Jaguars Media Availability (9-2-24)


(On embracing Jaguars Owner Shad Khan’s comments about this team being the best
Jaguars team assembled) “Yeah, I think he’s right on. I think that is our expectation. It’s
always our expectation. Each year, you put together and you assemble the best team the
best set of coaches and you’ve got to put in the time. You’ve got to work hard. He sees what
we’ve done the last two years and the successes that we’ve had, but he also knows—and
we know—that we’re better than the way we finished last year. I think that’s something that
he alluded to. But he’s right. That’s the expectation and we’re all held to that.”
(On how Khan’s belief in the entire team inspires confidence, especially going into Week 1)
“I mean it gives you a lot of a lot of confidence, and it’s just something that we focused on
all the way back in the offseason program. You’ve heard me say this a bunch about the
development and developing our roster, and making sure everybody gets opportunities,
and they’re carried over into training camp. Now it’s just a matter of, we’ve just got to go do
it. I guess, as they say, the talking is over, and you’ve just got to go put in the hard work and
preparation and try to go 1-0 this week.”
(On the strides made from the defensive secondary since finalizing the roster and their
upcoming task against Miami’s wide receivers) “To kind of address the second part of your
question there, this is a lot of team speed. These guys have got a lot of skill and ability,
obviously, on offense, and they just know how to attack a secondary. We’ve revamped ours
and I think the scheme that Ryan [Defensive Coordinator Ryan Nielsen] has brought and
Kris [Defensive Backs Coach Kris Richard] has brought, I think has really helped our guys.
We do have some young players back there that have, I would say, don’t have a lot of game
reps, but great opportunity for our guys to really focus on this week. I look forward to Tyson
[CB Tyson Campbell] and Darby [CB Ronald Darby] and the guys to just compete and see
what happens. But a lot of respect for Miami, a lot of respect for their skill positions and
even with their quarterback. I think he [Dolphins QB Tua Tagovailoa] does a great job of
getting the ball out of his hand and anticipating windows, and those guys those guys make

(On he’s glad the team is facing Miami’s receivers Week 1, and how that helps to prepare
the defense to face other top receivers later in the season) “No, but thanks for reminding
me the people that we’re going to be playing. It is a great test. I mean, this is what you want,
though. You want to compete against the best, and sure, preseason is one thing, but now
it’s the regular season and you’re going to get everybody’s best. We’re going to put our best
foot forward, so great opportunity for our guys, for our defense and for our team to compete
this coming weekend.”
(On any injury updates for Sunday’s game vs. Miami) “No, we’re pretty healthy at this stage.
Probably the last one is [S] Daniel Thomas to get him back on the grass this week and see
where he is with that, but anticipate having everybody full-strength going into this week.”
(On the importance of having a fast start) “It’s always good to get off to a good start. You
can’t go 2-0 unless you go 1-0, right? Again, I think we face playoff teams in our first four,
five, six, seven weeks, whatever it is. These are playoff teams and AFC-type teams too that
we have to we have to compete against. It’s a long season we understand that and, but at
the same time you want to play good football and it does help the momentum too if you can
get off to a good start.”
(On if he’s decided who will be the play caller for this season) “I still haven’t made my mind
up yet.”
(On having the play caller decision made by Wednesday prior to the game vs. Miami) “Yeah,
maybe… You may never know. You can just stop with the question right now, you’ll never
(On his description of QB Trevor Lawrence’s personality) “I would say that he’s definitely got
an outgoing personality, but he’s got a sneaky sort of humor to him. He’s well-liked. He’s
likable. He’s also somebody that will shoot you straight, which I can appreciate from him.
The other thing too is his demeanor. He’s just a cool, calm, collected person. There’s not a
whole lot that gets him riled up and probably a whole lot that doesn’t necessarily get him
going in the other direction. Just the calmness about him, he’s got a great poise about him,
but he has that sneaky humor that shows up from time to time with his teammates.”
(On if a decision has been made on who will be named a captain this year) “Yes, there’s
been a decision that’s been made. I think by Wednesday it should be out.”

