Miami Dolphins Transcripts 9-26-24

Thursday, September 26, 2024

WR Tyreek Hill

(Regardless of who is the quarterback, how much confidence do you have with whoever is under center Monday night?) – “Very confident, man. We have a heck of a coaching staff who’s able to put together a crazy gameplan. It’s going to be a crazy game Monday night. I’m looking forward to it. Obviously today I feel pretty strong (with) what we did as an offense. Everything looked the way it normally looked and it normally felt. So it was fun today, man.”

(What was it like working with QB Tyler Huntley today?) – “I worked with Tim Boyle, so I really don’t know. Like I said, Tim Boyle was out there throwing, they even had (Jaylen) Waddle throwing. We are in the process of looking for anybody who can throw – open applications. (laughter)

(How difficult is it to develop chemistry with a quarterback when you haven’t had that kind of work?) – “It’s tough, but I feel like if you’re a pro and you’re all about your business relationships can be formed easily in this league. A lot of these guys have played ball in this league for a while, Tim Boyle, ‘Snoop,’ (Tyler Huntley) so it’s easy. You spend time during this whole entire week. You practice and then you spend time without the coaches. We did a lot of that today. That’s how you build relationships, that’s how you build trust, that’s how you build timing, and like I said, it’s going to be real special Monday.”

(It’s obviously been surprising to us how the offense has performed the first three weeks. I can’t imagine how surprising it’s been for you.) – “Yeah 33 points, that sucks, right? Yeah man, it’s not fun being on the short stick of a bad offense. I look at it like this – I’d rather us go through adversity early, figure it out and then begin to gain momentum towards the end. Usually we start off hot. My first two years here with Coach (Mike) McDaniel and staff with the Dolphins, we started off hot every year and we slowly begin to slowly trend down. Now we have a chance to start slow and then build momentum up towards the end. We’ve got a beautiful thing going right here, man. It’s either we’re going to be a part of the problem, or we’re going to continue to add on to the problem. We got a lot of great guys on this team who’s willing to be part of the solution.”

(Outside of not having your quarterback, what has in your mind held the offense back?) – “We’re just not doing a lot of things right. We got a great team. When we get a big gain, we’ll either get illegal formation or we’ll get a holding. We’re always starting drives behind the eight ball. We always shoot ourselves in the foot. We always have a lot of penalties. We’ll get a big 12-yard gain, flag. It will be first-and-20. It’s tough. As a head coach or offensive coordinator, it’s tough calling plays whenever it’s first-and-20 and it’s like you already got plays designed for second-and-3 or second-and-5 or whatever. We’ve got to stop shooting ourselves in the foot and start trusting our fundamentals, trusting our technique, relying on each other, and playing as a team. Leaders and captains, we’ve done a great job of telling both sides of the ball that. I’ve done a great job of telling the young guys, ‘Hey, trust your technique. Trust your fundamentals. Don’t try to go outside of that to make a play,’ you know what I’m saying? It’ll all fall together.”

(I’ve never seen a coach be bigger into player empowerment than Head Coach Mike McDaniel is. This week has he taken the lead in getting on your butts or is it the captains that have done it – challenged you guys to do better on offense?) – “Yeah, he’s dope with that. Coach (McDaniel), he understands every player. He understands what every player needs and stuff like that. He puts his trust in his captains and his leadership. We do a great job of setting the standard at practice. They give us the script; we know what we need to get done at practice. We had a padded practice today, I’m sure you’re not used to seeing that on the first practice day of the week. We just wanted to set the standard of the whole week, like we want to be physical, we want to be fast and we want to start attacking defenses and our defense, they want to be better at certain things. I wouldn’t say he’s been on our butts, but he does it in his own way I would say.”

(Getting you and WR Jaylen Waddle the ball has never really been a problem here, but the last two games there weren’t quit as many touches obviously. Has anyone talked to you or WR Jaylen Waddle about possibly getting the ball in both of your hands more?) – “Our job is to be a good teammate. As frustrating as it is as a player because it can get tough for both of us because we’re so used to being such big game changers and stuff like that, it’s tough. But at the end of the day, we’ve got to understand that we have great players on this team who can make plays and whenever our plays come, we got to make our plays. We just can’t be the guy that always wants the ball and then when the ball comes, we don’t make the play. We got to be able to rely on our teammates.”

(Sometimes do you have to be the guy that demands the ball?) – “I got out of that. I’ve grown through that stage of my life. I’ve been talking to my therapist and she said, ‘Don’t get into arguments on the sideline,’ so I’ve let it go. I’ve let that side of me go of demanding the ball.”

