The City of Hollywood has been awarded over $16.2 million in matching grant funding for three environmental resilience projects in the City to help address the impacts of sea level rise, tidal flooding and storm surge. As part of the $404 million Resilient Florida Grant Program spearheaded by Governor Ron DeSantis, Hollywood will combine the award with existing funding from the City to enhance and harden its public infrastructure in an effort to protect inland and coastal neighborhoods.
“The City of Hollywood appreciates the commitment by Governor DeSantis, the Florida Legislature, and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for this substantial grant funding. $16 million of these matching grants are made possible due to the local match the Hollywood residents made possible through the 2019 voter approved General Obligation Bond,” said Mayor Josh Levy. “Thanks to the State, we now have twice the money to work with to do twice as much good as what we would have been able to do,”
Through the Resilient Florida Grant Program, 113 environmental resilience projects across the state will help prepare coastal and inland communities for the adverse impacts of flooding and storm surge.
In Hollywood, grant funding of $16,263,650 will be directed to three high-priority projects:
- Tidal Flooding Mitigation and Sea Walls
- A1A Pump Station Project
- Swale Restoration Pilot Project
Tidal Flooding Mitigation and Sea Walls
As part of the voter-approved General Obligation Bond, Tidal Flooding mitigation projects have included design and planning for the installation of tidal flooding barriers on public property where no current shoreline protection exists. Additional funding of $14 million will allow for a total of $28 million in improvements in more areas and areas where inadequate shoreline protection is existing.
A1A Pump Station Project
Pump stations are used by the City to move storm water from one area to another. Along low-lying sections of A1A on the barrier island, pumps are used to move sea water back into the Intracoastal Waterway to help alleviate street-level flooding. The A1A Pump Station Project will entail installing four stormwater pump stations along A1A at Bouganvilla Terrace, Franklin, Sherman, and Van Buren Streets. This project is a joint effort of the Department of Public Utilities, the Hollywood Community Redevelopment Agency Beach District, Broward County and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). This grant of $1.825 million will fund a portion of the design and construction cost.
Swale Restoration Project
The City is embarking on an ambitious Recapture the Swale program that is focused on restoring the usefulness of swales as a green stormwater infrastructure solution across the City. This grant will support the development of a feasibility study for a City-wide restoration of swales as part of the overall stormwater management system. Restored swales will collect, store, treat infiltrate, and convey stormwater in the public right-of-way, and will help to provide flood mitigation, enhance aquifer recharging, and improved water quality. The program will also seek to educate residents and businesses on the important role they play in stormwater management. The project cost is estimated at $695,000 of which approximately 50% ($360,650) will be funded by this grant.