Miami Dolphins Transcripts

Wednesday, May 21, 2024

S Jordan Poyer

(We were just taking to S Jevon Holland. He talked a little bit about how he’s been trying to pick your brains. You’ve been in the league for a long time. What’s it been like working next to him?) – “It’s really cool, man. New experience for me. Obviously I’ve been playing on the same team for seven years, and now coming here with a new group of guys, it’s been really fun to connect with them on and off the field. Jevon is a great player. Talented as heck, smart as heck. Any way that I can to help him be the best player that he can be, that’s what I’m coming here for. To help this team win essentially football games.”

(Obviously these can be voluntary. Did you want to just endear yourself to the team, is that why you’re out here?) – “Yeah, I think a lot of success come from just the communication part especially on the back end. If you want to be successful you got to know who you’re playing with essentially. You’ve got to know the guys on and off the field. In the fourth quarter, I want to know the guy I’m playing with. I want to know about his family. You learn to trust each other that way. That’s essentially why I’m here. I don’t necessarily have to be, but I want to be. I’m excited about this opportunity, and it’s been a good OTA so far.”

(What has been your impression of Defensive Coordinator Anthony Weaver’s defense?) – “I absolutely love it. Obviously playing in the league for 12 years I feel like I’ve seen most of the defenses or I’ve played in a lot of the defenses. Obviously some nuances with terminology and details and whatnot, but it’s a really exciting defense. We’ve got some good players upfront, in the linebacking corps, and then on the backend. Again, I just want to come here and do what I can to help this team become better and help them win games.”

(What was your view of the Dolphins from afar and is it different than what you’ve experienced so far?) – “That’s an interesting question. Obviously being on the other side for seven years I’ve seen them grow. From when (Ryan) Tannehill was here and all the way up until now where they have as an explosive offense as they’ve had. Obviously a new kind of scheme on defense, but just the growth they’ve been able to have. Seeing that from the other side, a lot of respect obviously for Mike McDaniel and what he’s been able to do here. And then just the players that they have here. I’ve been friends with a lot of them for the past couple of years. So really coming here was pretty easy, and they’ve all welcomed me with open arms. It’s been a really cool transition and I really enjoy being here.”

(What has been your impression of Defensive Coordinator Anthony Weaver and his coaching style?) – “I love it. I was actually with ‘Weave’ (Anthony Weaver) in Cleveland back in 2013, a long time ago. I was actually with Coach McDaniel there, too. Brian Duker was there. ‘Ryan Slo’ (Ryan Slowik) was there. It’s kind of aging me a little bit, but that was the staff back in 2013 in Cleveland. We weren’t very good, but it’s crazy how full circle it comes around. I’m super proud of ‘Weave’ for what he’s been able to accomplish in the league from playing and now as a coach working his way up as a defensive coordinator. And then the rest of the coaches are really good coaches. Honing in on all the details and just continuing to get better.”

(What’s your thoughts on all the turnover the Bills have gone through this offseason?) – “They’ve gone through a lot. I’m excited to play them twice, that’s for sure.”

(How is Head Coach Mike McDaniel different than when he was in Cleveland in 2013?) – “I didn’t’ really get a whole lot of interaction with Mike (McDaniel) when he was in Cleveland. But obviously hearing his story a little bit; a lot similar to my story with alcohol and finding a way to come out on top of it and finding a new direction. His story for sure has inspired me throughout my career, and then just him as a coach, he’s a players’ coach, extremely smart and he’s somebody that you want to play for.”

(What was it like to see the boys from Buffalo again this past weekend?) – “It was cool. It was kind of a surreal moment. There are not a lot of people I don’t think that get to go get a sendoff in a sense. I spent seven years out there. Loved every moment of it, loved my teammates, my coaches, the fans. But it’s a really cool opportunity for me to be here now. I get goosebumps thinking about playing them twice a year and just the idea of winning the AFC East and hosting a playoff game and winning that playoff game. I remember what it was like in 2017 when we were in Buffalo and the Bills hadn’t been to the playoffs in x-amount of years and then we finally got there and then we finally won it. It turned the whole city upside down. You can feel the buzz in Miami about this football team everywhere you go, ‘Hey man, you guys can do it.’ So if you do it, this city is going to go upside down. And then you get on a roll and whatever happens after that we’ll see. But at least getting there, winning that AFC East, beating Buffalo twice. I’m excited about that.”