(On how much is unknown about Miami in particular, given their new defensive staff and
scheme) “There’s quite a bit of unknown even though there’s history with this DC [Dolphins
Defensive Coordinator Anthony Weaver] being in Baltimore. Some of us, we’ve played
Baltimore the last couple of seasons and kind of understanding what they’ve done. It’s the
unknown because he’s going to have his own ideas, he’s going to have his own thoughts
and now that he’s now that he’s running it, there’s going to be some unscouted looks. We go
back and we can look at personnel, we can look at some of the Baltimore stuff, where he’s
been and really kind of study that. But there’s always going to be that unknown in Week 1.”
(On how the veterans, including DE Arik Armstead and CB Ronald Darby, have impacted the
younger players throughout training camp and the preseason) “Yeah, I think both those
guys and all of our free agents that we brought, one, they’ve added the value and the
competition that we were looking for at their positions, and also some leadership. Veteran
players that have played a lot of football, they’ve been on winning teams. Obviously, Arik,
he’s been to a couple Super Bowls, and he knows how that is and Darby the same way. I
look at Mitch [OL Mitch Morse] and Gabe [WR Gabe Davis] and all the guys too, offensively,
that have been to the top in the AFC. It’s just their leadership, I think, and the value that
they bring there, not only with their skill set and what they can provide offensively and


(On how different the Jaguars’ secondary looks to him, specifically in terms of playmaking)
“I think you definitely hit it on the head. Buttoned up is a good way to describe the way that
group operates. The attention to detail and the level of communication on the backend that
you hear from them, especially on a pre-snap basis. We do a lot offensively when it comes
to motions and shifts and throwing different things at them, and to hear them
communicate, all of them are on the same page pre-snap. They always talk about—I’m
sure the defensive guys tell you guys about it—winning the pre-snap, and they do a great
job with that. So, especially on the back end, you’re always having to communicate, and
those guys have done a great job. Rarely do you see them out of position and they’re very
opportunistic and I’m really excited to watch them do what they do this season because I
feel like Coach Nielsen [Defensive Coordinator Ryan Nielsen] and Coach Richard
[Defensive Backs Coach Kris Richard], they’ve done a great job of putting those guys in
position to capitalize on some takeaways and do some things to take away what those
offenses do best.”
(On how ready he feels the secondary is to face a strong wide receiver room like Miami’s) “I
definitely feel like they’re ready. I feel like they’ve put in the work. They’ve done all the
things over training camp, and shoot, even starting back in April. Learning the scheme,
learning the system, and from what it sounds like in talking to them, as long as all 11 of
them are on the same page and each guy is doing their job and doing what they’re
supposed to do and following the game plan and bought into that, I don’t see why they
couldn’t have success. We have a lot of really good playmakers over there on that side of
the ball, and when they play together as a unit, they’re hard to stop. So, I feel like they’re
ready, and like I said, I’m excited to watch them go out against some of those opponents
and do what they do.”
(On how he has grown into the offense and what improvement looks like) “Yeah, that’s a
good question. I think for me, one of the biggest steps is just—and I think we’ve seen a lot of
our leaders do it—bringing along some of the young guys and helping them develop. Really

