By Lynn Lessell
Recently, while looking for a recipe for lentils, I discovered just how much fun I can have with a new recipe and how to make it even healthier!
The recipe I found was for Spicy Sprouted Lentil Soup. The key word here is “sprouted”! Why are sprouted lentils different? Where do you get sprouted lentils?
You can get them in your own kitchen! It is very simple and doesn’t take very long. Even your kids can do it so create a fun project to do with your family!
Lentils are not the only bean you can sprout yourself. Types of sprouts include: lentil, garbanzo, soybean, mung bean, black bean, kidney bean, green pea, snow pea, as well as, grains, vegetable or leafy sprouts, nut and seeds.
Sprouts are seeds that simply germinate to become very young plants. Using the sprouting process before using beans in recipes, generally increases nutrient levels so the beans are richer in protein, vitamins, minerals and are higher in amino acids making them healthier to eat than unsprouted beans or plants.
Since the sprouts are richer in protein, they are easier to digest and can increase the amount of insoluble fiber, also good for your digestive system.
All you need to sprout beans in your own kitchen is a wide mouth jar, water and your bean of choice. Lentils sprout within 2-3 days and it is so much fun to watch the process. I also sprouted garbanzo and black beans which took a day or two longer.
You don’t have to have a patch of land to harvest a farm to make some of the foods you are already eating even healthier.
If you don’t have time to wait for beans to sprout and are anxious to try some, you can find a limited selection of sprouted beans in the produce section of a store like Whole Foods.
Do a little something special for yourself on “ME” MondayTM and try something new and fun!
If you want to learn more, contact me at [email protected]
If you could do something for yourself right now that you are not doing, what would that be…?
To your health!
Lynn Lessell
Certified Health/Life Coach
Toll Free: 877-838-2022
PH: 561-717-3090
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Direct: 561-331-6006
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