(Do you feel there’s more receivers can do for whoever is the quarterback in? Do you feel you’re getting similar separation to other times?) – “Oh yeah. We’re still fast, ain’t we? We’re still going to be able to separate, but obviously there is a lot of things that go into that. There’s a lot of things that play into it – offensive line, running back, DBs getting their hands on it. There’s a lot of things that go into it, because a lot of people see things differently. Tua (Tagovailoa) may see something different than (Tim) Boyle. Boyle may see something different than Skylar (Thompson). ‘Snoop’ (Tyler Huntley) may see something different than Tua. It’s all about timing and trust, building that relationship with the quarterback.”

(What have your conversations been like with each of the quarterbacks when you’re not working with them, just talking about what to look forward to on Monday?) – “I’m just here for the team. I’m just here for the team. Whatever this team needs me to do to help them win, that’s what I’m going to do. If that’s get three targets and block five times, I’ll do that. But if it’s get 12 targets and go for 100, I’ll do that. Whatever it takes, I’m going to do my job.”

(What’s been your impression of QB Tyler ‘Snoop’ Huntley in the time you’ve had here with him so far?– “I love ‘Snoop.’ I love ‘Snoop.’ I had the chance to hang out with him at the Pro Bowl. Tremendous guys, tremendous work ethic. He’s real quiet. For me, I’ve seen it; I’ve been watching film of him since he’s got here, I’m like, ‘This dude can make every throw. This dude is special with his legs.’ He’s a special talent. The only thing – we’ve got a lot of things that go into this offense. We got motions, we’ve got getting the play out before, so he’s done a good job of staying in the film room learning all of that stuff. Excited to see if him or (Tim) Boyle goes, it should be fun.”

Thursday, September 26, 2024

QB Tim Boyle

(How did you think you did last week? We know it was adverse circumstances but how did you think you did?) – “After watching the film, not great with my feet. I feel like I saw it well and I slowed the offense down a little bit for being a challenging offense, but not great for my standards or the team’s standards. We need to be better in certain moments, but for the circumstances, being three weeks in, in a difficult offense and those were my first reps getting into the game, I’m happy with how I handled it from a poise standpoint, a command standpoint in the huddle, but definitely can clean stuff up in the pocket.”

(You’ve been here three weeks now, how you say each one of those weeks has gone?) – “Yeah, definitely slowed down. It’s just like anything, repetition makes everything slow down, so every day has been more comfortable.”

(Is it different for you preparing this week not knowing exactly who the starter will be versus a week like last week where you guys knew?) – “No, we’re all professionals so we all get ready like we’re going to start, even if I’m going to be the backup or third string. I’m going to be ready; I’m going to know the Titans defense. I’m going to know our gameplan, I’m going to make sure that I’m ready to go.”

(Do you recall a situation like this where you run into a week where you just don’t know what your status is going to be as far as a starter or not?) – “Yeah, a few times. It just happens, it’s the business. The fun part is we get to prepare like we’re the starter. I get to go out there and get reps and have fun out there with the guys and continue to grow in the offense.”

(How do you evaluate where you are with the offense? I know you said you’re only three weeks in.) – “Yeah, it slows down every day, every week I’d say, but definitely a tricky offense. Mike (McDaniel) is obviously a heck of a game planner and calls are long, but we definitely do a really good job scheming up defenses. So it’s just really understanding the verbiage and getting in the huddle and spitting it out and slowing the game down, but every day, every week I’ve been here, it’s really slowed down for me.”

(Has anybody in the locker room ever talked to you about that Black Friday game last year? S Jevón Holland in particular, has he ever teased you or anything?) – “No, it’s all been professional. We had a couple looks. He shook my hand when I first got here and I knew, he knew. (laughter) It’s all professional, but I like to keep that one in my past. Tough rep, but he made a good play. It’s football.”

(This is what you sign up for as a backup quarterback – you’re probably going to go in, in adverse conditions. How do you kind of keep your cool? How do you handle these situations and perform at your best in stressful times?) – “First and foremost is preparation, making sure I’m prepared because that’s where confidence comes from on game day. Making sure I know the gameplan in and out, making sure I know the tempo of the guys – throwing to our receiving corps is a little different than other places, right? So understanding their tempo, understanding the offense line needs – there’s a lot of different needs a quarterback has to give his players. But yeah, I’m excited for the challenge. Coming here three weeks and kind of getting thrown at the fire a little bit has been fun and I’m learning a lot on the fly but that’s what football is all about to be honest with you. At the end of the day, it’s just football. It’s a sport I’ve been playing since I was six years old, and I know I have the ability to do it, I just got to go execute.”