becoming almost like a spokesperson for our offense and really just trying to be a facilitator
in helping them grow and just further myself as a leader. But performance-wise and on the
field and within the offense, I think the biggest thing for me is just consistency. I always talk
about making every opportunity that comes my way, just creating separation, being
somewhat of a safety blanket for Trevor [QB Trevor Lawrence], but also creating explosives.
Hoping to get in the endzone a little bit more this year in red zone, and like I said, making all
of those opportunities. So, the big thing for me is just taking another step and just being
better than I was last year. I know I didn’t play a full season but bearing that I stay healthy
and play every opportunity that we have, I feel like I’ll be able to take that step this year. My
body feels a lot better than it did last year, so just really excited for where I’m at. I know, like
I said, I’ll be a pretty decent part of this offense and what we do, so for me, it’s just making
all those opportunities.”
(On how he can take his leadership skills to the next level) “I think consistency is an easy
word to use in every part of these avenues to describe a lot of things that we do when it
comes to correlating it with success. I think it comes to the days where practice is a little
harder, it may be a little hotter, bodies are hurting a little bit more, guys are kind of a little bit
more sluggish. It’s looking at yourself and really being self-aware of yourself and asking
yourself, ‘Hey, I’ve got to bring the energy today, I’ve got to bring these young guys, I’ve got
to set the tone.’ I’m usually one of the first ones to go in our individual drills, so how do I
start this first rep off to indicate, okay, today’s a workday no matter how bad I’m feeling?
Christian’s working, Gabe [WR Gabe Davis] is working, Brian [WR Brian Thomas Jr.] is
working. I think that the next step is just the consistency aspect of making sure I’m setting
the tone and setting the example of what we’re doing in every single rep.”
(On how important it is for the team to get off to a fast start with a win) “I think it would be
huge. Especially starting off with an AFC Playoff contender last year, a team that’s had a lot
of success over the past few seasons. I just think for us it would just kind of propel us into
starting on that journey that we want to start on into accomplishing all the things that we
want. That starts with beating playoff teams, especially on the road. I think that’s a big
thing, too. We’re still relatively young as a team, so I think for a lot of these young guys, it’s
important for us to go on the road, kind of set the tone of how we go about our business
when we’re on the road and really banding together. We’re definitely going to take this week
and set that kind of tone and emphasis on how we’re going to approach this Sunday.”
(On it being WR Brian Thomas Jr.’s first NFL game and what he remembers about his own
NFL debut) “Definitely some nerves, definitely some emotions. I think my message to not
only him but every rookie that plays is definitely be in the moment. I think it’s important to

kind of realize you’ve worked your whole entire life to get to this point and now it’s finally
here. Take in those moments pregame and whatnot, but once that first whistle blows and
that first ball is snapped, it’s football. It’s the same game you’ve played your whole entire
life. BT operates with a lot of confidence, and so definitely not worried about him at that
aspect. I know he’ll go out there and play fast. He’s been preparing really well, so excited to
see what he does in his first game.”
(On how confident he is that WR Brian Thomas Jr., WR Gabe Davis, and WR Devin Duvernay
are ready for Week 1) “Very confident. Like I said, I think it starts with our process and the
way we go about preparation throughout the week. Those guys are pros, especially Gabe,
him being in his fifth season now. He’s done it at a high level, so it’s just really you look to
those guys to just fall back on their preparation and their process. He practices hard, one of
the guys that we look to to set the tone. Then Brian has just been a sponge. Same thing with
Devin. Devin is definitely a little bit of a quieter guy, but when he’s out there he’s always
giving it his all, and like I said, he’s done it at a high level for a long time. I think all of these
guys have been around other people, too, that have done it at a high level, have been
around some great pros. So, I think it just goes to speak to the type of people we have on
this roster. I know when those lights turn on and the whistle blows, they’ll be ready to go,
and we’ll go out there and set the tone.”
(On how important it is for a young guy like WR Brian Thomas Jr. to have confidence going
into Week 1) “I think it’s huge. You said it, I think as the practices went on, his confidence
grew and it usually just takes one play. I forget what day it was, but I remember him
catching a deep ball in practice and that was kind of the one that clicked for him. I think it
was going into Kansas City. Going into Kansas City, the first target he gets he doesn’t make
but it comes back to him and makes a big-time play on the sideline, and I know the talk of
the town has been all of our emotion for him once he made that catch. That’s huge for a
young player. Even though being a first-round draft pick and all the success he had in
college, once you get to this level, there still needs to be some point of validation, like,
‘Okay, I can do it at this level.’ I know I went through it too and I know a lot of rookies do, you
just need that one play. Like, ‘Okay, I can do it at a high level with these guys.’ BT is just going
to keep on getting better the more plays he makes like that, especially in the regular
season. So, like I said, just really excited to watch him get out there on Sunday and grow.”
(On if he feels like the team now is similar to the team in 2022 in the sense of having to
prove themselves or being the underdog) “Yeah, I wouldn’t necessarily say underdog
mentality but definitely maybe flying under the radar a little bit more. People aren’t talking
about us the way they were talking about us last year. But it’s not a bad position to be in. For

