“ME” MondayTM 12-16-19
NETWORKING. What is it about networking that makes some of us confused, feel like it is a waste of time, or fear the unknown encounter?
Does it seem like, in addition to our workload, all we are doing is bouncing from gathering to party to meetings and continuing the cycle over and over again until we start the new year?
At this time of year, the holidays are clustered together during a condensed period of time making our schedules a bigger challenge.
As business professionals, we are working diligently to wrap up one year of business and prepare for the next. We are trying to close out year-end finances, finalize new budgets, make time for our families, make time for ourselves, and NETWORK? Ugh! It can be exhausting. It can feel unimportant and it can also feel uncomfortable.
With all the energy we utilize to focus on the people we know and care about- our loved ones, our friends, and our co-workers, how is there any oomph left to be our best self to network?
Depending on the event you attend, you may experience meeting anywhere from 25-100+ new people. How do you stand out from everyone else who does what you do?
Can you remember a time when you were dating and you would go out hoping to meet someone new? How did you feel? Networking is like dating, don’t you think? You are going out to meet a group of people to find a good match. What is the difference if it is a personal match or business match?
Do you know anyone who feels like they have a separate business and personal identity? This is more common than we may think.
I can remember a time when I was two separate personalities, one at work and one at home. At work I excelled but at home it was always about everyone else. I couldn’t relax or be the me I truly was deep down inside. When I would network or go on sales calls, it sometimes felt confusing. Who was I? How did I stand out from everyone else? How could I make a difference? Back then, I didn’t stand out as much as I could have. I withheld the part of me I wanted to be out of fear so I blended in. I may have collected a lot of contact information but would any of those contacts remember something special about who I was or about my profession? As someone who has achieved merging both identities to become the best version of myself, I can attest to the amazing life-changing results in my personal life and increased success in business.
NETWORKING. Would it be confusing, a waste of time, or scary to network if you merged your business and personal identities to become the best version of yourself that you haven’t met yet? As the best version of yourself, can networking can now become a bigger opportunity rather than a challenge to meet new contacts as someone who stands out from others who do what you do?
If you are having trouble figuring it out, please send me a message.
In the meantime, start by scheduling something special for yourself on “ME” MondayTM!
Regards-the Identity Coach
Have you met the best version of yourself yet? What would that look like?
This is your now!
Lynn Lessell CHC, CLC
The Identity Coach
Certified Tranformation Coach
Have questions? Want to transform your team? Let’s chat!
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