(What did you tell QB Josh Allen when you were in front of him? What do you tell QB Tua Tagovailoa when you see him?) – “I love Tua. I love Tua. That’s one of the big reasons why I’m here. He is who he is. And Josh is – I’ve been his teammate for seven years. I’ve seen so many plays that he has made. You could argue Aaron Rodgers, Tua, Josh whoever you want to argue. At the end of the day that’s my dawg. I love Josh, I cannot wait to play him. But I love Tua, too. This offense is a high attack scoring offense. My job on the other end is to get Tua the ball back as fast as I can to let Tua score some points.”

(Did you get the sense late in the season that that might be your last run together in Buffalo? That that was probably the end of it?) – “I did but didn’t. I still had a year left in my contract. I didn’t really know how that was going to go down. It really all happened so fast. I was in Costa Rica on vacation during the time when I got cut. Then essentially a couple of days later got signed in Miami. It really all happened so fast. I didn’t know necessarily what to expect. I knew Micah (Hyde) wasn’t going to come back at least for right now. He might come back. But for me, I just wanted to continue to play football again. I know I can still play at a high level, I know I can still help teams win football games. I essentially watched Miami for the last seven years and I live 20 minutes away in the offseason out here so it was the perfect fit, and I’m excited to be here. Extremely excited to be here.”

(What was it that made that relationship between you and S Micah Hyde both on and off the field so special for the time you were together?) – “We had a lot in common the more we got to know each other. Obviously married, kids. We met each other through a mutual friend that I played with in Cleveland. He played at Iowa, Christian Kirksey. I played at Cleveland with Christian Kirksey. I ended up going to California for one offseason and ended up meeting Micah in 2016 before we got to Buffalo. I could tell meeting him then and obviously watching him as a player in Green Bay. I’ve always had a lot of respect for him. But just talking to him and meeting with him and then we got to Buffalo we both just looked at each other in the eye and promised each other that we were going to change this culture. We were going to change everything about it and we just went to work. I sense that similar camaraderie with Jevon (Holland). Jevon is a young player and he just wants to work. I want to be here to help him as much as I can to become the best player that he can be so in a couple years when I’m sitting on the beach retired after the Dolphins have maybe won a Super Bowl or two. I can be like, ‘Yeah man, that’s my dawg right there. No. 8, you see him, we came up a little bit together.’ Whatever I can do to help this team win football games, that’s why I’m here.”

(You mentioned QB Tua Tagovailoa. Do you ever mentor guys through contract situations? Do you guys ever talk about that or do you kind of just let agents deal with that?) – “I think agents. I think you just let agents handle that out. That’s more personal type stuff. When it kind of happens it’s a big hug, congratulations and let’s get to work.”            

Monday, May 21, 2024

LB Jordyn Brooks

(You’ve been here for a couple of days now. How would you assess today’s session?) – “It was a good day today. I think we started off a little slow yesterday as expected. The first day everybody is getting used to the calls, used to each other. I thought today we made improvements.”

(Why was it important for you to be out here today with it being voluntary?) – “For me it’s like I got to get to know the guys that I’m playing with, get to know the system and let them get to know me. It was important that I be here, it was mandatory for me. I’m glad I came, I’m enjoying it.”

(What have you learned about the new defensive system?) – “We’ve got a bunch of calls. A bunch of calls, with a bunch of calls within the call. It takes time to learn those things, but I like what we’ve got going. I like the scheme. I’m excited about it.”

(What has Defensive Coordinator Anthony Weaver been like to work with? What have you seen from him as a coach?) – “He’s been great, man. He’s been a great leader for us so far. Very smart, high football IQ as you would expect. I’m excited to play for him.”

(You mentioned it’s mandatory for you to be out here. How important is that for the communication for you LB David Long Jr. and LB Anthony Walker Jr., and the rest of the linebackers?) – “It’s important. Any linebacker that you play with, you’ve got to be able to stream with each other. This is the time to get that chemistry going between David and I so that when the season get’s going we can hit the ground running.”

