BY Lynn Lessell
Another school year is ending. Summer is coming. Will the kids go to sleep away camp or day camp? Will they be home for the summer? Do I need a sitter? How will I keep them busy? My husband is traveling all summer for work. AHHHHHH!!! What to do!
So, I had two options -1) FREAK OUT and figure out what I have to do or 2) take a few deep breaths, relax and figure it out. One way or another, it all will get figured out. Right?
It is all about how we choose to figure it out.
I chose to focus on how much I love my kids and spending time with them. It was important to also focus on how much I love myself, something I had come to learn. So, I thought, what a great opportunity I had to set an example for them about self-care, a value so important for them to acquire.
It has been awhile since they were young and we spent a lot of time together; however, self-care was a great lesson learned for all of us. As they got older, they themselves practiced self-care and the appreciation they now have for their own “ME” time also resulted in a great respect for the time I take for myself. I had more energy and focus to be the mom I needed to be, wanted to be, and continue to be. I became a happier, more relaxed person.
The things we each choose to do for ourselves will vary since no two people are alike. We all have a variation of careers and schedules; however, the important similarity here is to make yourself a priority. Everything in life is better, happier and more fulfilling when you do.
You don’t have to take my word for it. Follow this link to workingmother.com and see the variety of self-care suggestions shared by other busy working moms. This is a great tradition for working dads too!
Plan “ME” time all the time but especially on “ME” MondayTM! Whatever you do, do it for you and start your week off with a SMILE.
If you could do something for yourself right now that you are not doing, what would that be…?
To your health!
Lynn Lessell
Certified Health/Life Coach
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