“ME” Monday® 5-3-2020

Have you ever had a pet? If not, do you know someone who has a pet?
How do you feel when you are around these loving beings?
So many of these family friends are joining their human comrades in Zoom meetings, Zoom workshops, Zoom networking, LIVE online training events, and family Facetime calls. The smiles they bring along with their unconditional love can make any situation a bit easier. I say this because I have been seeing this every day in almost every Zoom room I log into.
Every day, as I sit at my desk in my office, I can see all the families out with their dogs walking in the neighborhood and enjoying each other’s company. When I see them, I miss my family pets who were there for me during some difficult times. When I was three years old, we got our first dog. I think I must have believed she was my sister because she certainly acted like family. We had her for 16 wonderful years. One thing I remember most is how she always sat with me, loving me in her way when I was crying and frightened. As I grew up, she truly was my best friend. It was years before I got another family dog that became a loving family member almost immediately. Many years ago, my dad got terminally ill and he lived miles away. I jumped on a plane in hopes to see him one last time. We got to spend some special time together before he passed and I was grateful for the memories I now carry in my heart. When I returned home, everyone was away. It was just me and my pup. This large dog practically sat in my lap loving me as I once again sat crying and afraid. At any age, having the unconditional love from my dogs reassured me I was never alone, no matter the predicament at hand.
During this crisis we are all experiencing, I often wish my pooch was still here smothering me with unconditional love. Relatives, friends, and neighbors share their pets with me through Facetime calls, videos, and photos that make me smile and laugh. It brightens what might otherwise be a gloomier day. We are now online more than we could have ever imagined and it offers a lot of new opportunities and hope.
There are so many of us experiencing different consequences from this worldwide circumstance. Whether you are working from home or home without work, it is important to keep yourself healthy and positive. The unconditional love and fun we share with our own pets or the ones we may share with others are an amazing resource for support, laughter, and even exercise to help us stay strong and optimistic.
Did you know laughter boosts your immune system?
What are some of the things you are currently doing with your pet to sustain your well-being?
What is something new and fun you can do with your pet? If you don’t have a pet, who do you know that has one?
Who do you know that doesn’t have their own pets but might appreciate calls, videos, or photos of you with yours?
Life is never predictable but we always have creative choices available to add some sunshine on a cloudy day!
It’s “ME” Monday®! Be creative! Plan something especially for you and have some fun with your pet today!
Be safe. Be healthy. Be self-responsible. Be POWERFUL!
This is your now!
Lynn Lessell CHC, CLC, FBS, TCM
The Identity Coach
Certified in Health & Life Transformation
Have questions? Want to transform your team? Let’s chat! Click here.
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