Jaguars Media Availability (9-27-23)


(On injury updates across the team) “Zay [WR Zay Jones] is still day-to-day. We’re going to see how he
works this week, probably a long shot for the game, but we’ll see. He’s progressing very nice. Devin [LB
Devin Lloyd] is probably the one that’s a little more severe with his hand. He’s probably going to miss this
football game, just the nature of the injury and what’s going to take place with him. He’s actually one of
the players we’re going to keep back here for the next two weeks.”
(On if LB Devin Lloyd needs hand surgery) “Actually, he does. He had it yesterday I believe. He had a
couple of screws put into his thumb.”
(On if LB Devin Lloyd will be out for a while) “We’re hoping just these weeks while we’re in London, and
then when we get back at the Indianapolis game, hopefully he’ll be ready. We’ll have to probably soft
cast him or something like that.”
(On if the team asked to have a home game against a familiar opponent after they get back from
London) “No, just the guarantee of having the home game, not necessarily who it was but having a home
game after we get back.”
(On what other players are being left in Florida during the London trip) “DaVon [DT DaVon Hamilton] will
be one that we keep back, Devin [LB Devin Lloyd]. We do have four or five guys, our IR guys. Although
Smoot [OLB Dawuane Smoot], Cam [OL Cam Robinson] and [S] Antonio Johnson will all travel and make
the trip. [OL] Cooper Hodges will make the trip, he’s progressing nicely.[CB] Greg [Junior] will stay here,
he’s on IR and will stay here.”
(On if OL Anton Harrison is healthy for this weekend’s game) “Yeah, he’ll be out there today working.
He’ll be good.”
(On how to jumpstart the offense) “I don’t think you have to do anything special. I just think we just have
to focus in on the early part of the football game, the execution part of the game. Honestly, even last
week, we started out well. We just were unfortunate. We didn’t catch the touchdown and then we
missed a field goal. We started fast, we just didn’t finish. That’s the emphasis and the focus this week, is
just being able to get off to a faster start and trying to come away with some points.”
(On if he’s worried about how WR Calvin Ridley will respond against his former team) “He’ll be excited
and being able to see some of his old teammates. Calvin does a great job of focusing on Calvin and
understanding his role with what we’re trying to get done. I’m looking forward to seeing how he
(On concern of WR Calvin Ridley putting pressure on himself) “I think we all have a tendency to do that
and press a litle bit if you have a bad day or bad practice. Coming out the next day and trying to redeem

yourself a little bit. My message to him has always been just to be him and do the things that he’s
capable of doing.”
(On if having a change in scenery in London could help the team) “I do, I think it’s a good opportunity. It’s
no different than in training camp when we went up to Detroit. The guys are all in the same hotel and
we’re eating in the meal room. We’re doing everything together as one of those bonding types of
experiences as a football team and as coaches. It just happens to be over in London, it’s a great place
and we’re excited to be going over. It’s a chance for us to reset a little bit and regroup to try to get back
on track.”
(On what he’s learned about the London experience and preparing a team to play overseas) “Yeah, the
biggest thing is handling the travel from Thursday night into Friday, and Friday is a little bit of a different
day. We don’t change much of the schedule, we prepare the same. We get a lot of the work done here
Wednesday and Thursday. Then, Friday is Friday when we get there. Just trying to get them to
understand how to pack, how to hydrate, how to eat right, how to do all those things to take care of
their bodies so that they’re ready to go on gameday. The other thing, too, is that it’s a different football
surface than what we’re used to playing on and making sure that they understand that having the right
shoes on, too. All those little things can prepare these guys for this game.”
(On if the team losing is concerning because the team should be familiar and comfortable with the
scheme) “I think the difference, and really, I would probably say it’s no difference that we put ourselves
in a hole last year at 3-7 because of the things that we did to ourselves. It’s some of those same things
are kind of creeping into our game now in these two losses. The guys definitely understand. I think too,
we all try to press just a little bit and make something happen as opposed to letting the game unfold. We
just got to get back to that, just get back to having a solid week of practice like we did last week and then
just focusing on us. One play at a time, what do I need to do on this particular play? Then, go to the next.