(How did you feel with the guys today?) – “Felt great, yeah. It’s a heck of a team, we’re very talented and the scheme speaks for itself. I think Coach McDaniel does a really good job game-planning every week, but yeah, we’re having fun out there. We just got to – like I said, it comes down executing. We can have a great Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, you got to do it on game day. We’re looking forward to doing that.”

(How do you plan to control your mindset and just being in the unknown if whether or not you’re going to be there Monday night?) – “Yeah, just prepare. It’s just preparation – I get all of my confidence from preparing. I’ll feel confident on game day whether it’s me, ‘Sky’ (Skylar Thompson) or ‘Snoop’ (Tyler Huntley), and all three of us are expected to go out there and compete and go win a game.”

(What has the chemistry been like with as you’ve been learning the offense?) – “Yeah, that’s a growing process obviously. I’ve only been here for three weeks and reps are limited. Obviously, we’ve got some quarterbacks in the mix, so just making sure I take full advantage of the reps I do get with those guys, but camaraderie is great. They’re still getting a good sense of who I am and what I bring to the table personality wise, football wise so it’s been a great three weeks for me.”

(We always say that competition brings success. You and QB Tyler Huntley are trying to get those first team reps, how’s that going?) – “Yeah, it’s been great. I think he’s doing a heck of a job. He’s a week behind me, so it’s one of those things I know kind of where he’s at from a catching up standpoint. I’m glad I have that extra week where I can kind of give him that perspective of, ‘Hey, this is kind of how I learned this that first week here.’ So he’s doing a really good job. He’s a super talented player. He can spin the rock; it’s been impressive watching him throw the ball. Obviously, his athletic ability speaks for itself, but whoever gets the nod, it’s going to be great and we’re going to support each other just like we’re all starting.”

(WR Tyreek Hill said he’s become the guy a little more gentler, not demanding the ball like he needs to, but as a quarterback you know he doesn’t need to demand it, right?) – “No, Tyreek (Hill) needs more touches – that’s definitely on the quarterback’s mind. That’s nothing from a play call standpoint, but just trying to get him the rock in open space because he’s obviously a dangerous weapon for us.”

(Obviously it’s been just a short time with the guys, but has anybody invited you to their house to kind of get to know them better?) – “I’m still trying to work my situation out with my own apartment. So it’s kind of been a funky couple of weeks, too, from a schedule standpoint – obviously, that first game, the Thursday night game, then going out to Seattle. So we really haven’t had that much free time but I think as we get into a regular Sunday routine, there will be a little bit more free time to do those things. But I’m still trying to get my feet under me as well when it comes to my own apartment and trying to get comfortable down here.”

Thursday, September 26, 2024

QB Tyler Huntley

(What’s it like just getting thrown into the fire like that? One second practice squad, now on the active roster and have a possibility of starting on Monday Night Football?) – “That’s all what we based our lives off of. We’ve just got to be able to go out there and perform for the team and help them in any way to get the ‘W.’ All of us are striving for that every day of the week; that’s why we come to practice and that’s the goal.”

(What was your comfort level with Head Coach Mike McDaniel’s offense last week compared to now?) – “It’s like riding a bike – first time, you’re a little iffy, you didn’t know how to pedal. Then you just start putting it all together, pedaling, going in a straight line, then after a while, you’re going to start standing up.”

(If you were to start on Monday Night Football, how would you approach it?) – “Just like you approach every week. Getting the plan as hard as I can and just watching film and just prepare like I’m going to start. That’s what we continue to work on.”

(Do you enjoy the spotlight?) – “Yeah, it’s nothing – it’s football at the end of the day. I’ve been playing football since I was yay high.”

(For a guy that just got here, just the confidence level the team has in you already, guys are giving you high praises and you’ve only been here a week.) – “That’s amazing, but I just hope I continue to build towards their confidence, I plan to.”

(How tough is – take me through learning the playbook. How long do you – do you just get what you can?) – “No, you’ve got to literally learn it like learning for the bar exam. I know some people probably took the bar exam, I didn’t. I know I didn’t. (laughter) But it’s definitely preparing for the bar exam – you’ve got to go all in and just absorb everything that’s in the playbook.”

