Abilities are not just Amazing they are Extraordinary.

By Robert Gottesman

Since the beginning of time Man has achieved great feats, from discovering fire to building Rome, to establishing the great columns of the Greek empire. To the Pyramids of Egypt, to the middle ages creating new medicines the cotton gen by Eli Whitney to, new vehicles for transportation air plains that reach the sky’s to amazing bridges and tunnels to, creating new educational approaches including robotics and computer technologies and I could go on and on toward endless realities.

Can we say its because of man’s wonderful brain that is composed of billions of thinking neurons or is it that we are blessed from the old mighty creator who has given us the abilities to be functional. We could again go on and on with all sorts of endless realities.

What is important is being functional while being a great part of society. For that reason I along with my wonderful wife Helen and Adir are creating an ice cream parlor coffee bar we call Delicious Spoonfuls and the amazing abilities center where we will employ people with disabilities.

As a result of all this we are about to launch a brand new radio show called Amazing Abilities where we will cover every conceivable topic that is important to families. We will be telling you when that show will be on and when it will aire within  the next month.

So if you want to be amazing like me the amazing Rob and My wife the amazing Helen  & Adir than watch out for our brand new launch on our star ship called the USS Delicious Magic and let us hurl you out into space to those fantastic new realities.

All the best Amazing Rob Helen & Adir