BY Lynn Lessell

It’s been a long and busy weekend for us. Lots of house work to get done and errands to run. Work somehow crept in all weekend too. Somehow it was difficult to accomplish everything even though we gained an extra hour with daylight savings time.
Sound familiar?
The best part of the whole weekend was the fact that tomorrow is “ME” MondayTM! I am so excited tomorrow is Monday! I have planned for some “ME” time. HOORAY!
Scheduling “ME” time is something I make an effort to do daily. That time is so incredibly important for relaxation and clarity at work and at home.
Recently, there have been quite a few frustrating incidences. Whether these things happen with work “to dos”, dealing with co-workers, family errands or exasperating interactions with others, it is always great to know you can have piece of mind during some “ME” time to regroup, relax and regenerate!
Maybe you are asking yourself, why Monday? Why look forward to Monday? Why not?! It is the beginning of the week and what better way to set the positive energy for the rest of the week than to be your best on Monday!
Tomorrow, I will awaken and smile, knowing I have set my most positive intention to start the week. It is going to be a great week and start to a new month.
Please share in the comments how you plan to begin your week this Monday. “ME” MondayTM is a great day to start planning something especially for you!
If you could do something for yourself right now that you are not doing, what would that be…?
To your health!
Lynn Lessell
Certified Health/Life Coach
Toll Free: 877-838-2022
PH: 561-717-3090
Fax: 561-717-3094
Direct: 561-331-6006
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