OMG.. Did I catch Dysfunctions

No, it’s not a disease or an ailment, helped with Pepto Bismol, but business dysfunctions are really as dangerous. 

GOOGLE: An organization is dysfunctional when it works in a way that is not consistent with the goal it’s supposed to pursue. What???

Does that mean you might not know if you have complex business conflicts, or even know where exist?  Staying on top of problems or providing solutions becomes a challenge if you can’t find those slippery dysfunctions. They hide everywhere. 

What you “sweat” about might be danger signs like the sudden loss of a huge customer; surprised by people burning out; costs are rising, and profits are less; surprised breakdown by equipment failures, or a million other issues. Isn’t it always worse when they happen on a Friday afternoon? 

Those pesty dysfunction are everywhere. But you say, “I’m right in the trenches with our clients, day in and day out… I “walk the walk” …my team tells me what’s happening…I know on and on….

Still those pesty dysfunctions are always there…

SO… Every business has alignment dysfunctions. Those that struggle have more; those that seeming to be running well, have less—but all businesses have them, nevertheless. …….So, find those buggers!!!!!

Stanley Labovitz, J.D., CEO

SurveyTelligence, Inc.

2640 Lake Shore Drive, Suite 1716

West Palm Beach, FL. 33404


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Author: Back From The Brink

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