Short term memory if something bad happens, short term memory if something good happens. Just play
it one play a time.”
(On if this team is an example of being in a week-to-week league) “It’s the hard part because our
expectations are a lot higher, and you expect it to have outcomes differently. It’s not, it’s where we are. I
always tell this team too, it’s not how we start, it’s going to be how we finish the season. Yeah, we’re
making mistakes, it’s not like teams have really done much to us as far as beating us, but we’re beating
ourselves. That’s usually the case. Once we figure it out, a lot like last year where we were kind of
beating ourselves. Once we figure out how to get out of our own way and take care of the football,
tackle better, all those types of things, then things begin to go in your favor.”
(On comfortability of having OL Tyler Shatley that can perform in multiple spots successfully) “It’s
reassuring, you’ve got a veteran guy there that can play a couple of spots, the guard, the center spot.
He’s played a lot of football and he’s a reliable and trustworthy guy. He’s somebody that you can
definitely count on to be able to go into a game at any time.”
(On relying on OL Tyler Shatley’s experience playing overseas and relying on him to help other guys
adjust) “No, most of the guys have been over there whether it’s been with us or another team. I know
the guys will probably visit with him and talk to him a little bit, but I don’t necessarily on rely on that as

(On challenges of having two games in London for the team) “Well, we’re not here in our building and
making sure our video servers, our computers, film watching, tape and game breakdown the second
week are all up and running and having to move to a different hotel. But this is why I try to keep the
week as normal as possible while we’re there for coaches and players and just getting that same routine.
It just so happens it’s going to be in London. I try not to make too many changes, just keep it business as
usual for everybody.”
(On if he’s started to think ahead about games after London) “Yeah, you’ve got to prepare for that. You
think more about the players and getting their rest, getting back on our time zone here and all that.
Focusing on that when we get back and making sure that they take care of their bodies. It’s a long travel,
making sure that they’re doing the right things, especially when we get back.”
(On if injured players traveling have potential to play in the second London game) “In regards to [S]
Antonio Johnson, he’ll actually be able to do some things this week just individual wise to get him back
into practice a little bit. We can actually practice him next week going into Buffalo and seeing where he’s
at. There’s a chance, because he’s on the 53, so there’s a chance he could make it for the Buffalo game.
In [OLB Dawuane] Smoot’s case obviously, we want to get him acclimated into practice. Once we activate
him, we don’t have to make a decision right away. We want to see where he’s at with the rigors of
practice and understanding that. Then, [OL] Cam [Robinson], with the suspension and everything, we’ve
got permission to carry him and take him with us this week. This is game four of his suspension, so we
can actually bring him back next week if need be and get him acclimated into practice as well. All things
are shaping up for that next week as we prepare for that. Cooper [OL Cooper Hodges] we’re not going to
rush yet, there’s no need at this time and we’ll just see how he handles the two weeks over there. He
can’t, because he’s on IR, he can’t necessarily practice with the team, but he can do a lot of stuff off to
the side.”
(On message to the team of having distractions and going out while in London) “Curfew at night. It’s not
as simple as that, but that’s part of it. We’re further away from the city and some of the distractions
there. Our goal is to go over there and play two football games and ultimately, you try to win those two
games. I’ve got to trust the players and they’ve got to do the right things, they’ve got to be in the right
frame of mind. I have to put it back on them to make the right decisions and right choices. By keeping
the schedule and the routine the same, they can get into the same sort of habits that they have here. I
don’t worry about these guys getting into trouble or staying out late. Yes, I do have bed check and all
that, but that does help.”
(On what’s been seen out of LB Chad Muma) “Yeah, Chad’s been doing really well. We wanted to make
sure he continues to develop and play, not hold him back. Getting him in the football game last week was
by design. Now, he gets a chance to step up and start and be in the huddle full-time. Lean on last year a
little bit, a young player who we’re excited about. He’ll do a good job.”