us, it’s just focusing on us, our goals and our visions of what we have, expectations we have
for ourselves and this season. It’s easier to block out the noise. I think we’ve learned from
that last year. Not that we didn’t handle it well last year, but especially when things started
going wrong, there was a lot of talk about what’s going wrong and whatnot. It’s neither here
nor there if that played into how the end of the season ended, but I think right now we’re
just at the point where we’re just taking it one week at a time. Taking it one week at a time
and we know that we have to earn the right to play in the postseason and it starts early on in
the year with an opponent like Miami, who is probably going to contend for the playoffs
again. So, we know the opportunity at hand, it’s not going to be given to us, and we’ve got to
go out and take it.”


(On the challenge of pressuring quarterbacks such as Miami Dolphins QB Tua Tagovailoa,
who are able to get the ball out fast) “It means we’ve just got to take advantage of your
opportunities. We know what type of game it’s going to be, but we can stop what they do
best. We can make it that type of game to where he has to hold the ball. So, for us, it’s just
winning first and second down and look for our opportunities to come on third down. Stop
the run. Really dynamic offense, a lot of playmakers get the ball out quick to these guys and
let them make plays, but we can stop and tackle, keep executing what we need to do. It can
be a game to where we can have our opportunities to go rush him.”
(On debuting Defensive Coordinator Ryan Nielsen’s defense) “I mean at the end of the day,
it’s always about us, and how we how we come out to play, and how we perform. If we can
trust our technique, trust the call that’s being called for us to go out there, and just make
plays, we trust the coach the staff is going to always put us in the position to be successful
each and every play. We do our own film study, they do their film study and I’m talking
about coaches. They’ve got a good read of how the game flow may be, and for us to just to
go out there and play ball. For me, that’s my biggest thing is just rely on my technique and
win first, second down and third down, I know what I can do then. I’m excited about this
week I know all the guys are, coaching staff is as well, and I’m excited about this matchup.”
(On the defense’s potential for success, assuming players stay “relatively healthy”) “The
best… What does that mean ‘relatively healthy?’ I don’t want to think about that. I don’t like
putting things like that in the air. We take care of our bodies, we play each play like it’s our
last and we keep on going. I take back my answer.”
(On the importance of starting the season fast) “Very important, I mean, that’s the goal
each week, again, is to be 1-0. We look at how we look at it, and we want to win 18 games,
we want to win every game to the Super Bowl. Realistically, we have to be 1-0 each week,
so our preparation,n our mindset going into each game starts in practice started—well, not
start today, practice started today—we’ll work out, but it starts today. Then it goes on to

take care of our bodies tomorrow, and then we come back Wednesday with a great plan,
keep executing that plan, and keep building on these days. That’s how we get to 1-0, and
then once we watch our film, get corrections, we move on to the next, and we start that
same process all over again. We love our process, we trust it, and we’ve got to stick to it.”
(On if there’s excitement to see what Nielsen’s defense will look like on the field on Sunday)
“I mean we see I see it every day in practice, so I think that’s where it starts. That’s where
you build your confidence to let you know that hen game day comes it’s like, you know what
I can do, I know what you can do, let’s just go ahead and play ball, so the plays that’s going
to be made in the game are plays that we’ve made consistently in practice. If we can keep
executing like that, we’ll be, it’s just noise, it will be normal for us. Now we can actually
tackle and we’re going to try to get cut at the defensive end spot. Other than that, our
practices are so hard. I kind of like it too, so when we get to Sunday, we just play fast.
Celebrate a little bit more.”
(On what it means when Jaguars Owner Shad Khan has just as high expectations and goals
for the team) “I hope so. He’s invested more than anybody else in this organization. His
expectation is to win each and every year, so for us, we have to do our part. He’s done his
part in getting us what we need to be successful. Now it’s just, again, it’s really all the
players. We can unify as one offensively, defensively, special teams. We can get the job
done we have the pieces, and so for him, we’ve just got to make it work. Hopefully he does
believe that, and I know he does and he gives us all the faith and confidence that we can
play fast as well and that was just us to carry it on to Sundays and Mondays.”
(On what kind of belief the team has in QB Trevor Lawrence that he can get the team to
where they want to be) “I mean, again, I think it’s not just about the belief in him, I think we
have a belief in this team. I think it’s the power of the unit, and I think he does a good job
leading his unit to be ready to play on Sundays, and that’s all that matters. So, believe—I
think we believe in the offense we believe head-down, top-down that they can get it done
and so that allows us to play with even more confidence. We’ve just got to go out there and
play fast and I trust them. I think we all do, but again, we trust the offense as well that
they’re going to handle and do what they’re supposed to do.”
(On if there is an “nervousness” about what the defense is going to look like on game day)
“No. I see it every day in practice. Is that your topic—the defense, the first-time out—that’s
what I’m starting to pick up. I think the question, every question—all my answers are going
to be same. We work really hard in practice. We train, we push ourselves every day in
practice to get it right just on Sundays, so when we go out here and we do practice against

