“ME” MondayTM 3-23-2020
What do we do in this time of crisis? How do we get through this?
“ME” MondayTM was put on our weekly schedule so we can devote a little time for some self- care, some “ME” time, at least one day each week. Now is the time, more than ever before, that we need to do this every day, if possible.
Recently, I have been having many conversations that focus on fear, anxiety, uncertainty, despair, hopelessness, chronic worry, and feeling powerless.
These chats made me stop and think about myself and how I’m handling things so I wanted to share my thoughts with all of you. Thank you in advance for reading. Here goes…
This crisis does not change the love I have in my life. It doesn’t change the beauty of nature around me. We will not run out of food, so I will not starve. Business networking events are converting to online venues. Meetings I was not able to attend because of the geographic distance before all of this happened are now available as an online experience; therefore, there now are NEW opportunities! This is exciting! This crisis has not and will not change who I am or what I believe, so I tap into my core strengths regularly. Realizing that who I am is what has helped me overcome all the hard times I have faced in the past and makes me feel confident this too shall pass. It is important to stay connected with loved ones, friends and business associates through Zoom, Facebook, Messenger, Facetime, and many other online applications we already have available to us. Life will continue. It will just be a little different for a while. Though we are asked to continue social physical distance, we live during a time when technology allows us to so easily sustain and flourish with emotional social connections. So above all else, while staying connected with others, I am also staying connected with my positive core, focusing on what is positive and accepting that every challenge we face during this crisis will be another thing I have overcome and we will be okay.
As I sit at my computer connecting online or doing work, I stop every few minutes and look out the window. I stare at the trees, the blue sky, and the puffs of clouds. I reflect about how this world began with nature, no technology, heck, no toilet paper! Nature has endured time. Nature has endured fires, floods, tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, and more, yet it always bounces back. We are nature; therefore, we will prevail.
The power is within each and every one of us. If you feel like you cannot locate your power right now, it is powerful to get support to help you find it.
I invite everyone to own their own power and take it back. If you’re not there yet, start with some self-care and “ME” time. You do have the power!
Have you met the best version of yourself yet? Who would you see?
This is your now!
Lynn Lessell CHC, CLC, FBS, TCM
The Identity Coach
Certified in Health & Life Transformation

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