Miami Dolphins activate Armstead and Miami Dolphins Transcripts – July 31 – Head Coach Mike McDaniel, LB Jerome Baker, OL Robert Hunt and TE Durham Smythe

Miami Dolphins activate Armstead

MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. – The Miami Dolphins announced they have activated tackle Terron Armstead off the physically unable to perform list.

Armstead started 13 games at left tackle for Miami last year and was selected to the Pro Bowl for the fourth time in his career. He has played in 110 regular-season games with 106 starts and 10 postseason contests in his career. Armstead joined the Dolphins as an unrestricted free agent from New Orleans on March 24, 2022. He was originally a third-round pick (75th overall) by New Orleans in the 2013 NFL Draft following his collegiate career at Arkansas-Pine Bluff.

Terron ArmsteadT6-53057/23/9111Ark. Pine-Bluff ‘13Cahokia, Ill.UFA, ‘22 (NO)

TE Durham Smythe

(Did it finally feel good to put the pads on?) – “Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I tell everyone all the time, as a tight end blocking on the edge, that’s no fun without pads, especially with some of the athletes we have on the edge. No pads, you can’t get into them. It’s no fun. So, I love when the pads come out, for sure.”

(What could you tell today about the team in pads that you couldn’t tell last week out of pads? – “I think the one thing that was pretty evident was just how professional this team is. A lot of teams that I’ve been on and that you see throughout the league, day one, day two of pads, there’s a lot of wasted time with fights or whatever, people tapping out. I think everyone came in today with a plan to attack. There were no skirmishes or anything like that that wasted time. So, I think more than anything, this team is very professional.”

(What do you see in the front seven, defensively this year?) – “Yeah, I mean, really, you could say front 11. We rotate those guys and they’re all very talented. I think it’s the most talented front seven in the NFL. It’s definitely the most talented I’ve seen here in five years. I think there’s obviously star players in every position, but the depth too. Guys can just roll in and there’s no slack. It’s definitely a chore to go up against every day, but it’s an iron sharpens iron situation.”

(So much has been said this summer about the heat. Number one, how do you deal with it? Number two, do you feel any kind of difference? It’s always hot here. But is there any difference this year?) – “Yeah, I mean, you’ve got to just embrace it. When I first came here in 2018, I was falling out of practice every day during training camp because that’s how tough it is. Especially with guys who sweat a lot. You have to embrace it, though. You know it’s coming. There’s really nothing you can do besides know that you have to be prepared in terms of hydration and stuff. And then, just you have to attack it. That’s going to be the same every time. You can definitely notice a difference. In September, when teams come here, or we go somewhere else and it’s a little cooler, there’s obviously a very large difference.”

(A lot of the offensive guys have talked about how much more comfortable they are in Head Coach Mike McDaniel’s offense. From the tight end position, in your experience, what are some of the little nuances that you’re more comfortable with?) – “Specifically this time of year. Last year I think we were all just kind of figuring it out. Now I can turn to a tackle or Alec (Ingold) in the backfield and we can change a play basically without having to change the play. We can go to different spots, whatever – we all know we’re on the same page. So, I think that, above everything else, is very evident at this point during the season. Whereas last year, I think we we’re just going out there and trying to play fast and kind of just wishing.”

(Is it weird having your first training camp without former Dolphins tight end Mike Gesicki here?) – “It is. I tell people that OTAs was kind of weird, because that’s a long time spent in the building without him. But now, it’s kind of business as usual. We’re back to it. We brought in a lot of good guys. So, there’s still a lot of good people on this team that I can hang out with.”

(So who’s your replacement best friend?) – “Oh, man, I can’t say that because if I said that, I’d get a call in 10 minutes in there and (Mike Gesicki) would be yelling at me. But you know, I think the tight end room in general is great. We brought in a lot of guys that have played a lot of football, kind of know how to be a guy in the locker room. So it kind of picks up where we left off last year.”

(What have you seen from the young tight ends Julian Hill and Elijah Higgins?) – “Very talented, both of them, honestly. Every year we bring in people and you know, everyone’s talented that gets to this level whether you’re an undrafted free agent or you’re drafted. But these guys, I think, are different than a lot of the guys we’ve brought in in the past just because of how physically ready they are. They feel like they’re NFL guys. A lot of times it takes time to transition to that. You’re kind of swimming for a while. Both of these guys are physically ready. Obviously there’s things that rookies have to deal with. But in terms of being football players, these are two good football players.”