(I saw you guys running the deep look drops in individuals. How much does this offense stress the ability to get vertical as a linebacker?) – “A bunch. They do a bunch of play action. We got to play the boot routes. The special routes and all of that. That’s why you see us drilling it today.”

(Even though they are not out there, we saw LB Bradley Chubb, and Jaelan Phillips out there talking to guys. That’s pretty impressive to be out here even though they are injured they are out here. What does that say about the type of teammates they are?) – “I think it’s awesome. We’ve got some young guys trying to fill their shoes right now while they are out. Their presence is big for them. Also the team. They are a big part of this team’s success over the last couple of years. So just their presence is enough right now.”

(Are there any early head coach Mike McDaniel impressions? Don’t impersonate him, but what are your thoughts?) – “I don’t have any impressions. But he is different for sure. I think everybody kind of knows that. I like his style though. He’s real and he’s true to himself. He allows everybody else to be that way. I think that helps guys play better and play faster. Just being able to be comfortable with who they are.”

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Head Coach Mike McDaniel

(There was a report that QB Tua Tagovailoa has not been here for all of the voluntary workouts. Is that accurate and if so, what do you think about that?) – “The good news about ‘all’ is it’s very black and white. He has been here for offseason activities. He has not been here for offseason activities. He has been both. I think important in the player-coach relationship is communication and I think however things play out, as long as we’re communicating and we’re on our P’s and Q’s on what we need to get accomplished, then we have a fighting chance and it’s been a good exercise in our relationship this offseason.”

(When he hasn’t been here, is that contract related?) – “I don’t make a habit of speaking for other people’s mouths, so I’ll let you guys ask Tua. You guys have a good relationship.”

(QB Tua Tagovailoa certainly appears to have lost 10 or 15 pounds. How does that relate to something you spoke about at the end of the season which was extending plays and buying himself some extra time in the future?) – “I think any time that you have – that was a big year this past season for Tua, being able to play the entirety of it at the professional level as well as having two years in a row with the same offense and play caller. And in that process, you get to find out on your own exactly where there are different areas where you can improve your game. That’s something that we directly relate, him and I, in terms of looking for those competitive advantages so I think he identified that as one for himself and has – I think the results speak for themselves. He’s svelte.”

(We haven’t talked to you since the WR Odell Beckham Jr. signing. I wanted to get your thoughts as to why you thought he was the right player for this team and what you think you can add with him? Obviously, he’s not the player he was a decade ago, but he still looks like he can play?) – “I think in the offseason you’re constantly trying to find ways for your team to get better. That’s what Chris (Grier) and I solely focus on, and I think you want a situation where all parties see the same vision. I think I presented the opportunities that playing here could provide and sat down and just communicated with a guy that I’ve followed his career since its onset. He’s fully done right by my draft grade as a receiver coach, by the way, just in case you were wondering. And we hit it off. I could see there’s a passion for football still at the forefront of his mind, and he saw the fit so we were happy to make our team better and afford his skillset.”

(How do you think he can help you guys on third down?) – “Hopefully getting open and catching the football for first downs. (laughter) I think you start with a program with an offense and you have certain skillsets and in this particular circumstance with the Miami Dolphins, it wasn’t like I had previously coached a pairing like we have at wideout and kind of how defenses would respond to that. You learn over time different ways that defenses will really try to attack you and where they could be vulnerable and I think having as many players in the pass game participate and distribute the ball takes us to another level of offense and I see him as part of that.”

(Do you talk to QB Tua Tagovailoa much about the contract stuff or do you just solely leave that between him and General Manager Chris Grier?) – “I don’t want any of that burden in my life. I’m an asset – this is what’s great about the orchestration of our organization. I think it’s important that the player-coach relationship is put on a pedestal where you don’t tinker with that. My job is to get him better. His job is to communicate with me how I’m doing in that process. I think we’re in a safe zone where when he’s talking to me about my expertise and not about stuff that is not my expertise, so we try to stay true to that and that’s paid us dividends this offseason.”

