“ME” MondayTM 1-13-20

By Lynn Lessell
It is more than a full week into the new year. Suddenly new deadlines are in place and time seems to be whizzing by!
How do we prioritize all the important things we are responsible for?
Does it feel like everything on the priority “to do” list has to be done at the same time?
How do we determine the order in which to complete each task without putting up a sign that says “OUT OF MY MIND, BE BACK IN 5 MINUTES!”
This is an experience I have had many times in the past. The month of December is usually when we wrap up the past year and have all these organized plans to effectively and efficiently kick off the new year then WHAM! The unexpected thing you must push to the top of the list happens!
So, what do you do when your apple cart gets turned over and all the apples fall out? How do we determine how to put all the apples back in the right order? What is the right order? Should we put them back in the SAME order?
STOP! Rethink! Re-prioritize! Clear the clutter! Your brain may be saying ‘I HAVE TO get all of these things done NOW’ but do you really? We all have deadlines to meet or targets to reach; however, what if you took a few deep, cleansing breaths and looked at each apple as you put it back in your cart determining when you must eat that apple before it spoils?
When you look at everything on your list, does everything have to be completed by the same date? If the answer is NO, what if you prioritize your list by due dates? Is it then possible to put your apples back in your cart in the best order to get everything done? Why not ask for help? What tasks can you delegate to others?
Often, we may accept more responsibility to complete tasks in order to assure things get done correctly. If we try to DO everything ourselves, are we taking the best care of ourselves?
How do you take care of yourself when your apple cart is turned over? When you care for yourself everything can feel less overwhelming.
If you are not sure what to do, start on “ME” Monday by planning something special for yourself!
Have you met the best version of yourself yet? Who would you see?
This is your now!
Lynn Lessell CHC, CLC
The Identity Coach
Certified in Health & Life Tranformation

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