“ME” Monday® 6-8-2020 ‘Habit Havoc’ during Crisis?

Wouldn’t it be great if there was one key way to sustain heart health, overall fitness, mindful eating and healthy weight maintenance so we could get it right no matter what?
How has it felt to think about these things during this crisis?
We’ve all spent a few months at home every day regardless of what we’re doing.
Typically, it takes about 28 days to start a new habit and approximately 90 days for the habit to stick.
Have our exercise and eating regimens changed, stayed the same, or are we learning new ways to improve upon what we were doing before?
How have our habits changed? If they have changed, how does that feel?
Whether we are working from home or home without working, we are all experiencing something that’s different, some kind of change in our routine.
After two months of being home every day, I found myself prepping three meals a day. I realized how much more time I have been spending in the kitchen and there isn’t always enough time to get everything done if I do that. So, I started grabbing quick snack foods for breakfasts and lunches to save time. After several days, I noticed I wasn’t feeling so well, more tired, and less motivated. It also occurred to me I wasn’t getting the movement or exercise like I had been before this stay-at-home crisis. Getting back to prepping my meals and adding a brief stretching routine almost daily has restored energy, added some flexibility, and definitely improved my mood. It was a real eye-opener!
If our routines have changed, how would it feel to go back to what we used to do instead of what we are doing now during the crisis? How can the new ways we do things during this time be a possibility to learn better self-care?
So, what can we do to develop or continue those beneficial habits as the stay-at-home order is slowly removed?
Focusing on our physical and emotional well-being can be essential to achieving balance so we can be our best self. What kind of things can we do for ourselves at home? How can being at home daily possibly offer occasions for us to prioritize ourselves?
According to an article posted on the Harvard Health Website in 2015, yoga can be an all- encompassing program that simplifies how to be in tune with your mind and body without judgment which can lead to the following: heart benefits, overall fitness, mindful eating, weight control. With the right tools, it can be done at home!
Shaun T, American Fitness Trainer, believes if you start by committing to one SMALL exercise that feels comfortable to you for 14 days straight you will begin building a rewarding habit! It works, too!
For each individual, that small step will look different. Whatever feels comfortable for you, take that step today and schedule a few minutes of “ME” time, a key component to prioritizing self- care.
So, prioritize yourself! Start today of course, it’s “ME” Monday®!
Be safe. Be healthy. Be self-responsible. Be POWERFUL!
This is your now!
Lynn Lessell CHC, CLC, FBS, TCM
The Identity Coach
Certified in Health & Life Transformation
Have questions? Let’s have a quick chat!
PH: 561-717-3090
Fax: 561-717-3094
Direct: 561-331-6006
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