By Lynn Lessell
ME” MondayTM 11-18-19
It’s “ME” MondayTM, the first day of the work week. How do you feel?
How do you start your day? Do you have energy?
Reflecting back, I remember always dreading Monday because the weekend was over, we go back to work and the kids go back to school. All the different schedules and routines resumed and just felt like a long list of things I had to do with so little time to do it all in. I was always running someone else’s race, fatigued and stressed.
Have you ever experienced this too?
Eventually I realized that I had the power to change what Monday looked like for me and the world suddenly seemed different though it hadn’t really changed…I did.
How do you think it would feel if you looked forward to Monday?
Would it change the way you start your day? Would you feel more energy?
How would it feel if you started following your schedules and routines in a way you choose to? Would that feel different? Where in your day would you notice this?
These are a lot of questions, right? Sometimes the easiest answer feels like the hardest but we do have the power to face every day, schedule and routine, especially on Monday, with positive intention in a way we choose to.
Like I said, it’s “ME” MondayTM so use your power to start your week off with a smile, some extra energy and schedule something especially for yourself today. It is the best day to start converting “have tos” into “choose tos”.
If you didn’t know this before, I put “ME” MondayTM on the calendar as a holiday every week, so celebrate yourself today! It’s your day!
If you look forward to Monday, just imagine how you can feel the rest of the week! If you are having trouble figuring it out, send me a message.
If you could do something for yourself right now that you are not doing, what would that be…?
To your health!
Lynn Lessell

Certified Health/Life Coach
Toll Free: 877-838-2022
PH: 561-717-3090
Fax: 561-717-3094
Direct: 561-331-6006
Follow “ME” Monday™
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