“ME” MondayTM 8-19-19
It’s the first week back to school. Whether you have kids in school or you are an empty nester, this time of year signifies schedule changes for everyone.
The obvious modification people seem to notice is that traffic patterns change with all the teachers getting back to work and parents driving kids back to school. So, you are likely having to allow more time in your routine to get where you need to go. If you are a teacher, you have to re-adjust your summer routine to a back to work routine. If you are a working parent…WHOA! you have everyone’s schedule to re-organize including your own! There is no denying we have a work schedule, a home schedule, after school care and activity schedules to allot time for too.
It is important to remember the routines we establish also set examples for our kids to learn to develop positive habits and flexibility later as they become independent adults. Does it have to be overwhelming? I believe not.
When my kids were younger, their dad traveled all the time and I worked multiple part time jobs to be able to work around their school, homework and activity schedules. They each played an instrument, and joined special clubs at school so there were practices, concerts and meetings to put on the calendar. One played baseball. Both went to karate and then there was trying to fit in visits with friends so there would be ‘fun’ time for everyone. Sound familiar? Keeping track of all the routines was a challenge and what I wanted most was not to lose quality time with my kids.
Sometimes we can lose sight of the difference between quantity and quality; however, quality can mean much more than quantity. What if we looked at challenges as opportunities to simply make different choices?
So, if your schedules are busy with what seems like little extra time, try using the time you do have planned with the kids in a fun and positive way. Being creative can make any time, quality time. Homework time can be the time you can ask your kids questions, learn about their day, show interest in what they are learning, have them tell you about the best part of their day and why it was so good. Your children get their homework done and you get to know your children a bit better.
There’s no question there are unexpected disruptions in our daily routines; however, it doesn’t have to be about adding more hours in a day or more days in a week. It can be about adding even more value to the things we already have scheduled, another great example for our kids to experience.
Have you ever left for work, gotten into your car and realized you forgot something important in your house and had to go back inside to get it? Have you gotten stressed about being even later for work than you already are? I have!
What if you told yourself it was a good thing that happened, you slow down, take a deep relaxing breath telling yourself another minute or two won’t be a problem? What is likely to happen is your brain is now sending a positive message throughout your body instead of panic. That means we have the power to choose how your day will start.
So, it’s back to school week. Let’s look forward to making changes in our routines and doing something different. Find your positive message to help start each day no matter what change in the routine may occur. Every day will bring something new. Embrace each day with enthusiasm for the unexpected and add quality time to events already in the schedule.
“ME” MondayTM may mean back to school and work but most important it’s the day to do something especially for yourself. So, start the day looking forward to a little “ME” time and smile.
Keep it all positive! You’ve got this!
For additional tips: /https://psychcentral.com/lib/back-to-school-back-to-routines/
If you could do something for yourself right now that you are not doing, what would that be…?
To your health!
Lynn Lessell
Certified Health/Life Coach
Toll Free: 877-838-2022
PH: 561-717-3090
Fax: 561-717-3094
Direct: 561-331-6006
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