(Can you talk about the front seven and the talent there. For guys like yourself who have been here for a long time, how have you guys kind of raised your expectation or level of play knowing with everything that’s come in…?) – “I think, like I said, with the guys on the edge and how much depth we have there. Every rep for us on offense, especially on the edge, tight ends, tackles, fullbacks, it’s every rep you’re getting better or you’re going to get embarrassed out there. I think that’s something that in the past, you know, you go out there, if there’s not as much depth, you can not have your best rep and still win it. That’s not how it works anymore on the edge. I think when you have that on the other side of the ball, we’re getting better every play and I think that’ll continue to stack and show as the season goes on.”

(When you talk about no skirmishes, no wasted time, professionalism out here, what does that mean in the grand scheme of things? How will that manifest itself in the regular season?) – “I think it translates in a lot of ways. When there’s adversity in the middle of the season, teams can quit or fight with each other, things like that. Obviously, it’s one day of pads so I’m not saying that we’re perfect out there by any means. But I think we showed specifically compared to the years in the past, that this team is capable of that. When adversity comes, I think these are a bunch of professionals in that locker room that’ll handle it well.”

(From an offensive standpoint, what’s the biggest challenge picking up Defensive Coordinator Vic Fangio’s defense?) – “I think it’s a lot of things. I think structurally, it’s the disguise. The secondary obviously does a great job. A lot of smart guys in our secondary and with Vic’s defense, they can disguise things until the last second. What that does for us in the middle of the field is number three receivers, tight ends, slot receivers, you’re looking at the safeties after the snap and you’re having to change your route five, 10 yards down the field. So that can definitely get confusing at times. I think on the edge it’s letting those guys kind of be themselves. They can do whatever they want as long as they win and when you have athletes like we do on the edge, that’s tough when they’re kind of let loose like that.”

LB Jerome Baker

(We saw LB David Long Jr. flying around today. Just what’s it been like kind of working with him in the middle of the defense?) – “Super fun. He’s fast, strong, super smart, kind of feed off each other. He’s a similar personality to me, so we definitely connect and we’re just around having fun.”

(When you say similar personalities, what do you mean by that?) – “Laid back. We have our moments when we’ve got a lot of energy, but for the most part we’re just laid back, do our job, come in. We just go to work. Every day we just come in, go to work. We’re still football players, we’re still regular people, so some days you don’t feel like going and that’s when me and him jump in. It’s definitely been fun.”

(Do you feel like you guys complement each other athletically, too, in this system?) – “Oh yeah. We’re kind of super similar. He’s fast, I’m fast. He’s strong, I’m strong. We kind of just feed off each other. When I’m feeling sluggish, he’s up and ready. When he’s feeling sluggish, I got his back. It’s one of those things we kind of mesh real well.”

(How about the whole back seven? We’ve heard some of the DBs talk about the amount of communication in this system and how you guys feel like you’ve been picking it up so far in the first week?) – “It’s only the second week of camp so it’s still a work in progress, but for the most part, we’re starting to see how fun this defense can be once we’re getting rolling and we’re taking advantage of it. We’re just getting as many reps as we can and just getting ready.”

(What’s the most out-there thing you’ve heard DT Christian Wilkins chirp at the offense?) – “That I can say on camera? (laughter) I mean, this guy is a character. I have one that’s always going to stick with me, but I know I can’t say it. It’s funny. (laughter) He’s a character. He doesn’t care if it’s first down, second down, third down. He’s always going to talk. I always tell the stories of there have been times in games where he’s talking so much and I get tired of him. (laughter) This guy is just a character. I’m glad he’s on my team. I’ll say that.”

(I was just wondering are you still wearing the green dot for communication because I know in years past maybe we asked if S Jevon Holland was doing it. Are you still …?) – “Yeah, I mean pretty much all the linebackers have it right now. I think Vic (Fangio) is one of those old-school guys of ‘it’s a privilege’ so he’s going to wait and see who deserves it. Right now all the linebackers got it and we’ll see later on.”

