“ME” MondayTM 4-5-2020

Have you ever felt like it isn’t okay to just be yourself, like there is a part of you no one else gets to see?
Have you ever wondered why it feels that way? Maybe you never think about it. Often, I find that I don’t know what I don’t know until I discover that I don’t know it!
How can we focus on the part of us that no one gets to see when we do not make the time to know who we may be deep down inside?
Lifestyles, currently, are so incredibly demanding for many of us. “The proportion of dual-earner married couples more than doubled between 1960 and 2000, increasing from 25 percent to 60 percent” (Pew Research Center, 2015). Now, another 20 years later, so many of us are busier than ever before and are expressing the lack of time for self-responsibility along with even more intense pressure to fulfill the “have-to” family and financial responsibilities.
We can’t know what we don’t know about who we truly want to be until we permit ourselves to implement self-care.
When you look in the mirror, who do you see?
Do you see multiple identities representing who you feel others expect you to be or do you see one person (your secret identity-that person you may not have met yet)?
If discovering that secret identity could empower you to achieve even greater success, what might that mean for you?
For years, I put myself at the very end of my ‘to-do’ list never reaching the end of that list. I used to believe I ‘had to’ be responsible for my family, be accountable for the job, and be there for my friends too. It was always easier to put the “ME” stuff aside. What I did not know then but I do know now is that placing yourself at the bottom of your ‘to-do’ list can hide the best part of you so deep it is hard to find. I used to feel like Humpty Dumpty stuck up on the wall, afraid to retreat to safety and terrified to move forward. By permitting myself to discover my secret identity, I jumped off the wall in forwarding motion and now I live, love, and laugh every day through the good and the bad, through the happy and sad.
When you discover the person that you are at your core, you can use the power of your inner strengths and beliefs to allow yourself to make positive choices, move forward, and achieve success no matter how big or how small.
If you haven’t discovered your secret identity yet, it is even more important now than ever before.
During this involuntary global lifestyle change we are experiencing, our ‘have-to’ list is evolving into something we never expected. Now is the time to push ourselves to the top of our list! Self- care is the component to get us through these critical times so we can be stronger than before, not only for ourselves but for the others we care for.
If you are not sure what your next steps should be, if you haven’t discovered your secret identity, and you are interested in learning more please send a private message.
It is “ME” MondayTM! You are at the top of your ‘to-do’ list so plan something special for yourself today, no matter how small!
Be safe. Be healthy. Be self-responsible. Be POWERFUL!
This is your now!
Lynn Lessell CHC, CLC, FBS, TCM
The Identity Coach

Certified in Health & Life Transformation
Have questions? Want to transform your team? Let’s chat! Click here.
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