(Will we see LB Jaelan Phillips or LB Bradley Chubb walking through the new defensive plays or even sort of jogging on the side? I don’t know what they’re able to do at this point.) – “It all depends on what you’re looking at. From the onset, they just really have to keep an eye on both those guys just to make sure they’re not doing too much. They have the second they were able to move around without a scooter, they were hard-pressed not to find themselves in some sort of overexaggerated stand-through. Whether it’s walkthrough or not, we’re just being very mindful of who the players are that we’re getting back to full health and really protecting the Miami Dolphins against those individuals themselves because they’ll do too much too soon. They’re doing great day by day and getting really excited if you ask me for a timeline.”

(I wanted to ask you about joint practices for training camp… Do you have plans for any of those before any of the exhibition games?) – “Yes, we have two planned with Atlanta, one planned with Washington, one planned with Tampa.”

(Okay, so you’ll do all three exhibition games, you’ll do joint practices before them?) – “Yes. Didn’t see that coming, did you?”

(With this cornerback unit obviously a lot of new faces and a lot of guys playing different roles. I believe CB Nik Needham is kind of being cross trained as a safety. You know he’s done that in his past. What do you hope to see in periods like this where it’s really glorified 7-on-7 from the secondary?) – “You want to see – it’s like part to whole – any orchestration of team defense, team offense, team special teams; is you’re trying to introduce and apply consistent techniques so that players can know where their help is, know what to depend on, know how they communicate and so everyone is on the same page because the bottom line is a lot of times it doesn’t matter what you’re playing as long as everyone is playing with conviction and complementary technique. I’m trying to see consistency and ownership of technique when we’re trying different things from bump and from off at the corner position. I want to see the different tools that we give the players committed to and orchestrated and how does that relate to the safety? How does that relate to the nickel or the backer? Those things are very important when you’re trying to play consistent, convicted defense. So I’m trying to see that uniformity of technique and implementation so we have consistency in all three phases and specifically with what you’re asking about at the corner position.”

(Is there anybody today that we will not see that we would expect to see?) – “I mean, what? (laughter) You’re talking about me forecasting your expectations. I don’t know. Are you glass half-full, glass half-empty? There’s a lot of things to unpack there. I’m sure there will be players you’ll be like, ‘Oh, I expected to see him.’ Maybe there will be players that you’ll be like, ‘Oh, I didn’t expect to see him.’ You’re going to see players convicted and excited for OTAs, but this time of year specifically, one of the things that we really try to do a great job of is tailoring to the specific needs of individuals so there’s different day-off programs. There are different ramp-up, bring-back-down, all those things orchestrated from downstairs in the training room filtered out to really making sure that we get the best of these opportunities that we have in the offseason.”

(You’re about two weeks off from the CB Xavien Howard contract coming off the books with the post-June 1 cut. Are you going to use these next three weeks to really evaluate what you might need to use that money on?) – “Part of our job as a high functioning NFL franchise is you’re always looking for ways to get better. I know that’s something that if Chris Grier has a tattoo on his body, it’s probably of that – always getting better with roster. We’re always looking, but I wouldn’t necessarily look for – it’s not through the lens of what are we without. We have a pretty deep team that’s high in competition. It’s always balancing the stuff that we’re able to do and what’s out there and can we improve our team. We’ll never stop looking, but we’re not on the hunt.”

(Going back to the cornerback position, if things for lack of better term go wrong for CB Cam Smith in terms of getting on the field as a rookie and where does he need to improve here in his first full summer with the team?) – “Well, I think it’s important for a team to max out the ability of players that you have mutual accountability from the players and coaching staff and the organization’s perspective. I’m not necessarily worried about the placing blame or why his timeline is as it is. Those timelines are unique to each individual. What I’m really pumped about is I know in Year Two that the relationships that he’s holding within his position and the coaches and the way he’s attacking this offseason is that he’s not satisfied with that by any stretch and nor is the organization. So I’m excited for the competition and the development, because that’s really what I get into and what we’re all in this for.”

