feel different?
How could it feel to face tension of any sort with strength rather than dread?
Michael Arloski, CEO of Real Balance Global Wellness Services, Inc., states in his book Wellness Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle Change ( 2nd edition), “the more a person lives in fear, the smaller they make their world”. The more we live our lives defined by our worry, the more we are unaware of the silent effects that stress is having inside our body.
There is no quick fix. It’s necessary to figure out how to experience stress differently. Why suffer from physical ailments before discovering the most important tool we need to add to our toolbox- “ME” time!
So, if you could skillfully improve your stamina to be healthy INSIDE and out, boost your energy and sleep great at night, what would you want to know first? One of the most important steps is to start becoming #1 on your “to-do” list. That is what “ME” Monday® is for! Since it IS Monday, take that 1st step and plan something special for yourself today!
Be safe. Be healthy. Be self-responsible. Be POWERFUL!
This is your now!
Lynn Lessell CHC, CLC, FBS, TCM
The Identity Coach
Certified in Health & Life Transformation
Have questions? Let’s have a quick chat!
PH: 561-717-3090
Fax: 561-717-3094
Direct: 561-331-6006
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