(Does Defensive Coordinator Vic Fangio slow down in the heat?) – “No, he’s got the old-school hat, the bucket hat. You would think he’s just fine, but I know this heat is getting to him. (laughter)

(How do you handle it? Do you feel has this summer been any worse?) – “I mean, hot is hot. It doesn’t matter if it’s 100 degrees or 120. It’s still hot no matter what. For me, I’ve been here for a few years so I kind of got used to it. I know how to prepare myself. Hydration. Young guys don’t understand how much that really helps, so for me it’s just hydration. I walk around with a two-liter jug of water and hydrate the whole day. I come out here, it’s going to be hot regardless, but my body is – it helps recovery.”

(What have you noticed about this team – offense and defense – the first day in pads today?) – “We’ve got the potential to be good. I think right now, the first day, everybody’s got energy. Everybody’s ready to go. It’s easy on Day 1, but when you get to Day 6, 7, 8; that’s when you really see how good you can be. Today was a good day. It’s always going to be a good day on Day 1, but we’ve got some potential. We’ve just got to keep going.”

(What did you think of LB David Long Jr. today? I really noticed him today, but maybe that’s just me.) – “No, everybody noticed him. He was flying around. I don’t know who’s going to have the orange jersey next, but my guess is it’s going to be him. He was flying around. He was just having fun flying around and it was definitely fun to watch.”

(TE Durham Smythe said he thinks this is the best front seven in the NFL. What do you think of the potential of this year’s team up front especially having been here for a while?) – “We’ve got some special guys. We’ve got a good mixture of older guys that have been here. We’ve got young guys that are ready to prove themselves. It’s just a good mix of guys wanting to be better and we’ve got the potential, but potential only gets you so far. You’ve got to actually execute and put the work in, so it’s going to be a good one this year.”

(What are some things that have surprised you about Defensive Coordinator Vic Fangio during your time working under him?) – “To be that old, he’s actually pretty funny. (laughter) He’s an older guy, but you would never tell. He’s truly like – when he goes out on the practice field, he’s just watching, having fun, seeing what guys do, coaching up as much as he can. But once you get in that classroom, that meeting room, you can tell he’s an older coach. He’s going over everything, every step and it’s just a great balance. He’s definitely a great balanced coach. He understands that we’re young and we like things a certain wait, but man, it’s definitely great playing on (his team).”

(Is Fangio’s humor kind of different from Head Coach Mike McDaniel? Does it kind of sneak up on you? Because I’ve heard that, too…?) – “Yeah, it’s that old like, ‘oh, that was a good one.’ He’s one of those. Just an older guy and his jokes are – it’ll hit. You’ve got to process it, but it’ll hit.”

(They hit you when you leave the meeting room?) – “No, you would notice. It’ll be like, ‘Oh, that’s what you meant. Okay. I got you.’ A lot of his jokes are like old players, sometimes – his soul, you don’t really understand, but if you know football you’ll catch onto his jokes.”

(We’ve seen Fangio throw a couple penalty flags. Have you noticed that? Do you pay attention to that? Like what’s the deal with that?) – “I don’t know because sometimes he just throws it just to throw it. Like the one he threw it on – it was like an incomplete pass. I’m like, what did you throw it on? Like who was it? You could just tell he was just like smiling, just laughing. But he’s like one of those guys of he just truly wants you to get better. Even if you make a good play, it can be better. That’s just a credit to him. He truly just wants us to get better.”

(Does Fangio make a conscious effort to keep it loose, do you think?) – “I think once we get on the field, he kind of just lets us do our thing. He has expectations. Any time we’re in the meeting room, he holds us to that, but for the most part, when we’re on the field, it’s players just playing. But he’s one of those coaches where he kind of fits. He goes with the flow, but he’s got his certain ways and we just live up to it.”

OL Robert Hunt

(Was today your favorite day? Kind of shut those guys up a little bit on the other side?) – “No, I wouldn’t say my favorite day. It’s fun to compete against those guys though. It’s a back-and-forth type of deal. One day they have our number, the next day we might have theirs. It’s good man. Just fun competition.”

(But it’s not fun when you don’t have the pads on, right?) – “Yeah, but that’s when they kind of think they got a little more than they probably would have in a real setting. But we let them have it, and then we try to come back and do what we do. It wasn’t perfect by no means, so a lot of work needs to be done still.”

