The City of Fort Lauderdale continues to make progress in updating infrastructure. The goal is to replace old underground pipes at risk of breaking and to enhance our capacity, as our population grows and as we seek ways to address the impact of climate change.
“The most recent step the City Commission has taken is to expedite the replacement of the aging Fiveash Water Treatment Plant. We have agreed to negotiate a deal with a consortium led by IDE Technologies to build and operate a new plant that will be located next to our Prospect Wellfield site at Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport,” said Mayor Dean Trantalis.
IDE comes to the table with major international experience in the development of water plants. By teaming up with them in this public-private partnership, Fort Lauderdale can build the plant faster than if we had pursued traditional methods.
“Once we finalize a contract, IDE expects to be able to build the plant and have water production underway by 2025. The plant will use state-of-the-art technology, including nano-filtration and ion exchange, to produce clean, clear, high-quality water for our residents and visitors. Yes, clear water. There will no longer be any yellowish hue,” said Trantatils. “We’ve had two major reports tell us that the 68-year-old facility has a real risk of failure. It would likely not withstand the impact of a major hurricane, and the consultant tell us that renovation and upgrades are no longer a viable option,” said Trantalis.