Is the Glass Half-Empty or Half-Full?

“ME” MondayTM 3-30-2020 

Is the glass half-empty or half-full? 

How many times have you heard that question? 

How are you answering that question? 

How have you answered that in the past? 

Depending on what may be happening in the present, the answer may change. More importantly, SHOULD the answer change? 

For many years, I felt like I looked at the glass half empty more often than full. As I reflect, I would say I probably focused more on what could be better rather than what was positive in the moment or what could be. It was always about how much was left to do, what I “have to do”, or what I just didn’t have based on what I thought others needed. 

Now I look at things differently. What is something positive that happened today? A few things. I got out of bed at 8:30 am! I never do that. I accomplished a lot of food prep this morning so I can have more time for other things over the next few days. I also sat outside to get some sun and fresh air for 25 minutes. These may seem like small celebrations; however, the use of self- efficacy induces positive energy, motivation, and awareness of that which is greater. I used to look at the glass half empty. Now, I not only see it half full but I simply think about how I can fill the glass! I can keep things more positive now no matter what. Little changes can lead to big results! 

We go through life every day with our individual lives on its course. Two different people having the same challenges may perceive the “glass” differently- one empty, one full. The truth lies within the individual perception. Which observation feels better? Currently, regardless of the differences between every individual lifestyle, we are all effected by the current globe-wide crisis. 

Will we see the glass half-empty or half-full now? Which viewpoint will help us get through this stronger? 

If we see the glass half-empty, is it possible we are not providing ourselves with the self-care we need? 


If we view the glass half-full, can we find something positive in each day and provide the best self- care that is essential to become as strong as we need to be going forward? 

There can be power in having a choice. We each have that power. Take back your power now! 

It is “ME” MondayTM so choose to do something special for yourself, no matter how small, and see the glass filling up all the way! Please share what is positive for you today! 

Be safe. Be healthy. Be self-responsible. Be POWERFUL!

This is your now!

Lynn Lessell CHC, CLC, FBS, TCM

The Identity Coach

Certified in Health & Life Transformation  

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