(On how last year gives him confidence that the team can turn around this season) “Yes, what I’m
hearing from the guys this year, what they’re saying, what they’re talking about in the locker room and
around the building, it’s just that now we have to go do it. We can’t keep talking about it, we just got to
do it and show it.”


Obviously, the last two weeks we haven’t played well, we know that and that’s just where we stand. We
also know it’s a long season and we still got 14 more games left. Both of those things can be true and are
true. That’s just where we’re at and we understand that. We know the sense of urgency to play beter
and execute and do what we know we’re capable of, especially offensively. We have that and the guys
are ready to go, we got to go do it though. It’s litle things. I think we’ve done some difficult things and
made them look easy as far as protections, we’ve done some things that maybe aren’t easy. We’ve done
those well, but it’s the simple things that we’re not executing on. The things that we know we can do
that we’ve done in the past that we have to do to win, that’s what we’re not doing. It just takes a couple
of plays here and there, it takes one week just to get back on track and start getting that confidence back
going in the right direction. I’m looking forward to doing that this week. We’ve got a big week of prep
before we travel over there tomorrow, so today and tomorrow are critical to our planning and just
getting ready.”
(On if he grew up watching Toy Story) “I did, I wouldn’t say I’m maybe the biggest Toy Story fan, I like the
movies, I just don’t know all the characters necessarily and all that. I’ve definitely watched all of them.”
(On thoughts of being a Toy Story character on the ESPN+ broadcast) “I think it would cool and
interesting. It will be cool for the kids, I think if I was a kid and they did that for a football game, it would
be definitely entertaining and something I’d want to watch. I don’t know, do you guys know what
character I’m supposed to be? Have they said that yet? It’s just me? Oh, okay. I’m just in Andy’s Room. I
was hoping I might be Slink or something. That’s a pretty cool one. It’ll be on Disney Plus after the game,
not just live? I’ll probably watch it, turn it on. Just check it out and see how it goes.”
(On his thoughts towards working through difficult third down situations) “I trust our process and the
way we prepare. It’s proven that it works. This year we’ve had some struggles, especially on third downs.
Then, you talk about redzone against Kansas City. There’s been some struggles at times, I think it’s maybe
more attention to detail and more emphasis on certain things, but I think that our process is right. I think
we’re doing things the right way. The way we prepare, maybe it’s just more attention to detail and just
playing loose. I think we have so much talent and we’re an offense that has a lot of talent. We have the
guys to be a great offense, but we have to go out there and do it and execute. I just think when those
situations come up, just keep playing free, play like it’s a normal down. Nothing is different, it’s third
down but that shouldn’t change anything. I think that’s the emphasis too for all of us, it’s just go play.
We’ve got great players; I’m going to find them. Travis [RB Travis Etienne Jr.] is going to do the right thing
when he gets the ball, the line up front is going to match the guys and they’re going to do a great job.
We have all the right people. It’s not to overthink it, I think one thing too is that losing magnifies
everything, it always does. You can’t panic and throw everything out just because we’ve had some
struggles. Some of the stuff is just simple stuff that we’ve executed the past two years and maybe we
just haven’t for a few games for whatever reason, maybe different reasons. But you can’t panic and
throw everything away after three games. We know who we are, we know what our identity is, we know

what we have to improve on and we need to improve on them. You can’t lose all sense of who you are
after just a couple of games.”
(On imagining playing a game in London for eight years like OL Tyler Shatley) “Yeah, I can’t imagine that.
That’s a long time.”
(On him staying in the league for a long time and setting the record for most games played in London)
“Yeah, we’re double dipping this year, I got two of them. That’s crazy, Shat’s [OL Tyler Shatley] longevity
has been cool to see and he’s a good one.”
(On if he has any concerns about playing two games in London and coming back for a home game
directly after) “I haven’t even thought about it, to be honest. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. I
honestly don’t know, I don’t know how it’s going to be. It doesn’t really mater. Either way, we’re going to
have to play two games over there, come back and play again. That’s not going to change, we’ll cross
that bridge when we get there. We’ll do everything we can to stay fresh for these two games and then
traveling back, I’m sure coach [Head Coach Doug Pederson] will have a good set up for us.”
