Jaguars Media Availability (10-22-24)


(On what he attributes the development of the offensive line to and how the offensive line’s
chemistry has grown) “I think it’s a work in progress for sure. I think every offensive line is
going to say that throughout the league as the season progresses and every team is. I think
when we’re all on the same page, we’re all seeing the same thing, it helps. Besides that, it’s
also schematics help a ton, too, getting the ball out of his hands or helping out with play
actions. So, there’s a lot of factors that play into it that I think are giving us an opportunity to
keep Trevor [QB Trevor Lawrence] at least somewhat not as much under duress.”
(On what he’s seen from OL Walker Little) “Yeah, I really like the way Walker attacks the
week as a professional. I think when we found out that Cam [OL Cam Robinson] was going
down that series that Walker had to come in, just his poise, and the way he carried himself
was pretty impressive. I thought that resonated with the rest of the guys when you see a guy
come in that you know has confidence in himself and as well as the game plan and working
with each other. That’s one less thing you have to worry about. He’s a smart football player,
he’s tough and I thought he played very, very well and helped us kind of progress as the
game went on.”
(On what confidence the offense is gaining by the way Lawrence has been playing recently)
“Well, I think more than anything, what helps an offense gain confidence or helps the team
in general is being able to kind of keep the time of possession in your corner. It’s
matriculating the ball down the field. Of course, you want big shots and those are huge, you
want to score points however much you can. So, to kind of get in that rhythm, stay ahead of
the chains, is the verbiage you used, right? And then, yeah, I think Trevor’s playing pretty
inspired football right now. It’s a quarterback-driven league, and whether he’s handing the
ball off, making checks or putting it down the field, if you have a guy who’s as poised and
confident as Trevor can be and in all the right ways, it helps everyone along.”
(On the effect of having a dominant run-attack on the offensive line’s psyche) “I mean,
there’s something to when the coaches and the staff put the game plan in your hands right?

That’s not something you go into the game saying, ‘We’re going to run so many runs in a
row.’ I think it’s a testament to them seeing how the game was playing out and making game
plan adjustments. Then I think Tank [RB Tank Bigsby], he was being decisive and that’s
huge. When you’re a decisive runner and sometimes it’s muggy in there and we’re just—as
long as you put a hat on a hat, and you have a guy like Tank or D’Ernest [RB D’Ernest

Johnson] or Travis [RB Travis Etienne Jr.], those guys make your life a lot easier. So, a long-
winded way of answering your question was it felt very good and not every game is going to

play out that way but when it does, you wake up a little sore in the morning but you’re happy
for it.”
(On if that was the most run plays called in a row in his experience) “It had to be. I mean,
that’s a remarkable amount. You don’t realize how tired you are till you get on the sideline,
and people are offering you oxygen. It was really a very unique experience, and we were
very appreciative of it.”
(On how the team came together during the week to prepare for New England) “It was
tough. First of all, that game was on all facets, all three phases, not what you’re looking for
in a football game and we all know it. Coming into that locker room, it was very spirited, and
not in a detrimental way, but what you saw was how much this game means to guys and
how much to see—it was all good things. You saw the passion. But then it was how do we
apply that to fixing mistakes and stuff? Because we work hard as a football team. I mean,
I’ve been around some football teams, and this one throughout the week works just as hard
as anyone, so it’s applying that work, and then making Sunday a celebration of that work
rather than shooting yourself in the foot. So, I think we—it’s kind of like a weird mid-season,
not training camp in regards to workload, but some teams go away for training camp and
you have this weird renaissance as a team in regards to, you’re in tight quarters, you’re
forced to hang out. There’s no place to escape. So, if there’s any time for that to happen, I
think it was the best time to do it and it was difficult because we didn’t like the results of the
week prior, but I thought we came out and had a great week of practice, really loved up on
each other and then we came out with energy. I think that the biggest thing was we found a
little bit of energy that, now we have to make it a snowball effect. We know what works and
now we have to apply it weekly. That’s easier said than done, so we’ll have to figure that
(On why the team was able to come back from an early 10-point deficit) “You can’t get 10
points back all at once. So, we just focused on – and this is going to be cliche as hell – what
can this play dictate? Oh, that was a great play, let’s let that snowball. Now we have good
field position, let’s end up with three points. Now we’re close to the goal line, let’s end up

