Jacksonville Jaguars Head Coach Urban Meyer Transcripts October 4



Monday, October 4 

(On the viral video that circulated this weekend) “I just apologized to the team and staff for being a  distraction. It’s stupid, so I explained everything that happened and owned it and just stupid. [I] should  not have myself in that kind of position.” 

(On staying in Ohio following Thursday night’s game against the Bengals) “I stayed to see the grandkids  and we all went to dinner that night at a restaurant. There was a big group next to our restaurant and  they wanted me to come over and take pictures and I did. They were trying to pull me out on the dance  floor, screwing around, and I should’ve left.” 

(On the team’s reaction to the video and his apology) “I’ve always been so defensive of them. I  remember when Trevor [Lawrence] told me he was going to go to Vegas for his bachelor party. I was  like, ‘Oh gosh man, be careful and surround yourself’ because I’ve seen this happen. The team, I spoke  to a bunch of leaders one-on-one and spoke to all the players. They’re good. They were focused on  Tennessee, and I apologized again for being a distraction. A coach should not be a distraction.” 

(On apologizing to his family for the incident) “Yeah, of course I did. That’s not me and oh yeah, they  were upset.” 

(On speaking with Owner Shad Khan about the situation) “I did talk to Shad [Khan] and [he was] very  supportive. [General Manger] Trent [Baalke], I talked to him obviously at length right when I got that  phone call that night, the next night. This is after the Bengals game. [We] had two tough injuries, but our  offense played their best game. Trevor [Lawrence] was really sharp, took care of the ball, made really  good decisions pretty much the entire game. Laviska [Shenault Jr.] played his best game. The offensive  line was very consistent. [It was] a tale of two halves. First half, we held them to 18 yards rushing. Other  than the 30-yard pass to start the game, we really kept them in check. Obviously, [they’re] a good team.  Second half, we just couldn’t get off the field on defense. [Bengals QB] Joe [Burrow] caught fire and was  identifying mismatches. We had about four or five critical errors. We had to put ourselves in position to  go win a game and we didn’t do it.” 

(On the vibe of the team following Thursday’s loss to the Bengals) “They’re focused on [the Titans]. I  think the reality is that the AFC South is within striking distance. We saw the [Arizona] Cardinals go out  and play extremely well against the Rams. We’re just trying to gauge ourselves. This team’s a much  different team than it was Week 1. Week 4, in a tough environment, to go out there and play like our  players played, [I’m] very proud of them. They came out smoking. They came out, hung in there in the  early stages. Any time you go into an arena like that, Cincinnati had a really good crowd that night, and  Trevor [Lawrence]’s poise. Our tempo got screwed up a couple times. We had to burn a couple  timeouts, a little bit too much substitution. We’re going to work through that. One time his helmet went 

dead, so we had to change helmets on him. But the team’s a much better team than it was Week 1. We  just have to keep improving.” 

(On a timetable for the return of WR DJ Chark Jr. and OL A.J. Cann) “It’s going to be awhile. I’ll know  more soon, but they’re going to be on IR. I’m not sure when we officially do that. Walker Little’s back.  Roy Roberts[on-Harris] is back. Someone has to step up. [OL Ben] Bartch went in and played, played  pretty well when he was in there. He’s been one of our most improved players.” 

(On his concern with the distraction impacting his ability to lead the team) “I am concerned about that. I  have a very good relationship with our players. I’ve dealt with this on the other side with staff members  and with other things and I’ve dealt with it. So, to say I’m concerned? Yeah, I am concerned, but I just  have to do right.” 

(On making improvements for the next couple of weeks) “There’s a big difference between once you  had the Arizona Cardinals who are a good team that we had them if we make those two extra points, I  believe it was 21-10 or something like that, and then the second half against [the Bengals], so I’m really  looking into it. I met with the coordinators [and asked], ‘What can we do differently to get that energy  and consistency and whatever adjustments that we have to make?’ because the first half, especially the  last two games, were pretty powerful.” 

(On QB Trevor Lawrence’s progression) “Yeah, he’s fantastic. He’s a hard worker and obviously [Passing Game Coordinator Brian] Schottenheimer’s doing a really good job with him. The best thing was he took  care of the ball, made the right decisions. He used his legs when necessary. You think [about] the first  couple of games, that wasn’t existent. He scrambled to the right, threw the ball down the field. He got a  couple first downs with his legs. He got down when he should’ve gotten down. He scored a touchdown.  He’s playing ‘Trevor.’ He’s playing like Trevor’s skill set. [It’s] fantastic and the team sees it, you see it at  practice. [He’s a] marked, very marked improved player right now.” 

(On the opportunity to get back into the AFC South race playing the Titans this weekend) “It’s how we  started the meeting. It’s how we started. I let the unit leaders [speak], but that’s the way the meeting  started today was the reality, is the where do we stand. The reality is that when you turn on the  videotape Week 1 to Week 4, it’s a marked improved team. If you continue to make strides, which [with]  young teams and new systems, you would expect that. I see it clear as day. I can see it in practice.  There’s a new system, a new group of players, a lot of newness everywhere. The one area that’s been  really consistent is kicking. [Special Teams Coordinator] Nick [Sorensen] and [Assistant Special Teams  Coordinator] Carlos [Polk] have done a very good job. We’re, I think that’s, four for four, other than we  had some missed field goals earlier, but our coverage units and effort has been outstanding. [In] one  phase, we’re four for four.” 

(On how soon he heard about how fans feel about the Tennessee Titans) “Day one. I think there’s a  respectful rivalry there and they’ve been good. There’s a lot of push against that team, so [from] day  one I heard about it.” 

(On replacing WR DJ Chark Jr. and who he sees as the backup swing guard) “Walker Little’s back. He was  gone for a while with COVID. So, you have our next, Will Richardson’s been another marked improved  player. He was our swing tackle. He would probably go to our swing guard. We’re going to finalize that  today and Walker would be the swing tackle. Then [the] receiver position, the guy that just keeps  making plays for us is [Jamal] Agnew. He’s been a receiver for a year. You talk about a workaholic and a 

grinder, he’s little, but he plays bigger than he is, made a heck of play Thursday. Then you have Tyron  [Johnson] who’s marked improved. He’s a very talented guy, the guy we got from the Chargers. Then  you have Devin Smith and you have [Laquon] Treadwell [who] are fighting for that last spot.” 

(On having conversations about how to prevent the defense from coming out cold in the second half)  “Yes, we have. There’s no conclusion yet. That’s ongoing, that conversation. We’ve identified five critical  errors, just turning guys loose and it’s unacceptable. You hold a team to 18 years rushing in the first half  and, I want to say, 100 yards passing, and the second half was nothing close to that. So, yes, we’ve had  that conversation and there’ll be some conclusion here in the next few days.”  

(On if the answer is getting more or less aggressive with the pass rush) “We have to get more. We’re not  getting the four-man pass rush like we need and when we do bring pressure, we’re not getting home a  lot. That’s a big concern right now.” 

(On DE/OLB Josh Allen dropping back into coverage too much) “He has to make more of an impact when  he does rush the passer, but you’re right. We’ve had conversation about that and that’s going to be  [something we have to] take another hard eval[uation] of it this week.” 

(On K Josh Lambo) “Josh Lambo’s back with us. He’s going to compete for a kicking spot this week.”