(Back to the joint practices, what are the benefits of switching that up going with the three different preseason opponents?) – “Well I think each offseason is a different code to crack. I think the specific needs of your team vary. I think in this specific offseason, we had the opportunity to get a couple more valuable practice days against varied looks, varied techniques. I think the intensity of practice in general is raised to a degree when you’re going against a fresh, new opponent. I think with the players’ offseason (and) the way that our specific team practices against each other, I’m forecasting that will be a breath of fresh air to see somebody else. So I think there’s a lot of things that go into it. But in this particular formula, we saw benefit in getting a couple more practice reps against opponents and adding to our offseason of development.”

(This is the first time we’ve spoken to you since the schedule has come out. There are a few things you can’t help but notice. You have several games at home to start off, but several games on the road to finish up. There’s also the Thanksgiving Day game. What are some of the main takeaways you took from the schedule coming out?) – “I think, well, if you’re wanting to change a narrative, you’re going to have an opportunity. I don’t really worry too much about things, pretending like I have any idea of what’s good or bad. I know if you’re playing the right competitive football, you’ll always have unique challenges to your schedule. If you’re playing the right type of football, you’ll have primetime games. You can have short or long weeks. All those things. I think we’ve found a way to develop our team both years. I’m firmly expecting that same thing again this year. I think that the opportunities down the stretch of the season are ones that this team at that point in time will be thirsting for. That’s something that when I saw the schedule, I was pretty excited.”

(This is your third defensive coordinator in three years. How have you learned from your past experiences? How is the relationship going with Defensive Coordinator Anthony Weaver?) – “Hopefully I’ve learned well. Hopefully. I couldn’t be happier with the way ‘Weave’ (Anthony Weaver) has really taken this offseason on. I think there’s a lot of consistency and overlap in principles that I hold true to the organization about developing players and being on the front end of schematic aggressiveness and innovation. I think the relationships that have occurred on that side of the ball have been outstanding this offseason. I think that guys have really responded with an intensity and vigor with him in the building, leading meetings and leading them on the field.”

(Defensive Coordinator Anthony Weaver came from a defense that held both you and San Franciso to 19 points in back-to-back weeks last year. Is that something you go to him with and say how did you attack us and San Francisco in a way to stop us and kind of help yourself learn how to attack a defense?) – “Yeah, I think you’re always benefited – there’s a supreme benefit in understanding how other people view you to understand the why’s behind certain things. I think that’s something every offseason I’m kind of searching for, and a lot of times you have to forecast. It’s a lot easier to go down the hallway and see how a particular unit that was able to have some success kind of looked at you from a game-planning perspective. I think that really helps coaching staffs be able to put players in better positions, at least that’s the way I look at it. So that communication has been outstanding and very beneficial.”

(How did LB David Long Jr. get the first orange jersey?) – “I thought this Phase 2, he embodied kind of the way to go about your day-to-day operation. If you want something, go get it. David (Long Jr.) felt after last season he had more to offer to the Miami Dolphins team, and instead of just talking about it, he lived that every single day. I think that all of his teammates feed off him. He’s a leader for us. I was just happy that his playlist didn’t suck. (laughter)

(Chiefs K Harrison Butker made some comments recently that have drawn a lot of attention. I’m wondering when it comes to political stances, do you encourage your players to talk about that stuff amongst themselves? Or do you tell them leave that stuff out of the building? How do you handle politics in the general locker room?) – “Well, I’m glad you asked. (laughter) I think you do have to open the eyes of the players to their platform if they’re new to the situation. I think you have to understand that what you say publicly can be fragmented and last with you forever. I really emphasize that whatever you’re going to say, you better believe it. You just try to educate people to understand the consequences of whatever they do. They have the freedom of choice, and if they want to go that direction, go right ahead. I’ll be right over here hanging out with you guys.”

(If I could follow up regarding the schedule, it sounds like you welcome the challenge of how the end of that regular season plays out for you with those tough road games and all. What gives you confidence that this team is going to accept that challenge and overcome it?) – “Well, I mean these are the things that we’re trying to establish ourselves to take the next step as an organization. We’re trying to do that anyway, so the fact that the schedule gives us the opportunity to do what we’re working tirelessly to try to accomplish, I thought it was fitting. I guess I don’t go into the schedule with expectations. I think all games are hard. All teams, all opponents are hard. You have to be a tough-minded football team to be your best at the end of the season. That’s a formula that we’ve found in portions of the season that we have a very direct concerted goal of making sure that we take the next step as an organization. So yeah, I’m not in the business of hiding for something. We’re going to have to pay the piper at some point.”