with seven or whatnot, just stuff like that. So, staying ahead of the chains helped and then
when we got some points on the board, and the defense had a few big stops. Then we had
that, it was just the team was feeding each other. There was energy on the sidelines, it felt
good. It felt like a winning football team should feel like, and not to say it wasn’t there
before, but it was just exacerbated and I thought that was really cool.”
(On if he thinks this could be the offensive identity moving forward) “Yeah, I mean you’d like
to say that after that game but every game dictates a new game plan. Sometimes, like I was
talking about earlier, in-game dictates certain things, right? It turned into staying ahead of
the chains through running the ball. That’s just what happened and then taking shots.
That’s a great question. I don’t totally know. We’ll find out. It’d be easier to tell you in
January and February how this is going to play out. But we’re just trying to compound the
positives from last week and running the ball was a positive and teams find a way to
eliminate things, so we’ll have to be adaptable.”
(On what was meant by “scaling back” the run scheme) “You go into a work week like this
week and we’re going to have a certain amount of runs in the game plan. Those runs each
have a personnel package – it’s going to be a big personnel or little personnel. Then what
can you expect from those personnel? We expect this personnel package to bring out base
defense or this to bring out nickel, just off of tendencies from the defense. The Patriots are
a very multiple-defensive front. That’s what they’ve done for years and they’re very good at
it, so for us for that game plan, let’s just try to have a little bit fewer. It wasn’t like a crazy
scale back, but it was a scale back. Then go through every single situation that might come
about, so that when we get to that play call, we know that we’ve seen and repped and
throughout the week as many as we can assume are going to come out in that defensive
front. It just gives you more of an opportunity to go through more scenarios from less runs.”


(On if there is any extra emotion playing his former team) “No, because this is already an
emotional game as it is. It’s championship week for us because it’s the next week, so we’re
just ready to just go 1-0 each and every week, just keep trending into the right direction.”
(On how he’s adapted to his role amid changes to the secondary personnel) “Yeah, I mean
not having Tyson [CB Tyson Campbell], injuries, that’s just a big part of this game just kind
of what comes with it. I missed a little time as well, so just working everybody back in there
and just getting on the same page as far as communication and just playing together again.
We haven’t really all been out there at the same time since camp, so just getting back into
the swing of things and just sharpening up the communication and that kind of thing. I think
the unique thing about our room is that we all can play a lot of different positions and then
when you get a guy like Tyson back, I mean, he can go step-to-step with whoever, so that’s
also makes it a lot easier.”
(On how to account for all Green Bay’s offensive weapons) “They definitely have a lot of
good weapons over there which a lot of good teams in this league do, but at the end of the
day there’s one football. So, you’ve just got to do your job each and every play and just be
ready, and think the ball’s coming to you every play, no matter what. As long as we keep
holding that mindset and just make the plays when they come to us, we’ll be alright.”
(On his transition to playing full-time safety) “Yeah, I thought it was decent. I thought the
communication itself was well, me and Dre [S Andre Cisco], just kind of talking through
some things back there. I thought it was good. It’s a lot easier to kind of grade it after a win,
but yeah, I definitely thought it was good. I felt comfortable back there and all that, so it’s
(On what he thinks of CB Jarrian Jones development this season so far) “J-Dub, he’s a good
player. We’re just trying to keep him just keep everything fresh for him. It’s easy for things to
kind of get repetitive and kind of the same thing as a rookie. So just keep it fresh for him,

keep showing him different looks and just keeping him on his toes. But I think he’s handling
it very well. He’s not afraid to ask any of us questions or anything like that. We’ve got some
great DB coaches as well, so they keep us prepared for everything also.”
(On DE Josh Hines-Allen and DE Travon Walker’s impact up front on the secondary) “We
talk about it all the time just rush and coverage, working together. We got to cover just long
enough for them to get home, and they’ve got to rush fast enough for us not to cover too
long. So just working together. It’s not always going to be perfect. They’re not always going
to get back there, but right now it seems like they’re getting back there a good amount. It’s
good, those are some big, strong dudes, so it’s kind of scary for a quarterback back there
trying to go through a read or make a read or whatever when you’ve got those guys trying to
bring you down. We’ve really enjoyed having them rushing the way they’ve been rushing.”
(On his evaluation of Green Bay’s secondary) “Yeah, they’ve definitely got some good
players over there, and as I said before, as does most good teams in this football league. As
far as me, I’m worried about the offensive side of the ball. I’m not too worried about those
guys over there. I know Doug [Head Coach Doug Pederson] and Trev [QB Trevor Lawrence]
and all those guys will be ready to go. So yeah, it’ll be a fun match up.”
(On whom he is most excited to see from his former team) “Like on some friendly stuff? No,
I’m here to play a football game. It’s not a reunion. We’re here to go 1-0 this week, so that’s
how we’re treating it, that’s how I’m treating it.”
(On the outside versus inside perception of the team’s handling of adversity in the weeks
leading up to the win vs. New England) “Yeah, well you kind of answered it because you
started off with outside and then you talked about inside. We just kept inside things inside.
We have family in here and we try to keep it that way. At the end of the day, we’re the ones
who come to work every day and it comes to a point in time where you’ve got to work
through things together. You can’t worry about what everybody else outside is talking
about, you got to work through it together and I think we’ve done a good job with kind of
coming together getting on the same page offensively and defensively and playing special
teams as well. Park [WR Parker Washington] had a big return. Just playing complimentary
football. That’s a big part of this league, so we’re just trying to keep building on that.”
(On the team’s optimistic outlook moving into the latter part of the season) “Yeah, 100
percent. Like I’ve said many times before, it’s to go 1-0 this week. Like I said, every week’s a
championship week because it’s next game, so just keep building.”

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