(You mentioned that back and forth. Is that good to see the competition? It’s not just one side always winning. You guys are on the same team, so you guys are both getting after each other?) – “It’s really good to see, man. We’ve got a team full of competitors and guys, that’s good. It’s fun to compete, man. It’s good to see that it’s going back and forth, it’s not just one side just taking off. You know how they go, and we know how the media like to put it. It’s fun to go back and forth. (laughter)

(Hold on, so you’re saying we’ve been wrong?) – “I’m a fan of you guys. That’s not what I’m saying. (laughter)

(Because we saw Friday’s practice. As the offensive line, how do you respond to that?) – “You just got to come in the next day and see what we messed up at on the film where they had all those good plays. They had a really good day, man. They were amped up, and we just didn’t match their intensity nowhere, you know what I mean? So we had to come back the next day, which I think yesterday we did. We came back and we kind of got it rolling a little bit. Today was a back-and-forth type of deal, so it was good.”

(TE Durham Smythe talked a lot about the professionalism of this team, the first day in pads how there’s no fights, there’s no skirmishes. Is that something you guys talk about beforehand? Or is that just where you guys are at?) – “Honestly, do you see how hot it is? I doubt that anybody wants to fight. If you fight, that’s just on you. You different. You got a little more energy than everybody else, you know what I mean? (laughter) Like I have no will and want to fight anybody with that heat. So, we can call it professionalism or whatever you want to call it, but the heat is what it is in my opinion. (laughter)

(A lot of the offensive guys are talking about how much more comfortable they are in year two of Head Coach Mike McDaniel’s scheme. At right guard and maybe for the offensive line, what are some of the little things that you guys are able to kind of fine-tune more as a group in year two compared to last year?) – “It’s just a lot smoother because it is year two, so a lot of this stuff is repeat things. Everything is like repeat, all the players are repeat. So the only thing you have to do is tune up the small things, the small little things of your game. You work on that and then everything else should be easy, because it’s year two (in the) same system. So it’s pretty good.”

(How would you compare Offensive Line Coach Butch Barry’s coaching style and philosophy to the previous coaches?) – “I won’t compare him to anybody, but Butch is his own guy. He does a fantastic job. I love what Butch brings. He’s a loud personality, but he means well. He knows what he wants, and that’s what you have to respect as a player. Somebody to come in and know what they want, you’ve got to respect that, because that means it’s the standard and that’s what we want to have is a standard. So it’s good.”

(I think my favorite drill is 1-on-1 o-line verse d-line. Do you guys love it as much as I do?) – “No. d-line may. They might love it. It’s a defensive line drill, man. It’s a defensive line drill, but we just got to hold on and do what we do. It’s a lot harder for offensive linemen to win right there in that setting, o-line versus d-line. It’s a lot harder for o-line to win. But if you can in that, you can win throughout the game and throughout the practice.”

(Is that because of the space you guys have to operate in?) – “Yeah, it’s the spaces. I just feel like we know what it is. We know what it is. They’re going straight for it. You just have to try to do what you can do.”

(I thought you handled DE Christian Wilkins pretty good today in that period.) – “Thank you, I appreciate that. (laughter)

(You mentioned the heat. There’s been talk of record heat and all that, does it feel worse? Do you feel it this year?) – “Yeah, I have felt it this year, especially training in the offseason later on, so maybe late June. It was pretty scorching.”

(Head Coach Mike McDaniel said that you can take advantage of that heat when teams come to play here. Do you think that is possible in football?) – “One-hundred percent. Yeah, I think we definitely can. It is our advantage of playing in South Florida. We’ll take advantage of it as much as we can, so hopefully we can do that.”

Head Coach Mike McDaniel

(Opening Statement) – “I’d like to first talk about Zach Thomas. It’s so cool to see guys get inducted into the Hall of Fame for me because it’s impossible for me not to view it and think about the lifetime achievement that is and what goes into that. Specifically having Zach in the building, able to talk to the team. I feel honored to be a part of an organization that has a player like that. You could tell the players on the field knew what they were looking at and what that is to actually accomplish something like that. Since you guys brought it up, the Hall of Fame, I’d also like to double-down and one of the most influential coaches in my career but probably – there has to be, it’s in the teens or low teens, of offenses right now that are heavily influenced directly by Mike Shanahan. Man, it blows my mind that he’s out. I know the process and I really hope this next coming year is his year because you can’t really look at offensive football currently right now without looking at him as the father and/or grandfather of that offense.”

