Pres Debate Odds

Presidential Debates Odds

Debate Thursday June 27, 2024

CNN Debate to be Cancelled or Postponed?

Yes +300

No -500

CNN Presidential Debate Winner 

(As Per CNN Poll)

Donald Trump -125

Joe Biden -105

How Many Different Topics Will be Discussed
Over 10.5 Topics -160

Under 10.5 Topics +120

Number of Times Trump Says Stolen/Rigged?

Over 9.5 -120

Under 9.5 -120

Will the Debate Exceed 90 Minutes?

Yes -120

No -120

First Topic of the Debate

Economy +200

Foreign Policy +250

Healthcare +325

Immigration +350

Any Other +125

Who Will be the First to Speak in the First Debate?

Joe Biden -240

Donald Trump +160

Will There be a Handshake at the Beginning of the Debate?

Yes +250

No -500

What Type of Pattern Will Donald Trump’s Tie Have?

Solid +110

Striped +150

Dotted +500

Any Other +600

What Type of Pattern Will Joe Biden’s Tie Have?

Striped +175

Solid +200

Dotted +375

Any Other +400

Color of Joe Biden’s Tie

Blue or Navy Blue +125

Light Blue +225

Red +225

Purple +600

Other +700

Color of Donald Trump’s Tie

Red -150

Light Blue +250

Blue or Navy Blue +325

Yellow or Gold +600

Other +700

Who Will Take the First Sip of Water

Joe Biden -140

Donald Trump +100

Will Donald Trump or Joe Biden Curse on Air

Yes +900

No -2500

Will Either Candidate Mention X/Twitter During the Debate

Yes +150

No -200

Will Hunter Biden be Mentioned During the Debate

Yes -280

No +195

Will ‘January 6th’ Be Mentioned During the Debate

Yes -200

No +150

Will Donald Trump’s Legal Issues be Brought Up During the Debate?

Yes -300

No +200

Will Joe Biden’s Age Be Mentioned During the Debate

Yes +300

No -500

Will the Debate Include a Question About Climate Change?

Yes -500

No +250

Will There be a Protest or Interruption From the Audience?

Yes +325

No -550

Will There be a Technical Issue with the Microphones

Yes +130

No -175

Will There be a Technical Issue with the Video Feed

Yes +160

No -240

Number of Times The Moderator Ask for a Candidate to Stay on Topic

Over 7.5 Times +150

Under 7.5 Times -200

Number of Times the Moderator Has to Call for Order

Over 4.5 Times +100

Under 4.5 Times -140

Will Either Candidate Bring Up the 2020 Election Result?

Yes -160

No +120

Who Will Interrupt the Other Candidate First?

Joe Biden +110

Donald Trump -150

Will Either Candidate Walk Off Stage Before the Debate Ends?

Yes +250

No -400

How Many Times Will Joe Biden Mention “Obama” or “Barack Obama”

Over 1.5 Times +110

Under 1.5 Times -150

How Many Times Will Donald Trump Use His Famous “Make America Great Again”?

Over 1.5 Times -200

Under 1.5 Times +150

Will Donald Trump Mention His Ongoing Legal Battles or Trails

Yes -150

No +110

First Candidate to Mention “Economy”

Joe Biden -120

Donald Trump -120

First Candidate to Mention “COVID-19” 

Joe Biden -120

Donald Trump -120

First Candidate to Mention “China” 

Joe Biden -120

Donald Trump -120

Number of Times Joe Biden Says “Folks”

Over 5.5 Times -200

Under 5.5 Times +150

Will Joe Biden Use the Phrase “Here’s The Deal”

Yes -220

No +155

Number of Times Donald Trump Says “Fake News” 

Over 3.5 Times +120

Under 3.5 Times -160

Will Joe Biden Wear an America Flag Pin

Yes -1000

No +500

Will Donald Trump Wear an America Flag Pin

Yes -1000

No +500