(On if friends or family is coming to London due to the longer stay) “Yeah, it depends who you are.
Marissa actually came last year and there wasn’t much time, but she did her own thing. She’ll be out
there this year, my parents are going to go and my little sister and my grandmother. We’ll have some
people out there. They’re going for both games, so that’ll be cool. We won’t have a ton of time because
we don’t have a ton of time when we’re here during the week on a home game anyways. That’s not
going to change, our schedule is pretty similar. We’ll have a day to maybe explore and hang out, just get
your mind off of it a little bit.”
(On if he can see London on his player day off next week) “Yes, we’ll have that day to do what we want
to do.”
(On what he tells WR Calvin Ridley to keep his mind in a good place) “I don’t think there’s too much to
say, I think Calvin is a great player. He’s been a great player in his years past. I don’t see a concern with
that, I’ve seen the way he works and how he’s been here. It’s just all of us, we’re all making mistakes at
the wrong times, it’s not just him. He’s gotten the spotlight this week, but it’s not just him. All of us have
to play better as well, but I think just continue to encourage him. He’s a guy that has a lot of confidence
in himself, so he’s not going to get down on himself. We have all the confidence in him, he’s going to
make those plays nine out of ten times, it just happened Sunday. That was the one time. I’m not really
concerned there, but definitely got to just keep talking to him and communicating. This is a new dynamic
with me and him, we didn’t play together in the past like some of the other guys that are on the team, so
that’s a continued progression of that relationship and things do get hard. Maybe right now he had a
litle bit of a rough week, maybe it’s later in the season when I’m not finding him and he’s playing good.
There are things that are going to continue to happen that you have to work through. I don’t have any
concern about him, he’s going to be just fine.”
(On if he has a sense of urgency to play relaxed or if that’s what he’s always done) “I think you prepare,
and this is the message for us this week, is that you should prepare and focus on all the little details as
much as you possibly can throughout the week. In walkthroughs and practice and really challenge
yourself. That’s the time when you can think a little bit and you want to see every look. It’s alright to
make a mistake. That’s when you get better and see all the looks and you learn from it. So have that
sense of urgency in practice of letting me get everything I can, get all the information, dial in on the

gameplan, know it like the back of my hand. So when Sunday comes, you just go play. Of course, there’s
going to be mistakes either way, no matter how well you prepare. There’s going to be some mistakes, but
you can just go play free and play and not think. I think that’s the biggest thing, when you’re thinking
more than you’re reacting, it’s hard to play. Especially at this level, it’s hard to play that way. I think that’s
for all of us, myself included, it’s just to continue to challenge yourself to do that and prepare that way so
when Sunday comes, you can let it go and not think. I think that’s the challenge for us this week and I’m
excited to see how we all respond.”
(On if he has confidence in the team after going through everything last season with them) “Definitely.
There’s no sense of panic, I wouldn’t say guys aren’t concerned because that’s not the right word, but we
care a lot about what we do so there is some concern when you don’t play well and you put a lot of work
in. When you don’t play well the past two weeks, that’s obviously frustrating. There’s no panic, there’s all
the belief. There’s all that there. Even last week, as bad as we played, sitting there at halftime down 17-0,
we had no doubt we were going to win the game. Second half had some bad plays and we weren’t able
to overcome it, but there’s no lack of belief and I think that’s one thing you can’t lose. You can’t ever lose
that, and we definitely haven’t, so there’s no concern there.”
(On if the change of scenery in London will benefit the team) “Yeah, I think it is good. I think we’re going
to use that to our advantage and definitely in a positive way. I think maybe that’s something that could
be good for us, to just get out of this environment. Let’s go over there and disconnect from what we
know for a little bit and go take care of business. Come back with a new sense of energy and refresh and
all that. I think we’re going to use it that way, if we weren’t going over there, I don’t think it’s something
that we’d desperately need because if we’re here, you got games to play and you got your job to do as
well. I wouldn’t say it that way, but we’re definitely going to use it as a positive for sure.”