(How comfortable can you be though after only a couple weeks?) – “As much as I can. (laughter) As much as I can, try to quiz myself and put myself in some situations where the play is called and try to see if I know it offhand.”

(QB Tua Tagovailoa and QB Skylar Thompson have thousands of banked reps with WR Tyreek Hill and WR Jaylen Waddle. How do you make up that time?) – “(Through) Tua’s and Skylar’s words. Tua’s and Skylar’s words, how they did it and how they see it definitely give me reps up under the belt by hearing them.”

(How is the timing with WR Tyreek Hill? Because obviously he’s a huge part of this offense.) – “Yeah man, they’re some fast guys so I’ve got to catch up to them.”

(What’s the most challenging part of this particular offense in terms of being new to it? Is it the timing that was just talked about? Is it pre-snap motions?) – “Just being that you didn’t run the plays as much as you would like to, but at the end of the day, football is football. So you’ve got to be ready to play it.”

(About how many tickets will you take for Monday’s game?) – “Ah, I ain’t taking that many tickets. They gotta go buy their own, you know what I’m saying? I’m still moving into my place. (laughter) So that’s on them if they want to come to the game.”

(Since the time you’ve been here, how much time outside of this building have you spent? Like are you just here from the time you wake up and the time you go to bed?) – “Yeah, I’ve spent some good time here. Like yesterday, the off day, I was here the whole day, (but) making enough time where I go home and play with my kid a little bit and kiss the girl.”

(Did you sit with Head Coach Mike McDaniel and say, “Here are the four or five concepts I love?”) – “Not yet. We’ve got to see; we’ve got to run some place which we did today. Later on in the week, we’ll be able to dumb down how many we like or don’t like.”

(What would it mean to you if you were to start the game for your hometown on Monday night?) – “That would be amazing, that’s just a child’s dream. Being able to play for your home team, man, that’s just something everybody doesn’t get to come across. So it would mean everything in the world, but I’m just here to help the team win.”

(I know that you can throw and run. Some quarterbacks are very sensitive about that; some say, “Don’t call me a running quarterback.” What’s your take on that? Is it OK if we say you’re a running quarterback?) – “You can say I run when I need to. That’s when I feel like I’m the best, being able to run when everything breaks down and that’s what puts the defense in conflict.”

(What have the conversations been like off the field with the guys? Have they been able to hype you help, kind of help you feel more comfortable with the idea of maybe starting on Monday?) – “Just guy chat, but like most of the confidence comes from just running plays and being in the building.”

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Head Coach Mike McDaniel

(Have you decided on a starting quarterback for Monday or are you willing to disclose it?) – “I have in my mind what I think, how it could play out, however it’s a little premature for a multitude of reasons and the very last being the competitive advantage piece. There is a lot going on today, a lot that’s gone on the last 48 hours and you kind of want to – instead of wishing something into existence, I’ll let it play out while the quarterbacks that will be participating today will get action and great opportunity. As the week progresses, I’ll be sure to shout it from the top of a building when we know that, but still a lot of information to gather. But looking forward to today because it’s a very important day when you have opportunities, regardless of how you think it’s going to play out. You get to – I get to see guys play within this offense and play with their teammates and all of that tells me a lot of information and we’ll continue progressing, but we got a good team practice today that will be very enthusiastic based upon the meetings today.”

(Where is QB Skylar Thompson as he comes back – I just want to clarify too, is it a rib injury or is it chest?) – “Rib. Which I guess is semantics because ribs are connected to your chest, but it was rib injury. Pretty painful so you’re trying to gauge – it’s not just a pain tolerance thing, because Skylar is a very tough individual, but it’s how you’re able to do your job and with what effectiveness, and every day from the injury, you get kind of a scope into what it could look like and how that can affect him. So I’m really just balancing what he’s able to do and then with regard to the reps and what the other guys are doing, just trying to absolutely make the best decision for the football team.”

(So QB Skylar Thompson will work today?) – “Yeah, I mean this is not a day off for anybody but how much and whether it’s fully – he’s able to be in football drills. He’s working on his body and I’m not – I would be surprised if he would be able to fully participate, but I also don’t want to hold him back. I’m just letting the process take care of itself and I know he’ll do what he’s able to do, what he’s capable of doing, but he won’t put himself – or he won’t put the team in harm’s way if he’s unable to execute some of the jobs, so we’ll play that by ear. But not expecting him to get a ton of team stuff, and as a result, there will be some opportunities for our newer guys to the team that are pretty excited for the opportunity.”