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

WR Braxton Berrios

(You guys added obviously WR Odell Beckham Jr. and then there was obviously a couple receivers that were added in the draft. How do you think that depth is going to add to the team this season?) – “I think it’s huge. Football, it’s kind of inevitable as sad as it is that injuries happen. The more depth you can have, the more your four, five, six can play like your one, two, three, the better off you are.”

(Tell me about the expectations for the offense this year. You just mentioned adding WR Odell Beckham Jr., but third year, second year for some guys, what should this offense look like this season?) – “I think we did a great job last year. Correct me if I’m wrong, but we led the league in yards most of the way – I don’t know if we finished that way, but most of the way. It’s really now with third year in the offense, second for some guys like me and obviously the rookies, it’s their first year, but it’s about the finer details now. We know we can do it. We know we can get it done when everything is not perfect. Now it’s about trying to be perfect and seeing where that can go.”

(Head Coach Mike McDaniel mentioned the end of the schedule. Off the top of my head, you guys are at Houston, at home against San Francisco, at Cleveland and at the Jets. He was saying that he embraces that challenge, playing the good teams. From a player’s standpoint, how do you view that finish?) – “Look, the schedule is what the schedule is. You memorized it better than I have. (laughter) Week 1 – really preseason and then Week 1 is the thing that you focus on. Obviously down the stretch everything matters, and when you play those really good teams, they’re essentially extra playoff games to really get you ready and I think that’s awesome. We go away to Cleveland late in the year and then finish at New York. Those are two great environments, and I think being tested on the road late in the year like that is going to be awesome.”

(Did QB Tua Tagovailoa have to go play golf with Nick Saban today? I mean, we’re here for him.) – “I think so. He’s been hitting well, I know that.”

(How did QB Tua Tagovailoa look yesterday?) – “Great. Great, obviously very comfortable in the offense, commanding things and just accurate as ever.”

(Can you talk about your communication with QB Tua Tagovailoa outside of the facility? Do you guys get together often? Do you have plans to get together outside of here?) – “Yeah, I think we do a good job of all getting together whether it’s football or not. Whether it’s golf, we all try to get together and really build camaraderie and chemistry outside of the building as well.”

(Why was it important for you to be here because you don’t have to be here? There are a bunch of guys who aren’t that for varying reasons, I’m sure. Why did you want to make sure you were here today?) – “I think it’s important for me. I think everybody has their own views, their own battles, their own things they want to accomplish, and me, like I just said about the offense, I want to be perfect. Even though that might not be possible, I want to be perfect in everything that we do. For me, it’s just extra reps. It’s extra reps to get better and again build chemistry and build momentum as we go into camp.”

(What do you make of the new kickoff rule? Are you going to try to be a part of that?) – “Yeah, absolutely, I’m excited. I think it’ll be interesting, especially the first few weeks, to see everybody come out with their tricks. I think preseason they’re going to pop it up and let people cover and see what they have. I think Week 1 and Week 2, there’s going to be some variability there which should be exciting. I’m excited about it.”

(So more of a shifty maneuver than like building up speed and catching at the goal line, what’s the different mentality?) – “It depends on the kick honestly and it depends on what they try to do. I think now more than ever, it’s about hitting a hole when you see it and splitting it. Because the way they’ve condensed it, some of the guys on the very opposite side of the field, they’re non-factors that can hit, but if you dance, then you give everybody a chance. So I think now more than ever, it’s about getting vertical.”

(With WR Odell Beckham Jr., I don’t know if he’s been out here, but what does he bring to this – we all know who OBJ is. What does he bring to this room in particular?) – “He brings a lot and a lot of leadership as well, a lot of experience. Big time ball, big time plays. I think the more information we can get in that room and pass around, the better off we are as a whole. Obviously, he makes some incredible plays, so we’re all looking forward to it.”