(How many teams would you say are influenced by Mike Shanahan’s offense?) – “If you want to go directly from working with Mike Shanahan and that offensive scheme, it’s more then 10, approaching half (of the league) when you really look at it. You can do it like an ancestral tree, and I’m sure you could get about 12, 13, 14 (teams). It’s pretty amazing. For whatever reason, maybe people have lost sight of that, hopefully they haven’t, because that is a monumental influence that deserves to be in the Hall of Fame with Zach.

(Do you have any update on DB Keion Crossen and whether he’ll be out long term?) – “Keion is a great guy to report on with regard to injuries because he heals like he runs. Fast. When he’s out, thankfully he’s never had a major injury, but when he has certain things ailing him, he does everything he can to get back and he is a very fast healer. I think I’ve been on record that he’s one of the fastest healers I’ve been around.”

(So it’s not a major thing where he’s out for the season?) – “Nope.”

(We haven’t had the chance to talk to you since CB Jalen Ramsey had his procedure. What were you able to say to him afterwards? It was reported it was a full repair, might have him out until December. What kind of timeline do you have for him now?) – “Talking to Jalen after his surgery was talking to a really drowsy person. (laughter) But he was in good spirits and I think the surgery went about as well as it could have. We’re elated about that. In terms of where his mindset is at, he’s a self-proclaimed alien. He couldn’t have a better mindset with which to attack this process. He’s immediately, tell me what the timeline is and I’m going to beat it by a month. What I like about that is thankfully we have a training staff that really does a good job of protecting players from themselves, so I know he won’t be rushed. That combination of prudence and the player’s aggressiveness for the stuff – I know one thing, when Jalen is back on the field this year, he’s going to be 100 percent Jalen Ramsey. I’m fired up about that. As a team, we make sure the team he comes back to does everything they can to be the best version of themselves possible.”

(Follow up to that. Did the doctors find any additional knee damage outside of the meniscus when doing surgery?) – “No, we’re very thankful and fortunate that there was no other knee damage.”

(The three-day practice/break schedule that you have. That seems to be new. I wanted to know what the origin or thought process was behind that. Before you answer that, also I’ve noticed a rhythm to your practice that when you go 11-on-11, the reserves are the first guys out there, and then your starters.) – “I love both questions. I guess I’ll do the latter, I always remember that one best, and then you have to remind me of the first one. In terms of the structure of practice, it won’t always be that way but you have the starting quarterback and those who are working with the starters that day. Then you split the rest of the team into two different groups. Well, not all positions have two different groups, so there is overlap in reps between those two groups, so we sandwich the starting quarterback and who’s working with him that day in between. From an athletic performance standpoint, from an injury prevention standpoint and just a competitive standpoint, it’s not quite fair, depending on where we are at in our progression as we ramp up to get ready for games, it’s not fair for a guy to be judged on his sixth rep consecutively out of seven against guys that have four in a row. So it’s overall for the team’s health so that guys don’t have excessive reps that accumulate. It won’t always be the case. There’s sometimes depending on how the periods are structured, you want the starting quarterback out there to set the tone. But when we do that, it’s for that splitting up of reps. Then the first question. With the CBA derived off-days, that we do believe in, during the season, you never practice more than three days in a row. You’re practicing three days in a row, then you get your Saturday before the game where you get a little rest, and then you perform on Sunday. You try to model everything after what you’re going to be doing all year. So it doesn’t really make any sense to practice four days in a row once or twice early in the season when you’re never playing four days in a row.”

(So much has been talked about the heat this year all over the country, especially down here. Do you approach it differently, coaching in this climate as opposed to other climates, when you’re when you’re out there? And just how aware and are you more aware of watching that because of it?) – “It’s a substantial difference and I think it would be silly not to not to account for that. That’s why you always see me in long sleeves at practice is because I’m not running around but I’m trying to be aware of how hot it is. I’m not sure if scientifically it’s the same but whether it’s placebo or fact, that’s kind of what I do. Because you try to take accountability for things that, on our side, we can prevent. The sun exposure is real. But it’s also something that, it’s not like you want to avoid it because if you get used to that type of heat, you can have a competitive advantage when you play in the heat, which we play in a lot. You have to be very mindful. The certain amount of reps that I was used to per practice in San Francisco can’t be the same exact intensity and reps. You have to be a little creative, you have to be mindful, you have to build up to things. People don’t understand how accumulation of soft tissue injuries, what that does to an entire team. Not only is that person out, but then you stress the other players within that position group. And then all of a sudden you have a skeleton of what your team started like. So I have to be very mindful. And I take that seriously. We have a great training and performance staff that gives me the information that can put our best foot forward because I don’t want to put players in harm’s way that way.”