our offense, our defense, we execute really fast and we play really fast because we know
what we’re doing. That allows us Sunday—Sundays, we just go out there, now we can
celebrate. It’s the same thing. Now, we make a big play, we can celebrate. We can punch
the ball out, we celebrate. We get a sack, we celebrate. We get a pick, we celebrate. That’s
the only difference. I’m excited. I don’t think anybody should be nervous. We’ve been
playing the same techniques—well, this is a new technique for me, but I’ve been playing
football for so long now that it is what it is. Back end, ready, front end ready. We’re ready to
ball out.”
(On how having a heavy rotation and depth on the defensive line) “I like it. I think it’s going
to be beneficial, again, I’ve always done a lot of the heavy lifting. Now I’m still going to play,
but now I can you know sit out more than two plays and just catch a breath, and then come
back fresh. Plus, you know the guys that are coming in, I trust that they can go out there and
do what they need to do and give them a different look and let me know what looks they got
out there for those guys. Just keep on going back and forth, staying fresh. This is the week
where we’re going to be running a lot, and rightfully so. We earned the right to rush the
passer, so we’ve got to play really physical in this run game and stop the run, and earned
the right to rush. I think the rotation is going to be big. Then if we can have a good rotation
and not get caught in the rotation, I think we’ll be very successful this week.”
(On what DE Myles Cole has shown him throughout this offseason and through training
camp) “I’m really excited about Myles. When you look at the preseason, you look at each
and every game, he’s gotten better. I think the development is definitely going up and
tracking the right way. He’s going to be in there, he’s going to make his plays. I expect him to
make plays. I don’t expect him to go out there to be another body so I get a breath. No, we
expect him to go out there and do what he’s supposed to do. We get coached the same.
Obviously, we’re all different, but I expect him to take on a full ride and do what he needs to
do to set a violent edge, to pressure the quarterback, so when I do come back in there, we
can communicate. I could tell him what I see, he could tell me what he sees and we can
just learn to keep developing our plan of attack. I expect a lot from him, I think he’s going to
get better throughout the season and I’m excited about his progression.”
(On if he considers himself a better pass rusher this year, and how this season will be
different, technically) “I think I’m a better overall player than last year. I got put in a different
position to where I can become a better football player all-around, which is also going to
help me with my pass rush as well. I think I became a smarter pass rusher. I think I got a lot
better as well. I’m ready to see my strides going on to this year. Not expecting me to do two
months as I did last year in the role that I had to play, but one of my when my role is being

called, I am expected to do what I’ve done. I’m excited to do that. My teammates know that
and they have they have all faith and trust that I can play at a high level. That gives me even
more confidence to go out there and just play ball.”
(On if he has been selected to be a captain this year) “I don’t know.”
(On what kind of responsibility a captain has and if that would change the dynamic
between guys) “No, I mean I know the captains, they usually meet a little bit earlier, so I’d
have to wake up a little bit earlier if I am a captain. I’d just got to switch my routine up a little
bit if I am one. I don’t know, but whoever’s elected has done a really great job thus far and in
training camp and OTAs, and I’m excited to see what that five looks like.
(On if there are going to be five captains selected this year) “It’s always five, isn’t it.”