Pompano Beach to help people find jobs

The City of Pompano Beach is working to help people find good jobs.

The City works with a variety of resources to benefit employers, job seekers and workforce resources. Regardless of your education or experience, our dedicated workforce professional will provide one-on-one assistance during our Virtual Wednesday Workforce Help Hour to Pompano Beach residents and businesses.

Available every Wednesday between 12 noon and 1:00 p.m. Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Android device or simply call in from any telephone on the day of the meeting. Pre-registration is required at: http://bit.ly/VirtualHelpHour.

To help fact-track the connection between job seekers and employers or workforce resources a community partner will join every week. On Wednesday, February 2nd when a staffing coordinator for Amazon will share the range of opportunities available at Amazon and host a guided tour of the application portal and process for entry level warehouse positions.

The City Pompano Beach Job Placement Center provides links to the residents and businesses of the community with career and growth opportunities through the creation of networks, training, education and individual support. For more information contact [email protected] call 954-786-7866. or visit www.PompanoBeachFL.Gov/JobPlacement.