(Where is QB Tyler Huntley in his grasp of the offense? And what have you guys asked of him since he’s gotten here?) – “I’m feeling much more knowledgeable about exactly where he’s at over the course of the last half-week and very, very encouraged. I think we – Chris (Grier) and his staff, in conjunction with the coaching staff, we targeted him for a reason. It’s a player that we’re very familiar with from the opponent standpoint, and then we have a couple coaches that have been on staff with him, on the same team – our defensive coordinator being one of them. So what you’re careful of, and not to misread into it, what I don’t like to do is when players are out on the NFL football field and they have their name on the back of the jersey and they’re playing with their teammates, you want to make sure that you’re doing right by them and not living in hope and allowing them to execute what they train at in terms of being a quarterback. So I take that super serious and it was bottom line,  in the event that Skylar (Thompson) went out for that game, I felt that Tim (Boyle) would be more prudent. At this point, I’m more comfortable him (Tyler Huntley) falling into where we went and targeted him for – we targeted him to be on the active roster and he’s steadily working every day, and I can see him gain the confidence of his teammates as well. So it’s a cool process to be a part of. It’s not easy but nothing in this game is, specifically for that position. So you can tell he’s cut from the right cloth and that the game isn’t too big for him, so very encouraged with his progression.”

(Have you ever been in a position where you added a quarterback, let’s say two weeks ago, and then started them in a game? I’m thinking maybe Jimmy Garoppolo?) – “Yeah, that was one. That was actually a turning point from our staff then, but really all the guys that we’ve worked with in terms of play communication to the quarterback. Jimmy’s (Garoppolo) first game was against Chicago on the road, and he was – it might have been about that timeline, so we went to a wristband system that really we all kind of are steadfast to, to this day. There’s always challenges in the league, and sometimes they have to do with the player that touches the ball on every play. And you learn; for me I got to learn – we we’re able to win a football game and won several after that with Jimmy that year, and you naturally reflect on, ‘OK, how do you pull that off?’ And you start to – it really puts into perspective the relationship that quarterbacks have with the team and the players that they are playing with, because you have to – to win football games like Jimmy did, your team has to believe in you. Well where does that come from? Well it’s not all the reps that we’ve had throughout training camp; we weren’t there with him. There’s an unspoken, I don’t know, confidence and conviction that a person has to have where guys believe that, regardless of how long they’ve played with him, that they have the components to do what each and every one of them need him to do, really. So the quarterback, there’s no player really on the team that that player doesn’t touch. I mean indirectly or directly; your special teams and defense are playing for that guy. Everybody, whether you’re a runner or an offensive lineman, trying to come off on the right snap count, or you’re a skill position trying to get a pass target, all of these things, everyone’s job, they’re depending on that person doing their job. So when you see people with conviction get the back of  quarterback, especially new ones. I’ve seen a lot of teammates really gravitate to not only – I call him ‘Snoop,’ that’s much easier and pretty legit to call somebody ‘Snoop’ (Tyler Huntley) and that be their name. ‘Snoop’ and Boyle, which is also cool – not as cool as ‘Snoop’ in terms of names, but unless you’re maybe – it’s close to ‘O’Doyle rules’ from a movie reference. But Tim (Boyle), that’s the thing I don’t think people – there’s also opportunity to really see people galvanized and it was really cool to watch the teammates of Tim’s and how he competed without blinking. I just have a lot of regard for guys that just jump into a situation that isn’t for the faint of heart, and you’re talking new language. It takes some self-confidence from within to be able to do that, and I feel fortunate that the guys that we’ve added are boldly attacking it and not looking for any sort of excuse.”

