INDIANAPOLIS – In an effort to provide Horizon League student-athletes with an even greater role in responding to a variety of social issues, the Horizon League is launching the “We Are All One Team” platform.
The platform is designed to expand and amplify the League’s commitment to unity, service, learning and engagement. “We Are All One Team” will provide a voice for the League, its members and student-athletes in a dynamic and unified way, and is built on the notion that although schools and student-athletes compete against each other, through a commitment to stewardship and respect, and by working together, we can create meaningful and impactful change.
“Our ‘We Are All One Team’ initiative reflects who we are as a League, but also who we want to be,” said Horizon League Commissioner Jon LeCrone. “This project is student-centered and student-focused, providing our Horizon League students with not only a voice, but opportunities to talk, learn and act. This is a starting place that can lead in many needed directions.”
Initial “We Are All One Team” programming will focus on:
1) Student-Athlete action – A subset of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) will focus on meaningful action across the League impacting social issues such as racial injustice.
2) #OneHL video series – Designed specifically to educate student-athletes and staff members regarding social and personal issues such as racial and social injustice and mental health in times of uncertainty and transition.
“As student athletes in the Horizon League, it is our duty to not only promote diversity and inclusion, but also to recognize how racism has negatively impacted minorities and especially black citizens,” said Detroit Mercy men’s soccer student-athlete Bennett Brooks. “During these uncertain times, it is vital we work together to continue to be vocal allies in support of justice and equality. The ‘We Are All One Team’ platform will spread this message and most importantly, act on it. As leaders, we have an opportunity to engage in safe practices to keep everyone healthy, and use our platform to make a difference on our teams, our campuses, and in our communities.”
The initiatives and programming will be led by the HL Student-Athlete Development Cabinet and SAAC. The platform was developed with input from the Messaging Cabinet and SAAC and is supported by the League’s Council and Board of Directors.
To find more information surrounding “We Are All One Team” go to and use #OneHL on social media.