By Lynn Lessell
“ME” MondayTM 9-30-19
Did you know that Palm Beach County is one of the ten largest county agricultural industries in the United States?
Last week, I was fortunate to get an invitation to an educational event about the Sugar Cane League and Fresh from Florida. Jessica Clasby, Senior Director of Public Relations, is an amazing lady whose mission is to make people aware of all the produce and sugar farmed right here in Palm Beach County! For many of us, this county is home.
It was exciting to learn that agriculture in Palm Beach County and its Fresh from Florida Farms lead the nation in the production of sugarcane, fresh sweet corn, and sweet bell peppers; in addition, the county also leads the state in production of rice, lettuce, radishes, Chinese vegetables, specialty leaf, and celery. Other locally grown produce includes green beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, eggplant, cabbage, squash, chile peppers, and pumpkins. WOW!
Many of these items are on my weekly shopping list! It is great to be able to support our local farmers. I have bookmarked on my computer so I can stay up-to-date on what is in season, get great recipes, gardening tips, and much more!
In fact, when you visit the website you will learn that, “In FLorida, you’re never far from where Florida farmers, fisherman and ranchers grow and harvest their goods. In fact, agriculture has more than a $132 billion economic impact across our state, while providing 2,204,400 jobs and local sources of food.”
Did you know that instead of discarding the part of the cane sugar stalks not used for making sugar, it is able to be broken down in to pulp and is used to create bio-degradable paper goods?
Pretty cool, huh?
If you didn’t know all of this already, I am glad I was able to share this information with you. By purchasing from your local farmers, ranchers and fishermen, you are not only eating healthy, you are contributing toward keeping our economy growing and jobs steady.
Once you begin to explore the Fresh from Florida website, you will find HEALTHY recipes and have FUN discovering new things.
If you want to learn more about planning healthier meals and having some fun doing it, send me a message!
So, have some fun on “ME” MondayTM, plan a special, healthy meal for yourself with something Fresh from Florida! You Deserve It!
If you could do something for yourself right now that you are not doing, what would that be…?
To your health!
Lynn Lessell
Certified Health/Life Coach

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