From David Volz
During a recent meeting, the Fort Lauderdale Commission agreed to some large contracts and major land deals.
The Commission approved a resolution that supports the submission of a grant application to the U.S. Department of Transportation that would provide funds for construction of the LauderTrail project. The Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program is designed to help communities plan, design, and construct active transportation networks. LauderTrail is a project designed for pedestrians and bicyclists who want low-stress routes and separation from traffic. When complete, the project will add 31 miles of new trails and connect parks, neighborhoods, businesses, schools, and more. The reimbursable grant can be awarded in an amount between $7.5 million and $15 million. The funds would be used to construct the LauderTrail segments between the Downtown Mobility Hub and Carter Park.
Following community feedback at the last meeting, the Commission approved a request for a special permit to extend construction hours for the Pier Sixty-Six Hotel and Marina development project. The project, located on SE 17th Street east of the intracoastal waterway, will feature a new hotel and retail and restaurant space. The request for extended construction hours was made to allow for alarm systems testing, among other activities. An extension of allowable hours of construction was granted to allow work to be done Monday through Sunday from 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. This will allow for early morning deliveries and exterior work as well as alarm testing two to three evenings per week.
The Commission approved an ordinance rezoning 22.7 acres of land, located at 150 NW 68th Street, from a Residential Multifamily Mid Rise/Medium High-Density district to an Uptown Urban Village Northeast district. The rezoning allows for the development of a mixed-use project with approximately 1,200 residential units on the site. These plans required the closure of the Pan American Estates Mobile Home Park and the relocation of more than 200 families living in the mobile homes.
The Commission approved an ordinance that rezones 19.73 acres of vacant property located at 5101 NW 12th Avenue so that it is designated as a Parks, Recreation, and Open Space district. By rezoning, the City ensures that the land will be available as open space in order to convert the property into a community park and protects the area in several significant ways.
The Commission adopted an ordinance that repeals a prohibition against solicitors and canvassers in rights-of-way based on a Federal Court order and replaces it with a robust pedestrian and traffic safety regulation of busy intersections that are prone to a high number of traffic accidents. The City now has the authority to address public safety issues in these areas through a general prohibition against entering the roadway within 200 feet of the center line of any of 21 identified high-accident intersections, with the exception of the use of a designated crossing area.