(What role do you envision for CB Eli Apple?) – “I think more often than not, my vision for players is to give them as many competitive opportunities and let them tell me who they are. Otherwise, why are we having all these practices? And I think players in this organization specifically, and in the way that the combination of myself and (General Manager) Chris (Grier) work, they know that if they outperform someone, they will get a job. And so you allow people to compete and allow the competition, and everything that makes them who they are, you allow that to speak for itself. And you try not to get too many preconceived notions. I was pumped to be able to add him, just because competition makes everyone better. He started out, as far as I know, there’s been no negative tweets to Tyreek (Hill). And no, it’s been great. He was able to get involved yesterday even before he had a nameplate on his jersey. He was ready to start the process to try to be on this team. All of his teammates welcomed him with open arms.”

(The pads are coming on today. What does that tell you about the o-Line? What have you seen so far?) – “One of the arts of good teams are they are able to find the skill with which to practice without pads. That’s very beneficial for the majority of the season. However, it is a game that is played with leverage and pads. You feel like you have a complete assessment of how someone plays. There are certain players at certain positions that you still have to see it with pads on because it does change to a degree. That doesn’t make those other practices less significant. It’s more that you’re looking for any sort of alteration from a certain guy in his play when the pads come on, expecting it to be similar, but you know it’s not going to be exactly similar. Football is a padded game that you wear shoulder pads in. So the ideal way to evaluate football players playing football is in pads like they’re going to be on game days.”

(You talked a little bit this offseason on how much QB Tua Tagovailoa has done to prepare himself. When he got into martial arts, was that his idea, was that your idea, was that collaborative? How did that process really play out?) – “It kind of makes me happy that I can’t really give credit to one person’s idea. I think the culture around here, as it best can, is about getting to the right answer, not whose answer it was. But I really can’t remember for the life of me. I know that it was an idea that we all came together and spoke about and approached Tua with and he immediately was, ‘Yeah, I’ll check it out,’ and then got great feedback because with (Head Strength and Conditioning) Coach (Dave) Puloka and (Head Athletic Trainer) Kyle Johnston and how they vetted whoever the master of jiu-jitsu would be. Those parties did all of their homework, really tracked every single health-related issue that he’s that he’s had from falling, and concretely attacked the problem. I think it was really cool from an organizational standpoint and from Tua’s standpoint, and I feel great about the results. We’ve only had one time in camp so far in live action that, it was in OTAs actually – in OTAs I think he got stepped on and he fell down backwards and completed a backwards somersault. It was pretty sweet.”

(That was my next question. You’re not playing real football right now. The quarterbacks are not going to get hit. How much can you know until games start in September?) – “That was something that was an unintended consequence of the whole offseason was we found that there are certain drills that we can apply to all the quarterbacks because you’re right, it was something that really talking to Teddy Bridgewater last year, randomly, he was like, ‘Yeah, it’s so irritating. Like, we go zero to 60.’ And it’s like, okay, well, that is true. What a wild existence. We’ve done our best to come up with some drills so that they can fall over. A lot of which is just me pushing them. It’s not. (laughter)

(Last year this time, you mentioned WR Jaylen Waddle was guy that you felt made a big jump from OTA’s to training camp. I’m curious if there’s a player or two you might feel the same about this year?) – “I think the byproduct of being here a second year. I think there is a lot more consistency. People knew what to expect in OTAs, so their best foot forward and what the expectation was. I don’t see as much distinction between OTAs and training camp, specifically with individuals. What I do see is people more so than last year, utilized the offseason training, and built upon that in training camp, which is something that you’re kind of always worried about. There are certain guys – we spoke about (Andrew) Van Ginkel’s versatility. Well, he’s utilized what he learned in OTAs and has been able to do some really cool stuff in training camp. I think there’s a lot of defensive players that are developing at a really cool rate, and really flourishing within the system. I see young guys going after it like Cameron Goode, who is trying to get on the field as best as you can. Guys that have had some roles that they want expanded, like Elijah Campbell. The list goes on and on. Just because I see guys getting coached at a high level and guys wanting to be coached and guys responding to it.”