“ME” Monday® 9-7-2020 Smiles

Of all the languages in the world, there is one universal language- body language.
Facial expressions are a common form of mannerisms that illustrate thoughts and feelings. These days, we are seeing less and fewer faces when we go to work on-site or are simply running errands for necessities. Fewer faces equal fewer visual smiles, or does it?
There are many thoughts and feelings we convey through facial expressions like happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise, trust, and many more.
Many of us have eagerly embraced the virtual space for family calls, work, and socializing so we get to see each other’s faces and enjoy connections. If we sense what moods others may be in when we see these expressions, how might that affect how we feel?
How might that affect how we react to others if we aren’t able to see those expressions? What is significant about this? What might we want instead?
A few days ago, I had a noticeably different experience. My day changed when I discovered I had arrived for a doctor’s appointment and was mistakenly scheduled for the next day. So, I headed back home and decided to make a stop at the drug store on my way. As I walked into the store with a mask-covered face, about every 15-20 feet someone turned, looked me in the eyes, and said, “HELLO! WELCOME!
Honestly, I couldn’t remember the last time someone made eye contact with me when I have gone somewhere in public. The last several months, I have seen a sea of faceless people but this time I was greeted with several sets of smiling EYES! These smiling eyes uplifted my spirits and gave my day a boost. I will be certain to make sure I make eye contact every time I encounter someone and share a smile to pay it forward.
William Shakespeare once said, “the eyes are the windows to the soul”.
Is it possible that what we see can have an impact on our perceptions of things? Why might this be important?
Can you remember the last time you made eye contact with someone when you were out somewhere and how that felt? What did you notice? What was important about that? How did this make you feel?
Christian D. Larson said, “A smile is a light in the window of the soul indicating the heart is at home.” “Home”, the thought of feeling at “home” sounds comforting and secure, right? It all can start with the eyes, which are that window, according to William Shakespeare.
You know, it’s said that we use more energy to frown than to smile. So, let’s make it easy and simply SMILE.
When you schedule some “ME” time does this make you smile? How does this make you feel?
Have you planned some “ME” time for today? It is “ME” Monday® after all, which is a day each week to plan something special for yourself, a moment for you to have an extra smile. A smile-a- day for you can help boost someone else’s day too. If we all pay a smile forward, even with our eyes, every day can feel a whole lot better! #ME-Monday