(You mentioned on Monday that you were planning on talking to players about the quarterback situation. I’m just wondering the feedback they’ve given you already on QB Tyler ‘Snoop’ Huntley?) – “I think you’re always interested in how – Chris (Grier) and I are talking and projecting how we think someone is going to fit in the locker room. It’s not overly weighted – you’re just interested to see if your forecast is similar, just early impressions. I listen to the strongest statement that I think teammates can make. Asking them is nice, but I’m also the head coach and generally players are not trying to overly plateau one way or another with their teammates because they are good guys and they love all of them. But what I like to lean into is what I see through all sorts of nuances when 11 people play football. You can just tell, it’s the best way that I can explain it, when guys are believing in the signal caller to really go and do what we have to do. So these practices are extremely important for me for that reason, because a lot of people are very much concerned – I think a lot of guys on the team that the last thing that they could care about is that, only because so many people are trying to worry about their job themselves. I think that’s one thing that when you’re in a football season and you have results that you didn’t forecast necessarily on the front end, you can either find excuses or you can find solutions. Although all the players do very much care who the quarterback is on one hand, on the other hand there is a lot of motivated people to try to do their part to make our football right, and when you’re having results like we’re having it very clear to everyone that it’s not just one person. It’s a collection of people. So we have a lot to worry about in that. A lot of guys will be worried about their jobs, and along the way I’ll be able to observe natural interactions with teammates and we’ll do our best to absolutely – regardless, right, wrong or indifferent as every decision that I make is, always willing to work to the end of the earth to try to do the best. But you also know what the job is and that you just have to make your best educated decision, and fortunately, there is a lot of people that will be seizing the day today and I’ll get a lot of information out of that.”

(T Terron Armstead, CB Kendall Fuller, LB David Long Jr.?) – “(Terron) Armstead, talking to him, he’s feeling better. He’s in the protocol, and I make sure anyone that enters into that, same with (Kendall) Fuller, is that they know on the front end from me is that I’m not projecting or worried about the timeline because of the literal science that I’ve learned that I think that’s important to come from me. Guys have told me they are feeling better, what that means and where that’s at, I intentionally don’t concern myself with that. We’re still in the protocol, so we’ll see.”

(LB David Long Jr.?) – “He (David Long Jr.) won’t be able to practice today, but he is doing absolutely everything he can for this opportunity. He’ll either be out there or it will be impossible because he’s going to do everything he can. Him and we are rooting for his body, but will let his body work through it.”

(T Patrick Paul, obviously you guys got a good look at him during training camp because T Terron Armstead was not working and you pretty much should have a good look at him during the practice week. How ready is he to start an NFL game? You said you didn’t want to put him in adverse situations. Seattle obviously with the crowd noise must have been an adverse situation, but now it’s a home game. Is that a possibility that he could be out there?) – “I’m feeling good about his readiness and ability to play NFL football in the regular season. What ready means is that he can be counted on for his assignments and he’s steadily progressed in his techniques and fundamentals. Then you have the actual NFL game which is a whole other process because it’s not if but when you have a snap that you don’t like, and realistically just making sure our coaches do a great job of knowing where our rookies are, what amount of pressure they feel on a daily bases and in that way they are a little more – I don’t want to say aggressive, but you try to put pressure on guys so that they don’t know football without it so they don’t get into a cruise control situation. I think he’s responded well, so I’m feeling good about his development and I think his chance to play NFL football is coming soon. I just don’t know how soon. He’s got to tell me that today and where he’s at today, and then we’ll move forward with that. I’ve been very happy with his progression, fully knowing that there is different things to attack on the horizon when you step on that football field, and he knows that too.”

(The other day you said that “I think that as QB Skylar Thompson progresses, I think that leaves variable more vague.” What did you mean by that?) – “It’s very easy to say that Skylar (Thompson) is not playing if he’s unable to play. It’s a different scenario forecasting complete unavailability to OK, well now you’re assessing when he’s able to get the reps and how much he’s going to get, and what type of situation you’re putting in the whole team and the other guys if you put them in. It’s more of a decision to make, so there’s more variables in that. It’s less of a decision when you remove a person – that’s high-level math right there. (laughter) That’s all it’s – you have to take into account several factors that may or may not change your ultimate decision. It’s just you have to account for it and makes it a different type of problem to solve when guys – the hardest thing for football players is when they are unavailable, but when they’re unavailable, the picture of what you could do is a little clearer. It doesn’t mean it’s not going to be the same thing. It just means you have to evaluate that and not – my business is not to say the grass is greener all the time. My business is to assess what’s going on, attribute to the issues and where it might seem – if I would’ve thought that Skylar Thompson and the offense would have scored three points last Sunday, I probably would’ve changed the players, the scheme, everybody – maybe I would’ve had you call plays, I don’t know. But you’re trying to do – listen, I don’t take any of the decisions lightly at all. It’s never as clear as the surface value. I said that on Monday, and sure enough, I have a lot more information on Wednesday. The picture is clearer to me and I’m excited for the moment of supreme clarity. I just don’t chase that for the sake of, ‘All right, I just want it off my plate.’ Generally the easiest thing is not the path that I choose. That doesn’t mean the results are always awesome, but that’s literally what I signed up for.”

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